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IAudio.h File Reference

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struct  AudioMgrInit
 Initialization structure for the IAudioManager class. More...

struct  AudioMgrStats
 Statistics structure for the IAudioManager class. More...

struct  AudioScriptInit
 Initialization structure for the IAudioScript class. More...

struct  DLSInit
 Initialization structure for the IDLS class. More...

class  IAudioBase
 Base class defining common interface of all managed audio components. More...

class  IAudioManager
 The audio manager controls all low-level audio components. More...

class  IAudioScript
 IAudioScript is the interface for DirectMusic script objects. More...

class  IDLS
 Interface structure for DLS collections. More...

class  IListener
 IListener represents the listener around which 3D sounds are oriented and positioned. More...

class  IMusicCallback
 Music callback interface. More...

class  IPlayable
 Base class defining common interface of all playable audio components. More...

class  ISegment
 ISegment is the interface for segment audio objects. More...

class  ISound
 ISound is the interface for 2D sound objects. More...

class  ISound3D
 ISound3D is the interface for 3D sound objects. More...

struct  ListenerInit
 This structure contains all parameters needed for the IListener initialization. More...

struct  ListenerProp
 This structure contains all the 3D properties of the listener. More...

struct  SegmentInit
 Initialization structure for the ISegment class. More...

struct  Sound3DInit
 Initialization structure for the 3D ISound3D class. More...

struct  Sound3DProp
 Property class representing all commonly modified run-time sound properties. More...

struct  SoundInit
 2D sound initialization structure. More...

struct  SoundProp
 2D sound properties structure. More...


IAudioManagerAudioMgr ()

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

IAudioManager * AudioMgr ( ) [inline]

AudioMgr() is used to access a single static audio manager object from anywhere in the code.

See also:

Generated at Sun Jul 28 23:17:41 2002 for GAP Audio System by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001