Ghost Gallery

Montgomery Chomos ( writes:

This picture was taken in October 1999. A stringy mist seems to be hovering in the air. No one saw it at the time the picture was taken and this was the only picture in the set that had this mist on it and it is also on the negative. The camera was one of those disposable 35mm cameras. The most interesting thing is that the baby seems to to be able to see whatever it is and is reaching toward it. Also, the grandfather of the children in the picture died almost exactly a year earlier from the date of the picture.

Mark ( sends us:

Darrell Cook ( sends us:

I just recently built an enclosed porch onto the back of my home and I took my digital camera and was going to take a picture of the outside to send to my friends and family that haven't seen it yet. When the picture downloaded and I viewed it, this is what I seen. Art, the sun wasn't shinning, and there was no glare. You can tell by there NOT being any shadows in the picture. Notice the image is at the window, "appearing" to be looking out, or is that wings on the image. I got to thinking, and this picture was taken April 7th, which is my deceased fathers birthday. He would of been 80 yrs. old on this day. He passed away back in 1971.

Echo Penrose ( writes:

I bet you never saw a photo like this before.. I took it with a 35 mm 400 speed kodak.This photo was taken at Washoe Medical Center in Reno.. Our cousin Nip was in critical condition from an auto accident Sept. 99.. Jean Millay, PHD , is my cousin, also.. So we paid him a visit .. He is 80 years old now and is fine.. Jean . is the lady in the forefront. This photo made me a believer of healing power..and remote viewing. !!!

Mike Gardner ( writes:

The enclosed are two photos which are allegedly genuine. The gentleman in the light colored shirts in both pictures was previously diagnosed with a malignant form of cancer but made an incredible 100% recovery which has completely baffled his physicians. Due to the clarity of the "entities" it is my opinion that this is an obvious fake but the individuals associated with the pictures (my mother-in-law's family) are adamant as to their authenticity. You decide.

Paul Maxwell ( writes: I was taking pictures at an Orchid show in Hilo, HI this past year. The attached photo is in fact of an orchid but I sure as hell don't know who/what is looking over the top at me.

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