Fun Fotos

From "Black Knight"

St. Marys WV is the only known town in the US with a train running down the middle of their Main Street.


From: Jesse W Hecksel

My name is Jesse Hecksel. I listen to The Art Bell show, when I can, on WOOD 1300 Grand Rapids, MI.

I was listening to the show on Feb. 26, 2002 about the debate of creation vs. evolution. It just so happens that I drew a cartoon about this subject about 2 weeks ago. I would love to have you use it on the web site if you think it's good enough.



View "Lighting Farts" MPEG FIle

From: Rick Krsticevic

I don't know if you heard, but here in Wisconsin where I live and listen to you on Newstalk 1130 WISN, we have a serious problem with Mad Deer disease. (chronic wasting disease)

Our DNR has identified several infected animals in the herd, and officials are worried the disease could be transmitted to humans. They have authorized a series of "kill offs" where the entire deer populations in affected areas will be wiped out, so that officials can repopulate with clean animals. Tomorrow (Saturday) is the first deer kill in central regions of Wisconsin.

This is a very serious matter, and I decided to take the "edge" off by making the attached humorous clip.

View Mad Deer Windows Media File sends us a photo of Art's special guest.


From: "My Bell"

On the show this morning, a caller spoke of a small pig-like creature with a human face, that had crawled out of the sewer to munch on debris in the street. Could THIS be said creature???





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