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Additional Updates at These Sites
Miami Circle WebCam
Wolflodge Listing
of Fax Numbers to Call
Save the Miami Circle
Click on Descriptions Below to
See Photos
Batch of Photos Listed Latest First
2/19/99 -- Friday Photos and Report from
Mark Diamond
2/18/99 -- Thursday Photos from
Mark Diamond
2/17/99 -- Wednesday Photos from
Mark Diamond
2/16/99 -- Tuesday Photos from
Mark Diamond
2/15/99 -- Monday Photos from
Mark Diamond
2/14/99 -- Latest Photos from the Circle
Eve Smith writes: "The situation down here does not
look good. Have received word from various extremely reliable sources
that we're in for a dramatic experience if that backhoe / frontloader
gets cranked up. People are forcasting violent scenerios. I am urging
everyone to fax, email and call Governor Jeb Bush. We really feel he's
our best bet at this point."
2/12/99 -- Mark Diamond photos of meeting
2/10/99 -- Mark Diamond photos of meetings
Mark Diamond writes: The hall was not big enough to hold the
assembled crowd of hundreds that showed up to hear Bob Carr detail his
findings at the Miami Circle site. People spilled out the doors trying
to catch a glimpse and hear his lecture. At the end of the lecture too
many people had questions and comments for the time allotted for.
Reactions were varied. One gentleman who suggested that not unlike
Tienamen Square demonstrations, that a non-violent protest be staged,
even if people had to chain themselves to bull dozers. Another
introduced himself as an attorney for international law, and hinted
that a pact existed to save sacred sites of indiginous peoples,signed
by the United States and other nations, might be called upon to help
intervene in the demolition or removeal of the Miami Circle.
2/9/99 -- Candle Light Vigil Photos from
Mark Diamond
2/9/99 -- Michael & Holly Welsh send us these.
2/3/99 -- Jamie-Andrea
Yanak provides more high-quality photos.
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