Alien Images/Photos

[IMAGE] Art receives in the mail, a laboratory container containing a supposed alien fetus from the Roswell crash. Notice the radiation warning. Subsequent Geiger counter tests revealed no such radiation.


[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Here are the drawings from K.T. Francovich of the alien she claims to have had an encounter with. Her story can be heard via our Linda Howe archives, or through a later appearance on Coast to Coast, see Program Summaries. Posted 1/30/98.


[IMAGE] From the Producers of Strange Universe: Two young men in Michigan who are wedding videographers said they had recieved an anonymous package in the mail with an out-of-town postmark. Inside the package was a videotape of what appears to be the dead body of an alien being. The two said since they received the package, they feel as though they've been followed and that there was a mysterious fire at their office.


[IMAGE] [IMAGE] These alien photographs have been identified by a fellow surfer Matthew O'Donnell writes: ...I can identify it - in fact I've got one myself! It's a dried "devil fish" (at least that's the name it was given where I bought mine) - a kind of ray (like a stingray) found in the sea. I bought one about 10 years ago when I was on holiday in Torquay. It's looks really strange from the underside (as the photos are), but from the top you can see (and smell!) that it is just some sort of fish.


[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Three pictures of skulls of unknown origin, compared with modern human skull, from CD-ROM "The Search for Ancient Wisdom", by Robert Connolly. First two in Peru, Museum of Paracas. The third in Mexico. Visit the Skulls from Ica, Peru and Merida, Mexico web site.


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