Ghost Gallery

Gabe in San Diego writes: Here is a pic that I took of my friend kindling a fire. See anything wierd in the fire? Any faces? Look closely.

David K Woolsey says: I took this picture 2 weeks ago with a new fuji 1300, out behind my home. (See a Ghost Horse?)

Byron Whitesides send us:

Max Alamo writes:

A co-worker of mine took this shot from his digital camera. Mr. King was at my place of employment promoting an up-coming boxing match. We must have taken over 100 pictures of him. Anyway I just wanted to submit for your evaluation.

Brian Burress, Lorain,Ohio writes:

This past summer my wife Laura took our nephew Brandon (the young man in the picture) out to Elmwood Cemetery here in Lorain, Ohio to do a photo shoot. When the pictures were developed she noticed the anomaly in the upper right hand area of this photo. It is neither a lens flare nor is it a reflection and it only appeared in this picture.. It was around midnight when this photo was taken, so there were no other cars or lights nearby in the cemetery. I have zoomed in on the figure many times, and have noticed that its aura seems to be wrapping around the tombstones in that area.

Russ & Terry Giardino send us this unretouched photograph taken Feb. 10th 1999 from their porch in Galesburg, IL. The picture has been rotated 90 degrees to view the image.

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