Graphics Gallery

[IMAGE] Here is a CIA Students application Art found recently. Note the desire for applicants to have 'remote sensing' abilities.


[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Has SETI gotten another HIT? LEFT: Here is a screen shot of a SETI style radio scanning display. RIGHT: Another person has been monitoring the signal and has this written report. See our LINKS PAGE for many more links to stories about this. Look near 11/01/98.


[IMAGE] This photos was sent by Kim Moore from Oregon, she writes: "I was shown a picture that was taken by a fire chief, in Nixa Missouri. A shed was being burned for a practice fire. The fire burst into a big flame that was bigger than expected. The fire chief took a picture. In the picture is an image of an Indian Warrior. Later after the picture was developed, they saw this image. The fire fighters found out later that the shed they burned up, was on Indian burial ground."


[IMAGE] Aaron in Carson City sends us this image, depicting an update on an old theme.


[IMAGE] Bonnie Mider welcomes Art back to the air.


[IMAGE] Here is the last Studio Cam image Art made on the night of his leaving the air. We are so happy it was not REALLY his last.


[IMAGE] Here Art sneaks behind the bushes and snaps a picture of Mr. KABC's helicopter after it landed next to Art's home, the Tuesday afternoon, after Art left the air. Mr. KABC didn't get to see Art and left shortly after.


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