NBC Today Show Crew

A TV crew from the NBC Today show came to Art's home studio to tape the August 6th and 7th programs, in preparation for a piece to be aired on the Today show, on September 30th near 7:30 in the first hour of the show. Art decided to get back at them and take some pictures while they were setting up. Here they are. (Don't tell them they're here.)

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[IMAGE] Hello, is this thing on???


[IMAGE] Hello, is this Area 51??? I'd like to order 5 pizzas and I'll come to pick them up in an hour.


[IMAGE] Mmmmm... Let's see, LINE OUT goes to LINE IN, VIDEO OUT to SIGNAL IN, AC OUT to DC IN.... A few more minutes, I'll get it.


[IMAGE] Camera 1, take one!


[IMAGE] Camera 2, take two.


[IMAGE] "Hey Art, what's this green slimy goo all over the floor here?"


[IMAGE] The Interview takes place outside....


[IMAGE] ...in front of the beautiful desert landscape.


[IMAGE] The producer is getting into this SETI thing!!