From: "Linny"
I've recently married a wonderful man who has a pre-owned digital camera.
He has had this camera for quite a while - - he takes a lot of pictures - - his daughter
takes a lot of pictures - - Neither of them has ever captured anything but the objects
they were photographing. That is - - Until - - he married me.
I have never really been into pictures myself, but I have found that I am enjoying
his digital camera. Probably because it is instant, no developing, NO waiting.
I'm even enjoying the fact that I (my presence) seems to have triggered some
sort of "energy field" that we are now capturing on his digital camera. I think I'm
enjoyin it . . . LOL!!
I've included some pics for your viewing. We have had them looked at by
supposed "digital camera experts" , lay experts, just people . . . heck, anybody who
might be able to tell us what the heck we've captured on film. But no one, not anyone,
can tell us what this stuff is.
That's when I started shopping around on the internet - on supposed ghost sites - not
really expecting to find anything - - but expect or not, I started finding pleanty of related
pics and their explinations. I'll admit, the hair did prickle on the back of my neck a time
or two. Because capturing these "whatever they are" on a regular basis seems to be
the "norm" around here, and the fact that you seem to be quite familiar with unusual
things, I thought I'd send them to you - - to see if you or your fans might be able to
explain them.
If you're interested at all in these pics - - I have more :) And I might even have an
explanation . . . if you believe in or can believe psychis and or channelers. I'm not sure
I believe . . .although I am curious. But be that as it may, I was recently told some
very interresting things about myself that I'm still trying to digest.
The channeler is quite well known - from all I can gather - and I did not give her any
information about myself - so I don't know where she got the information about me -
she "said" she was relaying this information to me from her spiritual sources:
1) She told me that I was not from this earth, that my home (my true beginning)
was from the "Aldeberan" System (and you know what's weird - - I've always felt like I
didn't belong here. Isn't that funny.). But Aldeberan? Before I talked with this
psychic/channeler I had never even heard of it. And oh, yeah, I almost forgot -- how
I found here is SO weird: I left the interstate -- in a State I was unfamiliar with -- and
damn near drove right to her front door. It was the strangest thing. I just had this
overwhelming feeling like I had somewhere to be -- and I had to get there NOW!!
2) She said that I have lived "many" lives , but that before this existence I had been
away from earth for a long time. She was able to trace my existence here on earth
back to the Myan Civilization (had we had the time I believe she could have traced
even farther back).
3) She warned me to never allow myself to be hypnotized because she said
"I have been "used" under hypnosis." (and you know this is another weird thing,
because I have NEVER allowed myself to be hypnotized. I have always been very
uncomfortable with hypnosis. And I swear to you - - or anyone else - - I never indicated
this to her - - she just pulled it out of thin air. That kinda spooked me. It still does.
4) She said I had been a "shaman" in may of my lives and oddly enough that I
had been female in most of my lives. At least here on earth, or that's the way I took it.
Maybe she meant everywhere. ??
Anyway, this is just a part of what she told me - - and we ran out of time. She didn't
want to stop even when her clients from England arrived -- via cab!! She really hated to
let me leave (and ended up not charging me near enough) -- she even left the room
once, maybe twice, to talk to her waiting clients so she could return and talk to me.
I'm a little freaked by it all.
Then all this strange stuff started showing up in these digital pictures. I don't know
what to think. But if what she said she saw, or was told by her guides is true - - could
these strange things be "my guides" or spirits surrounding me? And if they are -- WHY??
What do they want?? Or could the camera be haunted?? Have you ever heard of a
haunted camera? I don't know what to think. Do you?
Hoping to hear back from you. Thanks so much for listening.
1st attcahment: We first thought it was a sun streak or somthing but have since been
told NO WAY and that what it actually is, is a small vortex (look at right side of pic).
2nd attachment: Linny with very prominent vortex (or something). I've now learned
that in this pic with what appears to be a very large vortex there are several spirits or
entities -- you can see each clearly (and they are spinning!) Something esle . . . you
can see the density here -- I'm told this indicates "mass" -- WOW! I swear there was
nothing between me and the lense. And I have since learned that this could NOT BE
the camera strap or anything else -- this seems to be an actual picture of something
"not of this earth" . . . not as we know it anyway.
3rd attachment: Linny with granny glasses, it looks as if we actually captured a pic
of my aura -- we thought at first it was a shadow until we realized it couldn't be --
I was no where near the door in the background! and if you look at the picture you
will see that I was not close to the door -- it was across the room.
4th attachment: In this one it appears that I've captured a picture of a small "orb" near
the coffee table on the floor. I have several pics of this nature.
I'm so fascinated by all of this. Does it really mean anything?
Your Faithful Listener,
"Linny" Tucker