Ghost Gallery

Bill Doyle, Boston, MA writes:

I recently found a roll of film from our trip to Montreal. After getting the pictures from the developer, I nearly passed out from horror when I viewed this photo. In it, you can see the outline in the middle ground of what appears to be a glowing adult male standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

What makes this picture so creepy is that we had been warned by a cab driver about strange "sightings" in the area. We probed him for information, but he immediately changed the subject and refused to say any more about it. Having done a little research on my own (i.e., asking around at a local tavern), I learned that a 31 year old man had recently hanged himself in one if the adjacent apartment buildings. I never believed in the supernatural before this. It has changed my belief system forever.

Larry Savage writes:

This is a picture I took after decorating my sister-in-law house for a Halloween party last October for her daughter. I don't know if you consider this a ghost picture or not, be sure is a funny looking something coming out of the pumpkin. It was taken with a digital camera. I took another picture right after this one and it looked OK.

Shawn Westbrooks sends us:

I took this photo several years ago of a friend during a hunting trip. When the film was developed, a face appeared on the right side of the picture. It appears to be a man, possibly wearing a helmet.

John Novak writes:

The woman sitting here came to James Gilliland's Self-Mastery Earth Institute with her husband/boyfriend. The woman was addicted to either cocaine or heroin and James told her she had a negative energy attached to her. The boyfriend didn't want to hear that, and they left. They sent this picture later. The boyfriend was freaked out. He had taken this picture of her and the ghost of the man showed up in developing. It turned out that there was a man from the house who had died a violent death due to his criminal lifestyle. The boyfriend took the photo to the police and they confirmed that the man/ghost that shows up here was this man who died.

Bill in Hawaii writes:

This is a picture I took at a waterfall near my house in Hawaii. According to legend, there is a mermaid that lives in this pond. We were out diving off the top of the falls and decided to take a few pictures. In this particular picture, it looks like there is a face in the bottom left side. I'm not saying that its a mermaid or a mermaids ghost, but it caught our attention when we got the pictures back and looked at them for the first time.

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