Crop Circles

NOTICE: Some of the circle formations shown here are courtesy of the Crop Circle Connector web site. The Crop Circle Connector is a separately operated web site, overseas in the UK.

[IMAGE] Strange Attraction

Its made from a simple triangle section, which creates the central portion of the design. Around its perimeter has the star segments seen on the bigger designs at Silbury and Milk Hill.



August 8th, below Milk Hill at Alton Barnes, 200 feet, wheat. Very Similar to the earlier Silbury Hill formation, except the interior of this one has standing crop with an inward-facing fractal pattern. And, I estimate there are 204 circles - a new record.


[IMAGE] Koch Snowflake, Silbury Hill

Situated to the northern side of Silbury Hill, towards Avebury is a representation on a Koch Snowflake, or a Fractal Star of David. These are accurate explanation to what the design is. It consisted of 126 circles (Including Central Circle) and with three circles on each of the star triangular sections. They are placed around the perimeter of the formation, with two different sizes of circles on each side of the triangles.


[IMAGE] Morestead, Nr Winchester, Hampshire.

Located within the village of Morestead, some 5 miles south east of the town of Winchester is this very well defined formation resembling a Maltese Cross design, or more comical respresentation of the Batman symbol.


[IMAGE] HenWood Down (The Ant)

Situated within the Meon Valley close to the village of West Meon, is what can be described as an insect type design, some calling The Ant.


[IMAGE] Backyard, USA

Wow! A circle in our own back yard!


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