Graphics Gallery

[IMAGE] A little Ebola for you!


The Virgin Mary on a building in Clearwater, Florida. The vision appeared about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving 1996, but it had been developing over a period of time, probably many months, until it reached a point where it became what is seen today. The image is 3 stories high and about half the width of the side of building


[IMAGE] Porky's April Fools Joke in Sitka, Alaska. Imagine the folks in Sitka awakening to the possibility of an active volcano. It was actually tires air lifted up to the mountain and set on fire.


[IMAGE] Here is the anomalous object spotted off the coast of California. Discussed on Coast to Coast April 16th, 1997. Here is the OFFICIAL cause according to the Naval Research Laboratory.


[IMAGE] Nice graphic art of one of the initial Naval Research Experiments with Dr. Einstein's Unified Field Theory (The Philadelphia Experiment). Apparently, it was a success, however, disasterous consequences occured to the ship's crew. Submitted by PJ McCartney.


[IMAGE] Genuine late 50's map of Wright-Patterson AFB showing the location of the infamous Hangar 18. Large 220K GIF file.

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