A collection of photos from various sources
submitted to the web page. Remember we don't suggest these are real, just worthy
of your consideration.
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The best Area 51 photo we have seen to date. Submitted anonymously of course!
Posted: 8/18/97
An Eight-Legged Lamb, from a supposed NASA cloning experiment using fertilized
eggs removed from ewes, and then re-implanted afterwards. After what? We don't
know. What was NASA up to? Believe it or not! Sender anonymous.
An amazing aerial photo from the USGS, circa 1968, of the Groom Lake "Area
51" facility. Source: UFOMIND
James E. Hartman sends us a couple photos of a Flying Disc being tested in a
Wind Tunnel Experiment. It was shot in 1963.
The second one looks like it's right out of Star Wars with the walkers.
The Demon Seeds. If planted, will produce a meat eating plant that will over
take your entire yard.
An interesting cloud formation submitted by Jackie Calligan, taken in March,
1996 in Tehachapi, California.
Chris Wedgwood says this is a
Lenticular. These are formed by standing waves in the atmosphere, and are
relatively common in mountainous areas.
"Executive Veto" - It seems
someone is trying to send the Minnesota State Legislature a message. Photo by
Douglas Kiesling, used by