KR╙LA" t│umaczenie:
Maria Skibniewska
the land there lies a long shadow,
westward reaching wings of darkness.
The Tower trembles; to the tombs of kings
doom approaches. The Dead awaken;
for the hour is come for the oathbreakers;
at the Stone of Erech they shall stand again
and hear there a horn in the hills ringing.
Whose shall the horn be? Who shall call them
from the grey twilight, the forgotten people?
The heir of him to whom the oath they swore.
From the North shall he come, need shall drive
he shall pass the Door to the Paths of the Dead. |
krajem wielki zaleg│ Cie±,
Za zach≤d czarnym srzyd│em siΩga,
Dr┐▒ mury wie┐y; ku monarch≤w grobom
Nadci▒ga zguba. Budz▒ siΩ umarli.
Bije godzina dla wiaro│omc≤w.
Aby stanΩli zn≤w u G│azu Erech,
Gdzie im g│os rogu echo g≤r przyniesie.
Czyj to r≤g zagra? Kto rzuci wezwanie
I lud z pomroki wskrzsi zapomniany?
Potomek tego, kt≤remu przysiΩgli,
Z p≤│nocy przyjdzie w wyrocznej godzinie,
I drzwi przekroczy na ªcie┐ce Umar│ych. |
dark Dunharrow in the dim morning
with thane and captain rode Thengel's son:
to Edoras he came, the ancient halls
of the Mark-wardens mist-enshrouded;
golden timbers were in gloom mantled.
Farewell he bade to his free people,
hearth and high-seat, and the hallowed places,
where long he had feasted ere the light faded.
Forth rode the king, fear behind him,
fate before him. Fealty kept he;
oaths he had taken, all fulfilled them.
Forth rode ThΘoden. five nights and days
east and onward rode the Eorlingas
through Folde and Fenmarch and the Firienwood,
six thousand spears to Sunlending,
Mundburg the mighty under Mindolluin,
Sea-kings; city in the South-kingdom
foe-beleaguered, fire-encircled.
Doom drove them on. Darkness took them,
horse and horseman; hoofbeats afar
sank into silence; so the songs tell us. |
mrok≤w Dunwahrrow, przez poranek szary
jecha│ syn Thengla wraz z dru┐yn▒ sw▒:
do Edoras przyby│, do zasnutych mg│▒
staro┐ytnych siedzib Rohanu stra┐nik≤w;
poz│ociste bramy w ciemnej sta│y mgle.
Po┐egna│ ju┐ by│ sw≤j rodzinny dom,
tron i lud sw≤j wolny, miejsca u╢wiΩcone,
gdzie d│ugo, a┐ ╢wiat│a poblad│y,
Naprz≤d jecha│ kr≤l, strach pozosta│ za nim,
los nieznany przed nim. Wierno╢µ z sob▒
z│o┐one przysiΩgi wype│ni│ do cna.
Naprz≤d jecha│ Theoden. PiΩµ nocy i dni
na wsch≤d, wci▒┐ na wsch≤d pr▒ Eorlingowie
przez Bruzdy, przez Bagna i lasy
w sze╢µ tysiΩcy w│≤czni, a┐ do Sunlending,
do Mundburga mocy pod Mindolluin▒,
miasta kr≤l≤w Morza w Kr≤lestwie Po│udnia,
kt≤re obleg│ wr≤g i ogniem otoczy│.
Los tak ich tam gna│. Ciemno╢µ nios│a ich,
i konie, i je╝d╝c≤w; ko±skich kopyt stuk
ton▒│ w ciszy: tyle powiada nam pie╢±. |
now, arise, Riders of ThΘoden!
Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!
spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,
a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!
Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor! |
siΩ, je╝d╝cy Theodena!
Srogi was czeka b≤j, ogie± i rze╝!
Niejedna w│≤cznia wypadnie z r▒k,
Niejedna pΩknie tarcza,
Czerwonym b│yskiem miecz
Rozja╢ni dzie± przed ╢witem.
Naprz≤d, naprz≤d, do Gondoru!
Naprz≤d, naprz≤d, do Gondoru! |
servant yet master's bane
Lightfoot's foal, swift Snowmane. |
ko± lotny i wiernego serca
Z wyrok≤w losu pana w│asnego morderca. |
of doubt, out of dark to the day's rising
I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
To hope's end I rode and to heart's breaking:
Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red nightfall! |
zw▒tpieniach i mroku przed╢witu
Pie╢ni▒ i nagim mieczem powita│em s│o±ce.
Walczy│em do kresu nadziei, w ┐a│obie serca,
Noc zajdzie w krwawej │unie nad ostatni▒
klΩsk▒. |
heard of the horns in the hills ringing,
the swords shining in the South-kingdom.
Steeds went striding to the Stoningland
as wind in the morning. War was kindled.
There ThΘoden fell, Thengling mighty,
to his golden halls and green pastures
int he Northern fields never returning,
high lord of the host. Harding and Guthlßf,
D·nhere and DΘorwine, doughty Grimbold,
Herefara and Herubrand, Horn and Fastred,
fought and fell there in a far country:
in the Mounds of Mundburg under mould they lie
with their league-fellows, lords of Gondor.
Neither Hirluin the Fair to the hills by the sea,
nor Forlong the old to the flowering vales
ever, to Arnach, to his own country
returned in triumph; nor the tall bowmen,
Derufin and Duilin, to their dark waters,
meres of Morthond under mountain-shadows.
Death in the morning and at day's ending
lords took and lowly. Long now they sleep
under grass in Gondor by the Great River.
Grey now as tears, gleaming silver,
red then it rolled, roaring water:
foam dyed with blood flamed at sunset;
as beacons mountains burned at evening;
red fell the dew in Rammas Echor. |
o brzmi▒cych rogach po╢r≤d wzg≤rz,
mieczach po│yskuj▒cych w Kr≤lestwie Po│udnia.
Rumaki popΩdzi│y jak poranny wiatr
do Stoninglandu. Rozgorza│a wojna.
I zgin▒│ Theoden, potΩ┐ny Thengling,
pan zbrojnych zastΩp≤w, do z│otych pa│ac≤w,
zielonych │▒k p≤│nocy nie powr≤ci│ nigdy.
Harding i Guthlaf, Dunhern i Deorwin,
dzielny Grimbold, Herefara, Herubrand i Horn,
i Fastred wlaczyli i polegi tam,
w kraju dalekim: w grobowcach Mundburga
spoczywaj▒ pospo│u z panami Gondoru,
swymi sprzymierze±cami. Szlachetny Hirluin
do nadmorskich wzg≤rz ani Forlong stary
do kwitn▒cych dolin Arnachu ju┐ nigdy
nie powr≤c▒ w tryumfie; ni smukli │ucznicy,
Derufin i Duilin, nie wr≤c▒ do czarnych
jezior Morthondu ukrytych w╢r≤d g≤r.
ªmierµ rankiem i kiedy ju┐ ko±czy│ siΩ
pan≤w bra│a i s│ugi. Od dawna ju┐ ╢pi▒
pod traw▒ Gondoru, gdzie brzeg Wielkiej Rzeki,
teraz szarej jak │zy, srebrem po│yskliwej.
Wtedy by│y czerwone jej pieniste wody:
krwi▒ barwione gorza│y w zachodz▒cym s│o±cu;
niby wici p│onΩ│y g≤ry o wieczorze;
czerwie± ros▒ spada│a na Rammas Echor. |
the black breath blows
and death's shadow grows
and all lights pass,
come athelas! come athelas!
Life to the dying
In the king's hand lying! |
czarnych potΩg tchnieniu,
Gdy zab≤jcze rosn▒ cienie,
Gdy ostatni promie± zgas│,
Ty nas ratuj, athelas!
RΩk▒ kr≤la li╢µ podany
Wraca ┐ycie, goi rany! |
flow the streams from Celos to Erui
In the green fields of Lebennin!
Tall grows the grass there. In the wind from the
The white lilies sway,
And the golden bells are shaken of mallos and
In the green fields of Lebennin,
In the wind from the Sea! |
p│un▒ rzeki od Kelos do Erui
Przez zielone│▒ki Lebenninu!
Bujna ro╢nietrawa, na wietrze od Morza
Lilie siΩko│ysz▒.
Dzwoni▒ z│ote dzwonki, mallos i alfirin,
Na wietrze od Morza. |
western lands beneath the Sun
the flowers may rise in Spring,
the trees may bud, the waters run,
the merry finches sing.
Or there maybe 'tis cloudless night
and swaying beeches bear
the Elven-stars as jewels white
amid their branching hair.
Though here at journey's end I lie
in darkness buried deep,
beyond all towers strong and high,
beyond all mountains steep,
above all shadows rides the Sun
and Stars for ever dwell:
I will not say the Day is done,
nor bid the Stars farewell. |
zachodnich krajach, w s│o±cu wiosny
kwiaty siΩ budz▒, kwitn▒ drzewa,
ruszaj▒ wody, ╢piew radosny
ptak≤w, byµ mo┐e, tam rozbrzmiewa.
Lub mo┐e tam, bezchmurn▒ noc▒
buki wiatrami ko│ysane,
Elficznych gwiazd klejnoty rodz▒
w ga│Ωzie ich wczesane.
Tutaj, u kresu mej podr≤┐y,
spoczywam pog▒┐ony w mroku
z dala od wie┐ dumnych i du┐ych,
z dala od g≤r wysokich;
tam nad cieniami s│o±ca blask
i gwiazd tam milion l╢ni:
lecz ja nie ┐egnam ╢wiat│a gwiazd,
ani s│onecznych dni. |
live the Halflings! Praise them with great
Cuio i Pheriain anann! Aglar'ni Pheriannath!
Praise them sith great praise, Frodo and Samwise!
Daur a Berhael, Conin en Annun! Eglerio!
Praise them!
A laita te, laita te! Andave laituvalmet!
Praise them!
Cormacolindor, a laita tarienna!
Praise them! The ring-bearers, praise them with
great praise! |
┐yj▒ nizio│ki! Chwa│a im!
Kuio i Ferian anann! Aglar'ni Feriannath!
S│awa Frodowi i Samowi!
Daur a Berhael, Konin en Annun! Eglerio!
Chwa│a im!
A laita te, lata te! Andave laituvalmet!
Kormakolindor, a laita tarienna!
Chwa│a im! Powiernikowi Pier╢cienia s│awa na
wieki! |
the Sea, to the Sea! The white gulls are crying,
The wind is blowing, and the white foam is
West, west away, the round sun is falling.
Grey ship, grey ship, do you hear them calling,
The voices of my people that have gone before me?
I will leave, I will leave the woods that bore
For our days are ending and our years failing.
I will pass the wide waters lonely sailing.
Long are the waves on the Last Shore falling,
Sweet are the voices in the Lost Isle calling,
In Eressδa, in Elvenhome that no man can
Where the leaves fall not: land of my people for
ever! |
Morze, na Morze! Krzycz▒ mewy bia│e,
Dmie wicher i pianΩ rozprysku▒ fale.
Na zach≤d, gdzie kr▒g│e zapada siΩ s│o±ce!
Statku, o szary statku, s│yszysz wo│aj▒ce
G│osy tych, co odeszli, kt≤rych jestem bratem?
Nasze dni ju┐ siΩ ko±cz▒, ju┐ nam ci▒┐▒
OdejdΩ i opuszczΩ las, kt≤ry mnie zrodzi│.
Przep│ynΩ wielkie wody w mej samotnej │odzi.
Na Brzeg Ostatni fale szeroko siΩ nios▒,
Brzemi▒ s│odko na Utraconej Wyspie g│osy
W Eressei, w Kraju Elf≤w dla ludzi nie znanym,
Gdzie li╢µ z drzewa nie spada, gdzie lud m≤j
kochany! |
now, ye people of the Tower of Anor,
for the Realm of Sauron is ended for ever,
and the Dark Tower is thrown down.
Sing and rejoice, ye people of the Tower of
for your watch hath not been in vain,
and the Black Gate is broken,
and your King hath passed through,
and he is victorious.
Sing and be glad, all ye children of the West,
for your King shall come again,
and he shall dwell among you
all the days of your life.
And the Tree that was withered shall be renewed,
and he shall plant it in the high places,
and the City shall be blessed.
Sing all ye people! |
ludzie z Wie┐y Anora,
Bo ju┐ skruszona moc Saurona
I w proch upad│a Czarna Wie┐a.
ªpiewajcie, ludzie ze Stra┐nicy,
Bo niedaremna wasza stra┐,
PΩk│a ┐elazna Czarna Brama,
Przekroczy│ j▒ zwyciΩski kr≤l.
ªpiewajcie, wolnych kraj≤w dzieci
Bo wkr≤tce wr≤ci do was kr≤l
I bΩdzie mieszka│ w swej stolicy
Odt▒d na zawsze ju┐,
Drzewo, ci zwiΩd│o, zn≤w rozkwietnie,
Kr≤lewsk▒ rΩk▒ zasadzone,
A gr≤d szczΩ╢liwe pozna dni.
ªpiewajcie wszyscy rado╢µ wasz▒! |
of doubt, out of dark, to the day's rising
he rode singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
Hope he rekindled, and in hope ended;
over death, over dread, over doom lifted
out of loss, out of life, unto long glory. |
zw▒tpieniu, po nocy, na spotkanie ╢witu
Jecha│ z pie╢ni▒ ku s│o±cu z nagim mieczem w
Wskrzesi│ zmar│▒ nadziejΩ i z nadziej▒
Pokona│ ╢mierµ i trwogΩ, i losu wyroki,
A za cenΩ ┐ywota s│awΩ zdoby│ wieczn▒. |
Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet. |
wybiega hen, gdzie╢ w dal,
Za drzwiami siΩ zaczyna tu┐,
Daleko zasz│a droga ta.
Kto mo┐e, niech j▒ goni ju┐!
Niech w podr≤┐ now▒ puszcza siΩ,
Lecz ja zdro┐one nogi mam,
ªwiat│o gospody wzywa mnie,
Prze╢piΩ siΩ i wypocznΩ tam. |
round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate,
And though I oft have passed them by,
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun. |
wie, co zakrΩt bliski kryje,
Drzwi tajemnicy, dziwn▒ ╢cie┐kΩ.
Tylem j▒ razy w ┐yciu mija│,
A┐ przyjdzie chwila, gdy nareszcie
Otworzy mi siΩ droga nowa
Tam, dok▒d ksiΩ┐yc nam siΩ chowa,
I zaprowadzi mnie najdalej,
Tam, sk▒d nad ziemi▒ s│o±ce wstaje. |
Elbereth Gilthoniel!
silivren penna miriel
o menel aglar elenath,
Gilthoniel, A! Elbereth!
We still remember, we who dwell
In this far land beneath the trees
The starlight on the Western Seas. |
Elbereth Gilthoniel!
Silivren penna miriel
O menel aglar elenath,
Gilthoniel, A! Elbereth!
W dalekich krajach, w zielonym borze
PamiΩta│ lud nasz Gwiezdny blask,
Co srebrem l╢ni nad Morzem. |