Ghost Gallery

NOTE: Remember folks, we don't insist any of these are real, but are posted for your enjoyment and consideration. We post what the submitter claims. We leave it up to you to decide what is real and what is phoney.

From: "TB"

I'm sending this picture of my niece that was taken a little over a year ago... She was almost 11 at the time. Back when she was around 4 or 5 years old an older lady that lived below us who was psychic said that she (my niece) would have some psychic powers as well, but they wouldn't develop until later in life, I don't know if that has any signifigance at all, but just a little background. This picture is unaltered, all the other pictures in the roll are perfect and none had anything like this on them. I still have the original picture as well as the negatives. What is it? We don't know, aura maybe, guardian angel maybe, trick of light. The picture was taken by one of her friends, and the pose was just a silly Spice Girls pose she was striking. You may need to resize it some because when I scanned it I wanted as much detail as possible to look for images or anything, do you see any?



Here is a picture taken recently on my 18th birthday. When I first saw it I thought it was very odd that this picture had some sort of white "thing" on them. Having some background in photography, I figured it was some sort of printing error. However, when I took a look at the negative, the "thing" appeared there as well. Whether it is some sort of spirit or ghost, I have no idea, but it is peculiar.


From: Douglas

This is a picture I took of my wife on holloween , the thing is that she is wearing a nurses scrubs that belonged to my departed sister in law (passed on 1 year) it was the first time these were worn after her death, she was a nurse...i took the pic with a cheap JamCam camera with no flash.... i cant explain the weird lights below my wife..


From: Jack Falsom

We were taking pictures for our website with a simple disposable camera and were shocked when this photo came back. I'm not really sure the history of the area around our warehouse, but a lot of our workers won't venture into the cast staging areas after daylight. I always thought it was a little creepy myself...just because the nature of our work. I had the picture developed twice from the negative and both times this is exaclty what appeared. Even more shocking is the negative shows no signs of these 'streaks'.

(Note: I had sent a picture a few months back of the 'Lady with ShotGun'. At that time I really didn't belive in all this stuff...since receiving many emails from your listners, some positive some negative...Im slowly moving into a believer in this sort of stuff. I'm a little reluctant to share another find for fear of any backlash from listeners. I'm not sitting drumming photos up to make a name for myself...I have much better things to be doing with my time.


From: Chelsea Stevens

These 3 pictures are to be shown on Art's site. I think the could possibly be real.

#1. Angel In The Trees: So I was at the local cemetary taking pictures for my future cemetary coffee table book and saw a tree with a horizontal branch. So all alone, I said out loud, "Okay everyone, come on and sit on the branch and say cheese!" Well, when I got the picture back, there wasn't anyone sitting on the branch, but it looks like a angel was trying to get out of the camera shot. Last month when showing this photo to a friend,, I noticed on the bottom of the screen, there's a headstone and a faint shadow of a black cat sitting on top of it. You can't see it on the scanned photo, but on the real one, it sure looks like a cat!


#2 I don't know if this is just my crappy $20 camera getting a reflection off of something, but I like the colors that seem to eminate off of the ceiling above my fiance. There's always a cracking noise coming from this part of the ceiling too. Maybe it's just the 1965-built apartments, but maybe it's another kind of being making the noise......


#3 My son Xander posed for this picture at the Japanese Gardens in Portland, Oregon. It is a very spiritual place where some come to meditate and it is very peaceful. It kind of looks like something holding onto his arm or just standing next to him. Of course we didn't see a thing when the picture was taken.


Thanks for letting me share my pictures with the world.

From: Bernadette Phelps

I was taking promo shots for my friends band "Glimpse." I took two shots in the same place. The first one had no spooks. The second one had many. In the first shot they all stood next to each other. In this shot one person knew to move over.


From: "Karen"

Hi...I listen to your show once in awhile as I drive to work in the early mornings always with a "grain of salt" and find it entertaining. I know you have discussed "ghosts" that show up in photographs and actually found one myself. I'm doing a photo project, a family calendar for Christmas, and ran across the attached photo that looks like a ghost in the background. I'm not sure where the original is although I could probably find it if I had to. This was one that I had transferred to a disc sometime ago. Let me know what you think please.


From: "Laura Fabrizio"

This photo is taken by me looking into my kitchen. It appears that there is an ectoplasmic substance coming in from the window above my friends head. You can't tell it, but I am sitting on a couch taking this picture of my friend. Just to my right and on the right hand side of the picture, you can see what appears to be an arm or something. I have had professionals look at this picture and they can't explain what is on there. Oddly enough, the date on the photo just happens to be the 10th anniversary of my mom's death. Thought this was interesting.


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