The Sgt. Stone Disclosures

by Lea MacDonald (

This story is one in a series, about the life and times of Sgt. Clifford E Stone who, for more than 22 years, served with an elite unit of the US Army which collected downed extraterrestrial craft and their occupants. All material in this series has been personally reviewed and approved by Sgt. Stone prior to publication.

There are lies, damned lies, then there is 'Air Force Policy Directive, 10-20.' This supplementary directive was spawned Oct. 1st 1998. It is to dovetail with programs of the same nature already in existence.

During a recent conversation with Sgt. Stone, I was clearly informed that I needed to understand these programs in detail, to better comprehend how and why, "they," can and do, get away with treating a entire population like mushrooms. (Keep �em in the dark and feed �em manure.) He assured me, through my grasp of these directives, I would come to know why they can walk the halls of deception with impunity. He further went on to say I would understand why it took the Air Force 20 years to document and catalogue the "existence of nothing," with respect to Project Blue Book. Myself, like many others, have always felt that there is only so far "they" can go with respect to deception. Unfortunately, I could not have been more sadly mistaken.

To say the Air Force has Carte Blanche with respect to deception, is like telling a person who's standing in the path of a tidal wave, they may experience "some" moisture. It is an unsurpassed understatement. Defensive Counter Information (DCI) blankets all military and civilian Air Force personnel, members of the Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, DoD contractor, and individuals or activities under legal agreement or obligation with the Department of the Air Force. As stated in the directive: "This policy directive provides guidance for planning and conducting defensive counter-information (DCI) operations, the aerospace function through which the Air Force employs its defensive Information Operations (IO) capabilities."

For those of you feeling somewhat left out by the previous statement, don't be, you have not been forgotten. Yes, John Q Public is subject to direct enforcement measures at the hands of the Air Force in their effort to protect sensitive and classified information. The directive reveals: "The identification and protection of sensitive and classified information is required by �public law,' Executive Order, and regulation." Moreover: "The Air Force will employ comprehensive, integrated defensive counter-information (DCI) operations to protect and defend Air Force information and information systems."

Information systems does not pertain to just computers, it is a blanket term used to include documentation as well. This is quite apparent in this sentence taken from AFPD 10-20: "Effective DCI requires the full integration of physical, personnel, industrial, and professional security (e.g., document classification and control) measures." Has anyone ever turned in FOIA request to have it returned as: "No information exists, or; the information requested is a matter of Nation Security and therefore not subject to release, or (my favorite); "We can neither confirm or deny the existence ..." In effect, they can play "the shell game" with documentation until the cows come home. Finally, last, but certainly not least, is this: "Air Force DCI capabilities include information assurance, operations security (OPSEC), counter-intelligence, counter-deception, counter-psychological operations, and electronic protection."

Once again from AFPD 10-20: "OPSEC analysis leads to identification of additional critical information and operational indicators which may be of value to an adversary." There is no doubt this includes alien technology and or, methodology. Indeed, this � from a Military perspective � is the heart and soul of the matter.

Sgt. Clifford Stone has confirmed it's all about technology...and not allowing anyone to capture the "military high ground" by means of technology gleaned from alien recoveries. I once asked Sgt. Stone how far "they" would go to protect a crash scene and the technology therein. His answer: "Let's just say not all unsolved murders are unsolved. That's all I'll say about that." Undoubtedly, UFO research can be a terminal vocation with respect to knowing or learning too much; or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In this story I was going to plumb Air Force Instruction 16-701 (Special Access Programs) or SAP, Air Force Instruction 10-1101 (Operations Security) another derivative of OPSEC, and Air Force Instruction 14-302 (Control, Protection, and Dissemination of Sensitive Compartmented Information). However, all these documents are protocols developed to define how the information shell game is played. They are simply variations on the theme that governs Officially Sanctioned Deception Programs.

For instance, with respect to Air Force Instruction 14-302 January 18th 1994 � in the glossary of terms you will find: "TEMPEST. A short name referring to investigations and studies (e.g., TEMPEST tests, TEMPEST inspections) of compromising emanations. It is sometimes used synonymously for the term �compromising emanations.'" Can you say "It was a weather balloon, or Roswell Case Closed?" Yes, Roswell became a tempest over time and official measures were taken to effectively generate some form of damage control with respect to compromising emanations. Thankfully, they did not take into account the tenacity of the Clifford Stones or Stanton Friedmans of the world. Nor, did they consider a host of other highly skilled, and credible researchers.

Sgt. Stone has had personal experience with seeding a target with disinformation. The target was a female and the year was 1988. The issue was Roswell. Sgt. Stone was told to engage the unwitting target and pass on information which was considered to have "high plausibility." High plausibility information is exactly what its name suggests. It puts into place a scenario which has a good chance of being believed because of the level of probability to replace the existing information based on its likelihood. Sgt Stone did as he was ordered, then he was asked to reseed the target once again, a few months later. The unwitting target did her part by passing on the information and soon the disinformation was being well circulated within the UFO community. The information served to reduce the focus on the real issue, and soon the disinformation was more believable that the truth. I asked Sgt. Stone if he regretted what he had done. He said, "Yes I do." He went on to say, "I had a job to do and I did what was asked of me. Had it not been for the death of my son, I would have carried all UFO information to my grave."

I ask Sgt. Stone how the death of his son caused him to come forward with the sensitive information at this point in time. His voice cracked as he chocked out the words: "You don't understand Sir; what leaving your family in the middle of the night, for weeks at a time, does to a relationship; both with your wife and your children. I missed too many Christmases, Thanksgivings, birthday parties and ball games. When I'd come home my children would not understand why I could tell them nothing. My dear wife felt I was volunteering for these duties and couldn't understand why I wanted to be away. After a time, she wasn't even sure if I was going to work because I could tell her nothing."

Sgt.Stone apologized as he collected his composure. "Forgive me Sir, that part hurts real bad." I wiped the tears from my eyes as I told him it was fine, I understood. He went on to say, "A week before my son died I sort of went into a rage because of the torment caused by my need to be silent. I said some harsh words. I finally broke down and told my son, �your father has had to do some bad things to people. Things I'm not proud of.' My son looked at me and could see my pain. He knew then, I was not away from my family by choice. The last words I ever said to my son were, I love you son. He told me he loved me, then he was killed."

Sgt. Stone has made it clear that in order for people to better understand the UFO enigma, they need to understand how and why, the government has kept this information guarded so closely. Once the public comes to understand "plausible deniability" and "Officially Sanctioned Deception Programs," they can then, and only then, begin to better understand the evidence before them. Until this happens, the public will continue to be at the mercy of Officially Sanctioned Deception Programs. Sgt. Stone closed our conversation by saying, "Next week Sir, I will share a detailed recovery operation."

See Part III