Ghost Wolf Hall of Records
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10. Egyptian Royalty- late period- possibly meaning After Cleopatra? (House
of Ptolemy/Royal bloodline of the Pharaoinic order/Greco)
11. Goddess- Lion/or Ram head. Notice Sethmet the Lion Goddess This Piece
is for Comparison.
12. Egyptian Noble- notice breast plate. And the Comparison to Pharo
13. These smaller heads are strikingly like the figures from Easter Island.
14. " Different view "
15. A fire breathing but seeminhgly friendly flying dragon.
16. Holy tomb, or house of the Pale Prophet- (with his signature).
17. The ship upon which he (Prophet) sailed, including signature cartuche.
And signs telling us from which direction and how long the journey was
-calendar rods, 8 pointed star again, (Venus) reference to the land he
traveled from, (pyramid) and land he was going to. (Seeing Eye- Mystery