Ghost Gallery

NOTE: Remember folks, we don't insist any of these are real, but are posted for your enjoyment and consideration. We post what the submitter claims. We leave it up to you to decide what is real and what is phoney.

From: "Donna Bush"

This is a picture of my mother and sister dancing at my sisters wedding and there is a face looking out at you in my mothers hair. I couldn't believe it when my dad pointed it out. We think it is my mothers, mother watching over us. As you can see she has a huge smile. I hope that you I will get to see this on your web site.


From: Anna

This picture was taken by my uncle, Bob while visiting France with my aunt, Donna. They were in Sant Michelle (I'm not sure of the spelling) My uncle took the picture because it looked like there were ghosts there because of the way the light was, but if you look above that, you'll see this white cloudy figure (it looks that way because it's being seen through this dimension from the other.)

I KNOW lots of ghosts because I go out-of-body and that's where they are. They look and sound just like regular people do, but because we're in another dimension than they are, it's all distorted. (That's why they sound so weird when the GIS records them.)


From: "Melody Frye"

I just saw your new ghost photos posted on and I would like to submit this photo for your consideration as it is very similar to the one with the gravestones and energy surrounding them.

It was taken with a Polaroid instant camera so it can't be a developing problem and it cant be a double exposure. It was Christmas morning 1977 and I am the girl sitting on the floor. My back seems transparent (see through). My sisters are sitting on the couch and behind them is a big picture window. The Christmas Tree lights were not on and the only source of light was the picture window.


From: (

This pic was taken for a photography final. Me and my girlfriend found out about the house from her sister a few weeks before. The story is that about 2 years before there had been a double homicide that involved drugs, and that the house was now up for sale. When we checked it we were amazed to find the body out lines still visible through the large window with the boards in front of it. Shortly after my girlfriend got creeped out and we left. When i developed the pictures I didn't notice anything... until visiting your site and looking at the ghost pics, I remember looking over at the photo on my wall and saying "What the hell is that?" You can clearly see a figure in the right window exactly where one of the outlines could be seen, and a face in the one boarded up.. At first I thought it was just reflected light, but the light source was coming from the other side of the house, there could have been no way that those light shapes could have been caused any other way. Weird eh?


From: John McCabe

One night my wife, daughter and her friend had gone to Ole Bull State Park in Northwest PA. to do some fishing and to enjoy their playgrounds. It had gotten dark and the fishing poles were put away and the girls started playing on the playground. I bought my camera along and took 3 pictures within 30 seconds of each other. My family members are not smokers and state parks limit where you can make fires. Obviously the playground is not one of those areas. My wife and I were watching the girls play and saw nothing in person like you see in the downloaded pictures off of my digital camera. In the 1st picture something begins to show up in the right hand corner, the 2nd to me shows a hooded ghost(dark eyes) in the bottom left and other people have seen other ghosts in other areas upon examining the photos and the 3rd which I stood in the same place for but zoomed in for shows nothing.


From: Chris

Back in October of 2000, I went on a trip to Egypt with Sylvia Browne and about 249 other people. �For the first three days, my camera, a $35 35mm basic instamatic Konica, functioned normally - �it did take an unusual picture or two, but nothing really stunning. � Then I took it into the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid, where the flash died and the camera just plain freaked out. �Ever after that, it took just pictures that were either *obvious* light problems with the camera...or unexplainable ones like these. � MANY unexplainable ones.

The picture of the spirit: As best as I can discern from the sequence of rolls (which I kept numbered), this picture was taken the day we went to the Temple of Isis on the Isle of Philae...its not a statue, its not any person I recognize, and it certainly does not appear to be a person with clothing above their waist - and I think I would have noticed if I was that close! ;)Everyone who has seen it has had the same reaction I did - they put the photo down quickly (I acutally dropped it). �I sent it and some of the other weird pictures to Sylvia, and she said that this person is the spirit of Nefertiti.

The views of the sarcophagus: These were taken the first day in the Cairo Museum, before my camera truly went whacko. �They were taken at the most ten seconds apart, because I knew I screwed up the first one. �I must note that the lighting in the museum was not good enough and not a particular style that would have caused the odd lights in the second photo (and the upper left of the first). �Reason I'm sending this one is because of something a psychic friend of mine said, and while I can't see it, I wonder if other people can. �The granite figure in the bottom of the sarcophagus is Nut (Noot), who is supposed to be there, holding the dead person, who was long removed from this particular sarcophagus. �However, my psychic friend claimed that he saw a headless body laying in sarcophagus as well. �I'd like to know if anyone else can see the same.


From: "Rick Lee"

A couple of years ago, my wife Nancy and I took a trip to New Orleans. While we were there, we went on a tour of the Haunted areas sponsored by a tour group through "Sightings". One of the many places we visited was an old Hotel that had at one time served as an Orphanage during the Civil War. Perhaps you will be familiar with this place as I continue to relate this story and the photo attached. We'd been told of a duel of sorts on a landing of a long staircase, and how often people had seen this old Civil War soldier (handlebar mustash) wandering the halls of the Hotel. Additionally, we'd heard how a fire had occured at another time where several of the children were burned to death on the upper floor, and how often they were heard to be singing, laughing, and even wandering the halls.

Anyway...we were escorted outside where the courtyard was and given a history of the Hotel and its inhabitants. I decided to take a few pictures of the place while we were outside. One of which again is attached. We got home, developed the film, and initially thought there was something wrong with the pictures. There are a series of three, the first of which was just the faint traces or beginnings of some kind of fog moving in it seemed like. The the photo attached, and then a more distorted image suddenly leaving the area. We looked at the photo,

Now as you will see...I have it sitting on it's side for a clearer image of what we "first" saw. The building then in the photo is standing on end. However...if you look at the window pain of the building, you will see this in the position of the Ghost's left eye...if you see that, the rest of the features of the "Child's" face, nose...mouth, slightly extended chin come very much into view here.

We were amazed at what we saw..and invited some friends to look at it to see if they could see what we were seeing without telling them what it was. A friend of ours immediately said that he saw the Man's face very clearly! Looking at it again...we suddenly saw a second face in the photo. Now...look at the were the Child's mouth is...This becomes the "eyes" and eyebrows of the Man's face that suddenly appears. If you see the handlebar mustash, BRIGHT WHITE with a small opening where is mouth is. His ears...his hair...everything suddenly become very distinguishable and you can go back and forth between the childs face and the man's "stern" looking face in the photo.

We immediately contacted sightings and after they saw the photo I am showing you, had us send them the negatives for further study and review, which we did. They wrote us back and said that their experts had evaluated the negatives, photo's etc, and they had NOT been doctored, nor was there anything wrong with the film, nor because of the density (being able to see the image of the building through the mist) as anything other than "unexplainable" and highly probable Ghostly images.

Personaly, I think this photo ranks as one of the best I've seen for multiple images, as well as cleary defined expressions. I hope that you will be able to see what all of us can see, and will post it for your audience to judge for themselves.


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