Ghost Gallery

NOTE: Remember folks, we don't insist any of these are real, but are posted for your enjoyment and consideration. We post what the submitter claims. We leave it up to you to decide what is real and what is phoney.

From: "Jeff Martin"

My friends and I were out doing some stuff a while back and we took this picture after all our work was done. You can see in the back our nice toilet paper job and in the front you can see what looks like two ghost's faces. One face is in the middle of the picture and the other is just up and to the left from that. I don't know what is up with this picture, but i thought that it looked pretty cool.


From: "Anthony Keith"

We'd like to submit the following two photos for your review. The first one, with the rainbow, was taken on October 14, 2001 overlooking the north side of our home from the deck. Below you'll notice a pond where we seem to keep getting a lot of strange photos. The second photo was taken November 10th overlooking the same pond at sunrise (trying to capture the golden reflection on the pond). On the second photo, there was NO FOG that morning. I took a total of three photos; the first and third photo shows no fog; however, the second photo shows this "face". The rainbow photo is the sixth photo of about ten. The other photos show nothing abnormal whatsoever. Neither "object(s)" were seen at the time that the photos were taken. What do you think that these can be??


From: Audra Roat

I was on the Art Bell site looking at the ghost pictures and saw the last one on the first page. I scanned a picture of my ex-boyfriend Phill and I that was taken in just outside of Florence, OR at the coast on August 16th, 2000. I admit I am a bit skeptical of the picture, but I wanted to submit it because it is similar to the other one on Art's site, and it's fun to entertain the possibility of it being an appirition/ghost. What do YOU think?


From: Pamela

I took this photo while on a class trip to Washington, D.C., in March 1994. This was taken in Arlington National Cemetary of Robert Kennedy's grave. Other students took a picture of this site and did not have anything show up, unlike mine. To the right of the flowers, "someone" is kneeling. This photo freaks out everyone I show it to, and I wanted to pass it along to you all.


From: Sean

Here is a picture I took about four years ago in my previous house. The house's previous owned was stabbed while coming home from Santa Cruz. I have experienced several strange events in that house, and was shocked to notice the strange face in the window behind me. Whether it is a ghost (I think so) or unusual shadows I cant be sure. Nevertheless, it is a pretty strange photo that I thought I would share.


From: Don Asher

This photo was taken with a digital camera looking into an apartment I was about to move to. The figure of the man dressed in clothing from the early 1900s is not my reflection. I have photos with my reflection and they have a very different quality. The apartment was built in 1921. I don't know the history of the place.

I only lived in the apartment for a year. Some nights I would I hear footsteps in the hallway stopping outside my bedroom door or whispered conversations coming from the living room. One night at 3:00 am I was awaken by a big BAM! that shook my bedroom and caused a picture on my the wall to fall to the ground. But none of my neighbors heard or felt this noise.


From: Gary N.

Took these two pictures on 10/30/01. I am building a shed at my place in central Kentucky. I made this little platform on and old set of table saw legs to hold my new table saw and decided to snap a picture of it before it got too dark outside and then immediately took a picture of the shed I had been working on all day long. I came in and downloaded three pictures off the camera so I could send them to a couple friends on the internet who are following my construction project. I got a cold chill when I saw what the camera caught.

I have shown the picture to several people and they think I have captured a ghost both forming up and then dissipating. Didn't go back outside last night after seeing these pictures. The third picture I took in this series was completely clear of anything strange.

I have taken hundreds of pictures with this Olympus Camera and never have had it do anything other than than take crystal clear pictures. I wasn't smoking and it was not raining. There was no wind either. Still gives me a chill.


From: Teddy Whittenbarger

This next photo was taken last Halloween 2000.At a Halloween party at my Apt. I am posing with my friends wife Jessica,Who made her own Costume by Hand I was Impressed.I was thinking about how to pose for the photo when One of my friends took it. I am dressed as Gene Again.what is odd about this photo is the odd shape that looks like it is jumping into the photo from my Hall way. It looks like the shape of a Cat.One of my Cats did pass away in my Apt. years ago. Odd things have happened since that photo was taken and even before it was Taken. I will get to that in a moment. The night of my party I had wittnesses to a strange happening.I had these little figurines in my Kitchen window. One of these figurines was thrown into my sink. Not once but three times! Now when the photo was Taken there was no smoke in my Apt. I asked my guests Kindly to smoke on my porch if they had to. I also had a Fog machine on the porch but not inside the Apt. That's why I find the photo a little strange. Because there was no smoke any were when it was Taken.

Long before the party and the photo I have had strange things happening within my Apt. On one night when I first moved into my Apt. On Oct 15,1998 at about 5:30Am. I will never forget that night.Most of my friends do not believe that it happened. But I don't care because I know it did. Because I saw this thing with my own Eyes. I was awakened because I had to go to the rest room.I sat on the corner of my bed. Started to get up to walk to the bathroom. When I saw this Black shape standing in my Hall way. The light from the moon was shining through my Kitchen window it was hitting the figure giving it a glow or a outline. At first I thought this was some one dressed in black that had broken into my Apt and was going to kill me in my sleep. I could not see any features except for the eyes and the outline of the body! The glow from the moon light hitting the form was not blue but a shade of Green. Also the eyes had a shade of green as well. The figure was looking about my Room it did not notice me at first that I was looking right at it. It moved to the side just a little thats when I learned this was the shape of a Woman and not a male. It made eye contact with me. It's eyes began to glow a brite green.I shut my eyes at this point.And said to myself I am not seeing this thing.I opened my eyes and the shape was gone I jump up out of bed turned on my lights. Checked my windows none were broken and I checked my doors they were both locked! There was no way any one could have gotten in with out me hearing them Break in. I hate to say it I left the lights on the rest of the night. Since that night my alarm clock has gone off at strange hours. Now heres the wild part it is turned Off! The Alarm has not been set to go off! I also have this KISS wall clock that runs on batteries.It starts and stops on it's own.It may have a short in the wires I don't know I just leave it alone now and let it start and stop when ever it wants. I have even had a Video thrown at me while watching TV one night last Dec. Nothing like that has happened since. But it was Thrown at me I used my arm to deflect it from hitting me in the face. I'd Say I think my Apt. is Haunted by what I don't know. When I first learned of the Artbell show by a coworker the first night I heard the show Art was Talking about these things now known as "Shadow People" it sent a chill up my spine. I am not sure if this is what I saw that night in my Apt. But it sort of fits the description of it. Every now and then something strange happens in my Apt. But I hardly pay any attention to it now. But the photo tells it all wouldn't you say? The object has freaked some of my Friends out after seeing it.


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