Graphics Gallery

From: Anonomous Artist

The original image before enhancement was taken of the smokestack at a factory complex a short distance from work. I used an Olympus C-3030 digital camera to take a series of shots and cut and pasted (with Photoshop) various portions of the smoke to achieve the effect.


"The ominous apparition loomed ahead of me as I was heading home after a long and tiring journey. The creature appeared to be at least 100 feet tall behind the mist, and if I had not taken this picture no one would believe me. Even I would have doubted my own senses. But there it was, hovering silently, as if waiting for someone or something. Was this immense creature another version of The Mothman I had recently heard of? Alas, it was not. The mist cleared . . . it was just a smokestack."


From: Pingle Blobber

When I saw the "invisibility photos" you posted, I was intrigued, encouraged and finally motivated, by my daughter, to send this photo to you. She took it, with a new digital camera, it has not been altered, retouched, or modified in any way, except for resizing. Just so you know, I am standing IN FRONT of the stove-top. The light over the stove top was on. We've never figured out why things showed up as they did.




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