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t│umaczenie: Maria Skibniewska

Through Rohan over fen and field where the long grass
The West Wind comes walking, and about the walls it
'What news from the West, O wandering wind, do you
bring to me tonight?
Have you seen Boromir the Tall by moon or by starlight?'
'I saw him ride over seven streams, over waters wide
and grey;
I saw him walk in empty lands, until he passed away
Into the shadows of the North. I saw him then no more.
The North Wind may have heard the horn of the son of
'O Boromir! From the high walls westward I looked
But you came not from the empty lands where no men
W krainie Rohan po╢r≤d p≤l,
W╢r≤d traw zielonoburych
Zachodni z szumem wieje wiatr
I w kr▒g owiewa mury.
"O, jak▒┐, wietrze, niesiesz wie╢µ,
Gdy dzie± dobiega ko±ca?
Czy╢ Boromira widza│ cie±
W po╢wiacie l╢nie± miesi▒ca?"
"Widzia│em - siedem mija│ rzek,
Dalekie mija│ bory,
A┐ wszed│ w krainΩ Pustych Ziem,
A┐ krokiem dotar│ skorym
Tam, kΩdy p≤│noc rzuca cie±...
Nie dojrz▒ go ju┐ oczy -
A mo┐e s│ysza│ jego g│os
Daleki wiatr p≤│nocy".
"O, Boromirze, z blank≤w wie┐
Patrzy│em w mroczne dale -
Lecz nie wr≤ci│e╢ z Pustych Ziem,
Gdzie ludzi nie ma wcale".

Then Legolas sang:

From the mouths of the Sea the South Wind flies, from
the sandhills and the stones;
The wailing of the gulls it bears, and at the gate it
'What news from the South, O sighing wind, do you bring
to me at eve?
Where now is Boromir the Fair? He tarries and I grieve.'
'Ask not of me where he doth dwell -- so many bones
there lie
On the white shores and the dark shores under the
stormy sky;
So many have passed down Anduin to find the flowing
Ask of the North Wind news of them the North Wind
sends to me!'
'O Boromir! Beyond the gate the seaward road runs
But you came not with the ailing gulls from the grey
sea's mouth.'
Z kolei podj▒│ pie╢± Legolas:

Od morza dmie po│udnia wiatr,
Od wydm i skalnej pla┐y,
Kwilenie szarych niesie mew
I szumem swym siΩ skar┐y.
"O jak▒┐, wietrze, niesiesz wie╢µ,
O, ul┐yj mej rozterce:
Czy╢ Boromira widzia│ - m≤w,
Bo ┐al mi ╢ciska serce".
"Nie pytaj mnie o jego los -
Odpowiem ci najpro╢ciej:
Pod czarnym niebem w piasku pla┐
Tak wiele lezy ko╢ci,
Tyle ich p│ynie nurtem rzek
I ginie w morskiej fali!
Niech ci p≤│nocny powie wiatr,
Jak▒ siΩ wie╢ci▒ chwali".
"O, Boromirze, tyle dr≤g
Ku po│udniowi goni.
A ty nie wracasz z krzykiem mew
Od szarej morskiej toni!"

Then Aragorn sang again:

From the Gate of Kings the North Wind rides, and past
the roaring falls;
And clear and cold about the tower its loud horn calls.
'What news from the North, O mighty wind, do you
bring to me today?
What news of Boromir the Bold? For he is long away.'
'Beneath Amon Hen I heard his cry. There many foes he
His cloven shield, his broken sword, they do the water
His head so proud, his face so fair, his limbs they laid
to rest;
And Rauros, golden Rauros-falls, bore him upon its
'O Boromir! The Tower of Guard shall ever northward
To Rauros, golden Rauros-falls, until the end of days.'
I znowu za╢piewa│ Aragorn:

Od wr≤t kr≤lewskich wieje wiatr
I mija wodospady -
Z p≤│nocy s│ychaµ jego r≤g -
Czy przyby│ tu na zwiady>
"O, jak▒┐ mi przynosisz wie╢µ,
O, powiedz, wietrze, szczerze:
Czy╢ Boromira widzia│ ╢lad
Na le╢nej gdzie kwaterze?"
"Gdzie Amon Hen - s│ysza│em krzyk,
Tam walczy│ ╢mia│ek m│ody;
PΩkniΩta tarcza oraz miecz
U brzeg≤w wielkiej wody.
Ach, dumn▒ g│owΩ, piΩkn▒ twarz
W m│odzie±czych dni urodzie
Raurosu ju┐ unosi nurt
Po zloto l╢ni▒cej wodzie".
"O, Boromirze, odt▒d z wie┐
Spogl▒daµ bΩd▒ oczy
Ku wodospadom grzmi▒cych w≤d
Raurosu na p≤│nocy".

Gondor! Gondor, between the Mountains and the Sea!
West Wind blew there; the light upon the Silver Tree
Fell like bright rain in gardens of the Kings of old.
O proud walls! White towers! O wingΘd crown and
throne of gold!
O Gondor, Gondor! Shall Men behold the Silver Tree,
Or West Wind blow again between the Mountains and the Sea?
Gondor miΩdzy g≤rami a morzem. Tu wiewem
D▒│ kiedy╢ wiatr zachodni... Tu nad Srebrnym Drzewem
W dawnych kr≤l≤w ogrodach deszcz ╢wiat│a trzepota│.
Mury, wie┐e, korono, o, tronie ze z│ota!
Czy┐ ludzie Drzewo Srebrne ujrz▒, o, Gondorze,
I wiatr miΩdzy g≤rami d▒µ bΩdzie a morzem?

Learn now the lore of Living Creatures!
First name the four, the free peoples:
Eldest of all, the elf-children;
Dwarf the delver, dark are his houses;
Ent the earthborn, old as mountains;
Man the mortal, master of horses:

Beaver the builder, buck the leaper,
Bear bee-hunter, boar the fighter;
Hound is hungry, hare is fearful...

Eagle in eyrie, ox in pasture,
Hart horn-crownΘd; hawk is swiftest,
Swan the whitest, serpent coldest....
Masz zapamiΩtaµ, kto ┐yje na ╢wiecie.
Najpierw wymienisz cztery wolne szczepy:
Najstarsze elfy, wszystkim przoduj▒ce;
Potem w podziemiach ciemnych krasnoludy;
Entowie z ziemi zrodzeni jak g≤ry;
Ludzie ╢miertelni, co w│adaj▒ ko±mi...

B≤br budowniczy, kozio│, ╢mig│y skoczek,
Nied╝wied╝, pszcz≤│ z│odziej, odyniec, co bodzie,
Pies zawsze g│odny, zaj▒c wystraszony...

Orze│ na szczytach, a w≤│ na pastwisku,
Jele± rogaty, sok≤│ szybki w locie,
úabΩd╝ najbielszy, najzimniejsza ┐mija...

In the willow-meads of Tasarinan I walked in the
Ah! the sight and the smell of the Spring in Nan-
And I said that was good.
I wandered in Summer in the elm-woods of Ossiriand.
Ah! the light and the music in the Summer by the
Seven Rivers of Ossir!
And I thought that was best.
To the beeches of Neldoreth I came in the Autumn.
Ah! the gold and the red and the sighing of leaves in the
Autumn in Taur-na-neldor!
It was more than my desire.
To the pine-trees upon the highland of Dorthonion I
climbed in the Winter.
Ah! the wind and the whiteness and the black branches
of Winter upon Orod-na-Th÷n!
My voice went up and sang in the sky.
And now all those lands lie under the wave,
And I walk in Ambarona, in Tauremorna, in Aldal≤mδ,
In my own land, in the country of Fangorn,
Where the roots are long,
And the years lie thicker than the leaves
In Tauremornal≤meδ.
Pod wierzbami, │▒kami Tasarinan chodzia│am wiosn▒.
PiΩkna by│a i pachn▒ca wiosna w Nantasarion.
I rzek│em sobie, ┐e wiosna jest dobra.
Pod wi▒zami, po lesie wΩdrowa│em latem w Ossiriandzie.
Jasno by│o, pie╢± dzwoni│a latem nad Siedmiu Rzekami Ossiru.
I pomy╢le│em, ┐e lato od wiosny jest lepsze.
Pod buki Neldoreth zaszed│em jesieni▒.
Z│ota by│a i czerwona, li╢µmi wzdychaj▒ca jesie± w Taur-na-neldor.

I wspanialsza mi siΩ zda│a ni┐ wszystko na ╢wiecie.
MiΩdzy sosny na wy┐ynie Dorthonion wspi▒│em siΩ zim▒.
Wiatrem szumia│a, ╢niegiem biela│a zima nad Orod-na-Thon.
ªpiewa│em z rado╢ci, a g│os wzbija│ siΩ pod niebo.
Dzi╢ wszystkie te krainy zala│a fala,
A ja chodzΩ po Ambaronie, Tauremornie i Aldalome,
Po ojczystym kraju moim, do Fangornie,
Gdzie korzenie w g│▒b siΩgaj▒ daleko, Gdzie lat wiΩcej przeminΩ│o ni┐ li╢ci
W Tauremornalome.


When Spring unfolds the beechen leaf, and
sap is in the bough;
When light is on the wild-wood stream,
and wind is on the brow;
When stride is long, and breath is deep, and
keen the mountain-air,
Come back to me! Come back to me!
and say my land is fair!


When Spring is come to garth and field,
and corn is in the blade;
When blossom like a shining snow is on the
orchard laid;
When shower and Sun upon the Earth with
fragrance fill the air,
I'll linger here, and will not come, because
my land is fair.


When Summer lies upon the world, and in a
noon of gold,
Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves the
dreams of trees unfold;
When woodland halls are green and cool,
and wind is in the West,
Come back to me! Come back to me! and
say my land is best!


When Summer warms the hanging fruit and
burns the berry brown;
When straw is gold, and ear is white, and
harvest comes to town;
When honey spills, and apple swells, though
wind be in the West,
I'll linger here beneath the Sun, because my
land is best!


When Winter comes, the winter wild that
hill and wood shall slay;
When trees shall fall and starless night devour
the sunless day;
When wind is in the deadly East, then in
the bitter rain
I'll look for thee, and call to thee; I'll come
to thee again!


When Winter comes, and singing ends;
when darkness falls at last;
When broken is the barren bough, and light
and labour past;
I'll look for thee, and wait for thee, until we
meet again:
Together we will take the road beneath the
bitter rain!


Together we will take the road that leads
into the West,
And far away will find a land where both
our hearts may rest.

Gdy w bukach wiosn▒ pΩka li╢µ
I kr▒┐y sok w ga│▒zkach;
Gdy le╢ny strumie± w s│o±cu l╢ni, Trzepoce w wietrze wst▒┐ka -
Gdy pe│ny oddech, d│ugi krok,
A powiew w wiatr siΩ zmienia -
Wr≤µ do mnie, mi│a, by mi rzecz,
»e piΩkna moja ziemia!

»ona Enta

Gdy wiosna go╢ci po╢r≤d p≤l,
Gdy ╝d╝b│o nasieniu rade,
Gdy okwiat niby l╢ni▒cy ╢nieg
Kr≤luje ponad sadem,
Gdy s│o±ce i wiosenny deszcz
Sad w wonny bukiet zmienia -
ZostanΩ tutaj, bo i tu
Te┐ piΩkna moja ziemia!


Gdy lato ogarnΩ│o ╢wiat,
A w po│udnowym skwarze
Pod dachem li╢ci drzewa ╢ni▒
Sen najpiΩkniejszych marze±,
Gdy w lesie groty wabi ch│≤d,
A wiecz≤r tonie w cieniach -
Wr≤µ do mni, mi│a, by mi rzecz,
»e lepsza moja ziemia!

»ona Enta

Gdy lato grzeje owoc drzew
I gdy dojrzewa w ╢liwach,
Gdy z│ote ┐d╝b│o i bia│y k│os -
Gdy ju┐ sko±czone ┐niwa,
Gdy jab│ko ╝ra│e, s│odki mi≤d
I coraz wiΩcej cienia -
ZostanΩ tutaj, gdzie m≤j raj,
Bo lepsza moja ziemia.


Gdy przyjdzie zima, kiedy mr≤z
Po╢cina lodem rzeki,
Gdy wst▒pi noc, bezgwiezdna noc
Na nieba szlak daleki,
Gdy ╢mierci▒ wionie wschodni wiatr,
Zapukam do twej bramy -
I w mro╝ny deszcz, o, mi│a ma,
Na pewno siΩ spotkamy!

»ona Enta

Gdy przyjdzie zima, ╢cichnie pie╢±
I ╢wiat ogarn▒ cienie,
Gdy ga│▒╝ z hukiem trza╢nie w p≤│,
Zn≤j p≤jdzie z zapomnienie -
Zapukam wtedy do twych drzwi,
A kiedy siΩ spotkamy,
P≤jdziemy razem w mro╝ny deszcz
Za domu tewgo bramy.


P≤jdziemy razem drog▒ dr≤g
Na zach≤d w obc▒ stronΩ -
I tam znajdziemy wreszcie kraj
I szczΩ╢cie wymarzone.

O Orofarnδ, Lassemista, Carnimφriδ!
O rowan fair, upon your hair how white the blossom lay!
O rowan mine, I saw you shine upon a summer's day,
Your rind so bright, your leaves so light, your voice so cool and soft:
Upon your head how golden-red the crown you bore aloft!
O rowan dead, upon your head your hair is dry and grey;
Your crown is spilled your voice is stilled for ever and a day.
O Orofarnδ, Lassemista, Carnimφriδ!
O, Orofarne, Lassemista, Karnimirie!
JarzΩbino - kto╢ tw≤j d│ugi w│os ustroi│ w bia│y kwiat.
JarzΩbino moja, tw≤j l╢ni▒cy str≤j ozdob▒ z│otych lat.
Ga│▒zek ki╢µ i lekki li╢µ, │agodny szum i szept,
Tw≤j rudy czub po│▒czy│ ╢lub z b│Ωkitem g≤rnych nieb.
JarzΩbino - dzi╢ ju┐ martwy li╢µ - i kruchy, siwy w│os,
Bo nadszed│ dzie±, ┐e skrusza│ pie± i ╢cich│ na wieki g│os.
O, Orofarne, Lassemista, Karnimirie!

We come, we come with roll of drum; ta-runda runda
runda rom!
We come, we come with horn and drum: ta-runa runa
runa rom!
To Isengard! Though Isengard be ringed and barred with
doors of stone;
Though Isengard be strong and hard, as cold as stone and
bare as bone,
We go, we go, we go to war, to hew the stone and break
the door;
For bole and bough are burning now, the furnace roars --
we go to war!
To land of gloom with tramp of doom, with roll of drum,
we come, we come;
To Isengard with doom we come!
With doom we come, with doom we come!
Naprz≤d, naprz≤d, bΩben nasz gra: ta-randa randa randa ram!
Naprz≤d, naprz≤d, bΩben dudni i r≤g nam gra: ta-runa runa runa ram!

Na Isengard, na Isengard!
Z│y czeka los kamienn▒ wlo╢µ!
Choµ Isengard, jak hardy czart
I g│adki do╢µ, jak go│a ko╢µ -
Dzi╢ ka┐dy woj z nim stoczy b≤j
I d╝wignie g│az i w d╝wierza prask!
Ju┐ pie± siΩ tli, pryskaj▒ skry,
B≤j wzywa nas - idziemy wraz!
Na Isengard, i mieczem w pier╢, niesiemy ╢mierµ!

Where now are the D·nedain, Elessar, Elessar?
Why do thy kinsfolk wander afar?
Near is the hour when the Lost should come forth,
And the Grey Company ride from the North.
But dark is the path appointed for thee:
The Dead watch the road that leads to the Sea.
Gdzie┐ to Dunedainowie, o, Elessarze?
Kt≤┐ twoim krewnym w wΩdr≤wkΩ i╢µ ka┐e?
To, co zgubione, ju┐ z mg│y siΩ wy│ania,
Z p≤│nocy jedzie ju┐ szara Kompania.
Dla ciebie mroczna ╢cie┐yna, s▒siedzie;
Trup strze┐e drogi, co ku morzu wiedzie.

Legolas Greenleaf long under tree
In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea!
If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore,
Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more.
O, Legolasie, dobrze ┐y│e╢ w lesie
W ci▒g│ej rado╢ci. Teraz morza strze┐ siΩ!
Gdy krzyk us│yszysz mewy o wieczorze,
Serce twe nigdy nie spocznie ju┐ w borze!

Where now the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that
was blowing?
Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair
Where is the hand on the harpstring, and the red fire
Where is the sping and the harvest and the tall corn
They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind
in the meadow;
The days have gone down in the West behind the hills
into shadow.
Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning,
Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?
Gdzie┐ teraz je┐dziec i ko±?
Gdzie┐ r≤g, co graniem wi≤d│ w pole?
Gdzie┐ jest kolczuga i he│m
I w│os rozwiany na czole?
O, gdzie jest harfai d│o±,
Gdzie ogie± z│otoczerwony
Gdzie jest czas wiosny i ┐niw,
Gdzie zbo┐a dojrza│e p│ony?
Wszystko minΩ│o jak deszcz,
Jak w polu wiatr porywisty,
Na zach≤d odesz│y dni
Za g≤ry mroczne i mgliste...
Kt≤┐ bΩdzie zbiera│ dym
Martwego lasu, co zgorza│,
Lub patrza│ na przep│yw lat,
Co przybywaj▒ od morza?

In Dwimordene, in L≤rien
Seldom have walked the feet of Men,
Few mortal eyes have seen the light
That lies there ever, long and bright.
Galadriel! Galadriel!
Clear is the water of your well;
White is the star in your white hand;
Unmarred, unstained is leaf and land
In Dwimordene, in L≤rien

More fair than thoughts of Mortal Men.
W Dwimordenie, w Lorienie
Rzadko ludzkie b│▒dz▒ cienie,
Rzadko cz│owiek widzi blask,
Kt≤ry l╢ni tam caly czas.
Galadrielo, patrz, przejrzysta
Woda w studni twej i czysta.
Bia│a gwiazda w bia│ej d│oni.
Niezniszczalny, niesplamiony,
Li╢µ i kraj - o piΩkne ziemie
W Dwimordenie, w Lorienie,
Ponad ludzkie rozumienie!

Arise now, arise, Riders of ThΘoden!

Dire deeds awake, dark is it eastward.
Let horse be bridled, horn be sounded!
Forth Eorlingas!
Wsta±cie, je╝d╝cy Theodena!
Czas drogi nadszed│, chmurzy siΩ wsch≤d,
Siod│ajcie konie, dmijcie w rogi!
Naprz≤d, Eorla plemiΩ!

Ere iron was found or tree was hewn,
When young was mountain under moon;
Ere ring was made, or wrought was woe,
It walked the forests long ago.
Choµ mocny jest i twardy, zimny jak g│az, nagi jak ko╢µ Isengard,
Naprz≤d, entowie, wojna, wojna! R▒baµ kamienie, waliµ mury!

Ents the earthborn, old as mountains,
the wide-walkers, water drinking;
and hungry as hunters, the Hobbit children.
the laughing folk, the little people.
Entowie z ziemi zrodzeni, starzy jak g≤ry,
Co chodz▒ lasami i wod▒ siΩ poj▒,
I weso│e hobbity, ┐ar│oczne jak my╢liwi,
Skore do smiechu, a ma│e jak dzieci.

Tall ships and tall kings
Three times three,
What brought they from the foundered land
Over the flowing sea?
Seven stars and seven stones
And one white tree.
Wysokie statki, wysocy kr≤le,
Trzy razy trzy,
C≤┐ to przywie╝lli z zapad│ych krain
Przez morskie mg│y?
Siedem gwiazdeczek, siedem kamieni,
Drzewo, co biel▒ gal▒zek l╢ni.

The cold hard lands
they bites our hands,
they gnaws our feet.
The rocks and stones
are like old bones
all bare of meat.
But stream and pool
is wet and cool:
so nice for feet!
And now we wish --

Alive without breath;
as cold as death;
never thirsting, ever drinking
clad in mail, never clinking.
Drowns on dry land,
thinks an island
is a mountain;
thinks a fountain
is a puff of air.
So sleek, so fair!
What a joy to meet!
We only wish
to catch a fish,
so juicy-sweet!
Ziemia zmarzniΩta
Stopy nam pΩta
I rani rΩce.
G│azy jak gnaty,
Kt≤re przed laty
By│y czym╢ wiΩcej -
Lecz w stawie woda -
C≤┐ za och│oda
RΩkom i stopom.
Naszym ┐yczeniem

Nie dyszy pier╢,
Zimny jak ╢mierµ;
Nie │aknie, a pije wi▒┐ wiΩcej,
W kolczudze - ┐elazem nie brzΩczy;
Sucha ziemia - on tonie,
Wyspa - a on w tej stronie
Widzi olbrzymi▒ g≤rΩ;
Fontanna tryska w chmurΩ -
On okiem swym
W fontannie widzi dym.
O, c≤┐ to za wesele!
A dla nas chyba
Jaka╢ by ryba
Po│askota│a gardziele...

Grey as a mouse,
Big as a house,
Nose like a snake,
I make the earth shake,
As I tramp through the grass;
Trees crack as I pass.
With horns in my mouth
I walk in the South,
Flapping big ears.
Beyond count of years
I stump round and round,
Never lie on the ground,
Not even to die.
Oliphaunt am I,
Biggest of all,
Huge, old and tall.
If ever you'd met me
You wouldn't forget me.
If you never do,
You won't think I'm true;
But old Oliphaunt am I,
And I never lie.
Szary jestem jak szczur,
Wielki - jak mur,
M≤j nos jak w▒┐, jak tr▒ba.
Kiedy ╢r≤d trawy st▒pam,
Doko│a ziemia dr┐y
I drzewa trzeszcz▒.
W pysku mi b│yszcz▒ k│y
A uszy k│api▒ - k│ap, Gdy na po│udnie cz│apiΩ - cz│ap!
Od ilu┐, ilu┐ lat
Lecz nawet w ╢mierci chwili,
Gdy mi siΩ │eb pochyli -
Nikt mnie nie ujrzy, bym siΩ k│ad│!
Ja jestem O-li-fant,
Pustyni pan,
Olbrzymi, stary Olifant...
Kto raz mnie ujrza│, taki cz│ek,
Zachowa obraz m≤j przez wiek.
Kto mnie nie widzia│, b▒d╝my szczerzy -
W istnienie moje nie uwierzy,
Bom Olifant, co radziej
WΩdruje, ni┐ siΩ k│adzie.

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