The Rocket Guy

Exhibits of Rocket built by Brian Walker, the "Rocket Guy."

The bottail has been gel-coated, and is ready to begin getting laid up with fiberglass for the mold.


The mold shown here is for the "bottail", an aerodynamic transitional piece between the fuel tank and capsule. I spent weeks working on the form (plug), and on Tuesday, I will "crack" it off.


The other picture shows the 8 small rocket motors that go in the nose of the capsule, to keep it pointed straight up. The little ridges on the capsule plug in the background, are little air dams, that create a burble over the motor exhaust ports.


Here's a couple more shots. I am beginning to wrap the tank with carbon fiber and Kevlar.



The Tank has been wound with carbon fiber and Kevlar to allow it to be pressurized.


The centrifuge pod is about to be attached to the centrifuge. the engine/prop assembly is what drives it, and it normally sits on the big post you see in the background.




See New Photos, Page 3