
James A. Meyer ( writes:

I recently became aware of your web site when a friend mentioned it, and I decided to take a closer look since I'm somewhat interested in the paranormal (although some of it just plain freaks me out!) After seeing the photos of "chem trails" I realized I had seen a similar occurrence myself and even had a photo; I'm forwarding it to you as I thought you might be interested given the situation surrounding the events when / where it was taken. Feel free to post it on your site if you like; I only ask that you please withhold my e-mail address if you do decide to post.

I was a U.S. Marine during the Gulf War and just prior to the commencement of the ground engagement we were camped on the Kuwaiti border, just a stone's throw on the Saudi side. I forget the actual date, but one morning I noticed how colorful the sky was and how the con-trail was so unusual. I snapped this picture and it's been a favorite ever since. Funny: I hadn't even thought about why it was so unusual. So after the pics on your site refreshed my memory, I brought this thing out again to take a closer look. In addition to the chem trail, there's what looks to me like a face in the cloud at the upper left corner that I had never noticed. It immediately took my attention before I could even give thought to the main subject.

The original was a standard "film" type picture, but I snapped a digital pic of it in order to share with you. There's some minor blotching at the bottom and along the left side which I think is reflection or glare that happened during this reproduction because it's not on the original, and there are a few small dark lines in various spots, including one that's red in color on the horizon, which are ink spots and my own (unintentional) doing. You see, I had the original pinned above my desk at work and occasionally the pens would get a little rambunctious. Otherwise there are no modifications to it, it has not been re-touched.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts, if any, regarding the photo. Thank you and take care.


John A. Agnew, J.D. writes:

Was out shooting some train pictures and saw these chem-trails forming in the sky. Took all of these from the same location, the first at 4:45p.m. and the last at 4:55p.m. in Royal Oak, Mi, 10 miles north of Detroit, MI. They look somewhat different than the photos you currently have on your site. Have never seen this kind in the area before? Possibly they are a new type or application. sends us:

I live in a small town in south east Kentucky. I walked outside and noticed several dispersing trails. When I grabed the digital camera they were finishing up the "tic-tac-toe" board. I believe there were about 3 planes laying down these trails. I'm not a big "conspiracy theory" believer but I thought this to be very odd. sends us:


Ron ( sends us:

I'm in north central South Dakota and these are the contrails and resulting cloud cover that are being made every week over the skies of South Dakota. The contrails are being made by one or two aircraft flying in circles. Just got a digital camera so I thought I'd send you a couple pix....;)


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