Hiatus from Broadcasting

Welcome Back Art

On October 13th, at 2:55 AM, Art announced to his listening audience, he is quitting his talk radio show. The full transcript of Art's announcement is below. Subsequently, he has made additional announcements and eventually returned to the air after two weeks. If this is all new to you, start at the bottom of the page, as updates are posted in reverse order, the latest at the top.

Art Returns

UPDATE 10/28/98 - Art Bell Version 2.0 is released. Art is back.

Hello there. Well, I'll keep it brief. I didn't make a big deal out of it when I left, in fact I made a very MINOR deal out of it when I signed off the air. I just said, 'This is the end of my career and I'm signing off the air.' I did that at the last hour of the show and I did it for reasons that I'm sure you all.... Well there's probably more theories about why I did it than who shot Kennedy. I really can't add to any of that. I can detract from a lot of it and tell you what it isn't, but I can't tell you what it is.

When I signed off the air, I told you that it had to do with a terrible life-threatening event that occurred to me, to my family actually, a year ago and events that were subsequent to that and that was it. I was off the air. Well, that's still true. That event occurred and became an absolute crisis on the night that I signed off... actually prior to it. Something that I thought would take my complete full-time attention and for a period of time, of course, it did. Boy, did it! So, it was a very sad thing for me and since then there has been an outpouring and I want to thank all of you for that.

I have had thousands of faxes, thousands of e-mails, thousands of letters... beyond comprehension... at levels, I'm telling you, completely beyond comprehension... and for that I thank all of you individuals out there. You know, listeners.

My affiliates have been incredibly supportive. Through all of this, incredibly, we didn't lose one affiliate. As a matter of fact, I'm going to welcome three new affiliates here in a moment.

The Press... mmmm-mmmm... little did I know what would occur. Within 24 hours, I had a full-time encampment of Press around my home. I had people doing radio remotes... minute by minute stuff... from outside my home. I had just about every single major network here interviewing... not me, because I wasn't going to come out and talk to them... but my neighbors. Mainly people who had never met me, but they cheerfully sat out there and they gave interviews about Art Bell... saying not much because they couldn't say much about me. They don't know me... closest neighbors. So, I would say the last couple of weeks have been... I mean, helicopters were landing here. This went on, this is STILL going on. In fact, earlier today we had an encampment of the Press out here. So, it's been indescribable.

During this time, my network stepped in and helped me. That's what has made possible my return tonight. Now, not that what happened didn't happen. It's not that what happened is still not very serious and life-threatening, because it is. Obviously I would love to be able to tell you about it. Believe me, I would. But, if I did, I would IMMEDIATELY harm my family and so I'm not going to do that.

Now, quite a few in the Press have the full story. NBC has it. Several local television stations in Las Vegas have it. Even "The Globe" has it. And they all, believe it or not - in some cases it's harder to believe than others - decided, for legal reasons or ethical reasons one might hope, to not run the story. So, the story is not yet public and, as I mentioned, I'm not going to make it public. I will not intentionally hurt anyone in my family. BUT, it is on its way to getting better! Something I didn't think could occur. In fact, I really anticipated the worst.

So, I know that's cryptic and it's probably not enough of an explanation for you, but it IS the truth. My guess is that this will all become public in the next few weeks... days, weeks and probably not months. I hope it NEVER becomes public, frankly! But, my guess is, within weeks, somebody will decide not to be ethical, or not to fear legal consequences, and will break the story. When that happens, you know and then I'll tell you about it.

So... there you have it.

-- Art Bell

Transcribed by: Caro

The Song

Here is a song written and performed by Noel Selders (Waumis@aol.com), about Art Leaving the air waves.

[STREAM] [Download] Low Bandwidth 16-kbps Mono Real-Audio (28.8 Modems)
[STREAM] [Download] High Bandwidth 80-kbps Stereo Real-Audio (ISDN or larger)
[Download] MP3 High-Quality File, 3.5 MEG (Requires MP3 Player)

That's my Radio
Can I sit here all alone?
Can't hear you on the phone
Are we done? Or will there be some more?
And my blood rushed to the floor
What you're listening to right now
is my final broadcast on the air

It's the feeling that won't sit easily
It's appealing - to think that there will be
All the times you've spent
Taking us around
All the things you said
Bringing all of us around
Bringing all of us around
Bringing all of us around
Bringing all of us off the ground
I am going off the air and uh - and - and will not return
I am going off the air and uh - and - and will not return
I am going off the air and uh - and - and will not return

The Third Announcement of Art

UPDATE 10/23/98 - Art made his third announcement at the beginning of the show Friday night. It was a prerecorded annoucnement. You can listen to it via Real-Audio or read the full transcript here:

Greetings to you again from the Kingdom of Nye. While all the difficulties that caused me to so unexpectedly and quickly leave the air, have NOT been resolved yet, they remain as grave as any family would ever face. The situation has improved to some degree, and I pray it'll continue to do that. I WILL NOT further exacerbate the crisis by making public what should remain private. In my position, I trust you'd do no less. Should the matter however become public despite my best efforts, I will have, believe me, a very great deal to say about it.

To again state as categorically as I'm able, this was not any kind of hoax or stunt, it was not a contract ploy nor a negotiation tactic for more money. Money has never been a goal for me in doing this program, NEVER. Not so much as one dot on an I or cross on a T has changed in my contract. This was and is a family crisis, PERIOD. My network has been nothing but helpful and supportive. And there are too many people to thank individually including all of you, thank you.

My sincere thanks to Hilly Rose for keeping the live forum going during all this, on I might add, very short notice. So I'm very happy to report, I WILL RETURN to Coast to Coast AM and Dreamland beginning Wednesday night, October 28th. 'Til then, from the high desert, goodnight.

-- Art Bell

UPDATE 10/21/98 - Art will be making another announcement at the beginning of Friday's program.

[STREAM] [Download] Keith Olbermann who hosts "The Big Show" on MSNBC, presented this report, using the bogus "Single Seven" Internet message as his source. While Mr. Olbermann presents this in a humorous way, it isn't so funny, when the issues with Art are so serious. Click on the Speaker Icon to hear the report.

In case you did not see the BOGUS posting made on the Internet by an Art Bell imposter, here it is, remember this is NOT from Art Bell:

Subject: My leaving
From: Art Bell (artbell@aol.com)
Date: 10/14/98 3:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Message-id: (36251F6A.5F27@aol.com)

To my loyal fans:

I want you to be the first people to know what is going on and I'm sorry I can't go into more detail but I will give you what I can.

About a year ago I was contacted by a person claiming to be from the future. He called himself Single Seven. He said that he had come back on a mission to find certain species of fruits and vegetables that can grow in hotter climates. To make the long story short, Single Seven told me he had gone back and researched me and said there had been a terrible tragedy that happened to Ramona and me. I lived but Ramona did not. Let me tell you there have been threats on my life in the past and not just empty threats. There are some leaders of this country that find my program to be of great danger to their agenda. The only way that, hopefully, I can change this situation is to do completely opposite of what I would have done that would lead to Ramona's demise.

About a year ago on my first contact with Single Seven he told me some things that would take place within this year and everyone of them has happened exactly as he said. He called me about a week ago and told me it is time for me to do what I have to do. He gave me one sign that would show me he was telling the truth. I took last week off as you know and the sign came exactly as Single Seven had said. Now that I am off the air there are some things that should happen including one big event. If that event happens, as Single Seven says it will, I will be safe to be back on the air in a few weeks.

You people have been fantastic. I'm sorry I can't tell you more right now but you will find out soon enough. Please pray for me and Ramona, our safety depends on God's help.

Until I talk to you again,


The above posting was NOT from Art Bell, but has been the source for many stories printed and aired by respectable media outlets.

Art's Second Announcement

UPDATE 10/19/98 - Art gives us an update on the situation which was played from tape on Monday nights program, which was hosted by Hilly Rose. He says:

Greetings to you from the Kingdom of Nye. Tuesday morning October 13th without prior notice to anybody without being advised or pressured by anyone, I resigned my position as host of this program. I did it for the reasons I gave then, because of a terrible life-threatening event which occured to my family about a year ago, as well as events subsequent to it. Although there is, (and I want to be sure you understand this), no immediate danger to my family. What did occur then, absolutely requires my full-time attention now. And to not give it right now, would surely be negligent and neglectful of those I love. Also to disclose details of what did occur, would have a rather immediate negative affect on my family and I will not do that.

Several news organizations, broadcast and print media, have uncovered what went on. So far, perhaps because of legal ramifications or one might hope ethical behavior on their part, they've chosen not to proceed with the story. For this I'm very thankful. Of course as soon as I can, if the story breaks, and I will not be the one to break it, I will discuss it with you, I'll tell you all about it.

You know developing this program, over the past 14 years, has been one of the great joys of my life. And you should know I miss it terribly. I'd like to sincerely thank everybody who has sent their heartfelt support to me. And there are many of you.

Since my resignation, my network has been doing their very best to help resolve the situation, frankly I on the night I resigned, I thought it could not be resolved. Now, I hope it can. Allowing me to return to what I love doing so much! But I need more time. While I can't discuss what in fact did occur, I can say this -- It certainly was not a publicity stunt or contract ploy as rumored by my competitors and detractors. It is real and serious. This should become self-evident to you when you know, and you will know.

I believe personally in the power of prayer, if you do, for now, that's how you can help. Goodnight.

-- Art Bell

UPDATE 10/17/98 - Art will make a statement this Monday night at the opening of the program. Then Hilly Rose will guest host the show for the remainder of the week. (As stated in the press release below.)

There is encouraging news to be able to suggest, from the most recent press release from Premiere, that Art could be returning in a short while. While I've not been told of any specific date of return, it has been suggested in the Richard Hoagland statement, Art will be returning. We will have to still wait and see if he really does. No decision has officially been made yet. Let's wait until Monday night. Art probably won't be able to tell us the reasons yet, so please don't bug him to tell. He will tell us when he can, like he stated last Monday night. I'm personally hoping for his return by Oct 30th, for Ghost to Ghost! One of the best shows of the year for me.

I do not know anything more than what I post here, please don't ask for any more details, I don't have them to give out. I do check with Art to dispell the rumors, but that's all I got. Keep checking here for updates.

UPDATE 10/16/98 - Latest Press Release from Premiere Radio Networks:

Premiere Radio Networks
Statement to the Press
Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell
Dreamland with Art Bell

October 16, 1998, Kraig T. Kitchin, President/COO of Premiere Radio Networks today announced, "Premiere Radio Networks will continue to distribute both Art Bell's Coast to Coast and Dreamland programs in the regularly scheduled time slots. For a short duration, Art has requested special guest hosts to do his show. On October 19, veteran talk radio broadcaster Hilly Rose will be the first of several potential guest hosts. The program's tradition of including knowledgeable guests will continue during this period.

Art Bell will make a statement to his listeners during the first hour of his broadcast on Monday October 19 on Coast to Coast with Art Bell."

[IMAGE] Here Art sneaks behind the bushes and snaps a picture of Mr. KABC's helicopter after it landed next to Art's home Tuesday afternoon. Mr. KABC didn't get to see Art and left shortly after.


NY Post prints the bogus Single Seven story without checking out our rumor mill denials. See story called: Art Bell Sends Fans Mysterious Message

UPDATE 10/15/98 - I do not know the date of the past program that Art made mention of the event, however as I recall, he did not give any more information than he did this week. Here are today's rumors to kill:

  • KeithR was NOT in the UnderNet IRC channel last night, that was a fake. I was in the EFNET channel only.
  • Art did NOT make any posting to the USENET group providing an explanation regarding a communication with Single Seven.
  • Art was NOT on the Ham Radio afterwards and the transcript circulating of said conversation is bogus.

UPDATE 10/14/98 - In order to dispell rumors and correct errors in the media reports, I'll provide the following update:

  • Art is currently NOT being threatened, his family's safety is not in danger, unless you count the onslaught of media.
  • Art did NOT disconnect his phone and vacate his home. He is still home safe and sound.
  • Art is still age 53, not 51 or 52 as reported. He did NOT travel back in time.
  • NO ONE has recently threatened or intimidated him, to force him off the air. It was truely his personal decision as he stated on the air.
  • Art DOES have personal security, you've been warned! Stay Away!
  • The web site will remain operational and all material will remain online, including the audio archives at Broadcast.com. Please don't suck the web server of all data.
  • I am still updating the site with replay guest info, links, and any other items that come my way. The Message Boards are still operational.
  • So far, all web page sponsors are still supporting the site. No financial help is needed at this time, I'll let you know if I need help in the future.
  • The web server has been running at full tilt max all day. It is functioning, but a wait of 30 seconds for a response is not unusual.
  • Premier will be running Best-Of shows and I will list those on the home page as I get them from the network. Expect at least a week or two of replays before any permenant decision of replacements are made.
  • I will post any updates that I can here, please don't email me and ask for more details, I cannot respond.

Original Announcement

You may recall about a year ago... I told you that there was an event, a threatening terrible event occured to my family, which I could not tell you about. Because of that event, and a succession of other events, what you're listening to right now, is my final broadcast on the air. This is it folks, I'm going off the air and will not return. And what I will tell you now is what I told you then. When the time comes when I can tell you what occurred, I will tell you, through the press, through the media, of one sort or the other. I will explain to you the entire thing, it's not that I want to hold anything back from my audience, however, for the protection of my family, until it is otherwise revealed, I can't discuss it, I won't discuss it. And if you were in my position, you would do exactly the same thing. And when you finally hear whatever it is, what it is, whenever you hear it, I think you will then understand.

At any rate, I wanted to tell you, I didn't want to go without saying a word, so I'm telling you now. What you are listening to, is MY FINAL BROADCAST. It's been a good run, and you've been a great audience, and it's been an absolutely incredible forum. And my presumption is, that the forum will continue. At any rate, it certainly is my hope, that the forum will continue.

And again when the time comes, when this information can be released, you can be sure that I will release it, and I would assume because of the magnitude of the forum that I have held, at that time, you'll get the whole story. But the time will come when I will tell it.

So for now and the foreseeable future, that's it! That is the end of this man's broadcast career. So, thank you, and goodbye...

-- Art Bell
2:50 AM, Oct 13, 1998

I want to personally thank Art Bell for the wonderful relationship I've had with him and the opportunity to work with him over the years. It has been a great ride and I cherish every moment. I want to wish him a peaceful and safe hiatus from radio broadcasting. (I think he'll be back!)

-- Keith Rowland
The Humble Webmaster