05/31/00 - Wed/Thu

Guest: Joyce Riley
Joyce served as Captain in the U.S. Air Force and flew on C-130 missions in support of Operation Desert Storm. She currently serves as spokesperson for the American Gulf War Veterans Association with the purpose to provide information on Gulf War Syndrome.
Website: www.gulfwarvets.com
Related Website: www.atcc.org

05/30/00 - Tue/Wed

Guest: Linda Howe
Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author, has news on a new Crop Circle in Famous East Field, Wiltshire, U.K.
Book: Glimpses of Other Realities: High Strangeness Vol II
Book: Glimpses of Other Realities: Facts and Eyewitnesses
Book: Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms
Website: earthfiles.com

05/29/00 - Mon/Tue

Guest: Dannion Brinkley
Dannion describes his near-death experience after being struck by lightening and how this experience changed his life.
Book: Saved by the Light
Book: At Peace in the Light
Website: www.dannion.com
Website: Compassion in Action

05/28/00 - Sun/Mon

Host: Ian Punnett

Guest: Jeffrey Bada
Book: The Spark of Life: Darwin and the Primeval Soup

05/27/00 - Sat/Sun

Host: Best of Mike Siegel

Guest: Stanton Friedman from 4/23

05/26/00 - Fri/Sat

Guest: Leslie Kean
Related Info: UFO theorists gain support abroad

Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Related Info: How NEAR is True Disclosure ..?
Related Info: The First Astonishing Find From "Malin's Haul" ...
Website: The Enterprise Mission

Guest: Derrell Sims, CM.Ht, R.H.A.
Chief of Investigations, Saber Enterprises: "THE DREAM TEAM," F.I.R.S.T., &H.U.F.O.N. Derrel Sims is a Registered Hypnotic Anesthesiologist, Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Certified Master Neurolinguistic Practitioner, International Speaker, Investigator and Researcher of Alleged Human/Alien Encounters.
An alien abduction and alien implant expert, will discuss his latest findings of possible physical evidence of alien interaction with humans. Among the topics will be the retrieval and analysis of the Bean object and the profile of one of his current patients, which will be the subject of the documentary film, "Parano".
Website: www.FIRSTevidence.org
Website: www.alienhunter.org
Website: www.alienimplants.com

05/25/00 - Thu/Fri

Guest: Kathleen Keating
An investigative journalist will share her thoughts on the Pope's recent comments on the Third Secret of Fatima.
Book: The Final Warning: Your Survival Guide to the New Millennium
Website: www.finalwarningthebook.com
Website: www.materdeipress.com

05/24/00 - Wed/Thu

Guest: Lloyd Pye
Will discuss such topics as the hominoids, human origins, ancient astronauts and updated information on the Starchild skull.
Book: Everything You Know is Wrong, Book 1: Human Evolution
Website: www.lloydpye.com
Related Website: www.starchildproject.com

05/23/00 - Tue/Wed

Guest: Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D.
WebSite: The National Institute of Discovery Science

Guest: Loren Coleman
Book: The Field Guide to Bigfoot, Yeti and Other Mystery Primates Worldwide
Book: Cryptozoology A to Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature
Website: www.lorencoleman.com

05/22/00 - Mon/Tue

Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Related Info: Michael Malin Finds Another, BIGGER Drawer...

Guest: Michio Kaku
Taped Interview w/Mike Siegel

Guest: Col. John Alexander
Will discuss the upcoming, "YEAR 2000 REMOTE VIEWING CONFERENCE" in MESQUITE, NEVADA between MAY 26TH - 28TH, 2000. Currently, Col. Alexander is the Director for Scientific Liaison for a private research institute and serves as a consultant to the Government.
Book: Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Modern Warfare
WebSite: www.rvconference.org

05/21/00 - Sun/Mon

Host: Ian Punnett

Guest: Dr. Barbara Rommer
Book: Blessing in Disguise: Another Side of the Near-Death Experience

05/20/00 - Sat/Sun

Host: Barbara SImpson

Guest: Sondra Farrell Bazrod
Book: The Hunt for Amazing Treasures

05/19/00 - Fri/Sat

Guest: Steve Kates (Dr Sky)
Discusses the Shuttle mission and the viewing of the Space Station in orbit.
WebSite: www.drsky.com

Guest: Stephen Bassett
The only registered lobbyist in the U.S. representing UFO and Extraterrestrial research organizations. He is the founder of Paradigm Research Group; Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee, on the need for secrecy reform and the implications of the coming disclosure.
WebSite: www.paradigmclock.com
WebSite: www.x-ppac.org

05/18/00 - Thu/Fri

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Patti Conklin
A medical intuitive, fully senses the "other side" on a full time basis. Patti's physical vision can see past a person's clothing and skin, directly into the body and its physical and energetic workings.
WebSite: www.patticonklin.com

05/17/00 - Wed/Thu

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Glenn Kimball, Historian
Book: Hidden Politics of the Crucifixion
Book: Hidden Stories of the Childhood of Jesus
Website: www.ancientmanuscripts.com

Guest: Wayne May, Publisher of "Ancient American" magazine
The historical significance of artifacts found in the "Mystery Cave Of Many Faces" located in southern Illinois.
WebSite: www.ancientamerican.com

05/16/00 - Tue/Wed

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Dr. Len Horowitz
On the modern advances in medical research and genetic biotechnology. He shares his most chilling evidence; government contracts under which numerous viruses were manufactured by biological weapons contractors, including chemtrails to West Nile Virus outbreak in NY. Dr. Horowitz received his doctorate from Tufts University and was awarded a fellowship in behavioral research at the University of Rochester.
Book: Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?
WebSite: www.tetrahedron.org

05/15/00 - Mon/Tue

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Donald Trent Jacobs
Tells his experiences with the Raramuri people of Mexico and his research of other indigenous societies. Don Trent Jacobs earned a doctorate in psychology and holds a second doctorate in education renewal and is the Education Department Chair of the Oglala Lakota College on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
Book: Primal Awareness: A True Story of Survival, Transformation, and Awakening with the Raramuri Shamans of Mexico
WebSite: www.innertraditions.com

05/14/00 - Sun/Mon

Host: Ian Punnett

Guest: Barry Brailsford
New Zealand author, historian, archaeologist and master storyteller, will note the great changes that face the world today, and bring them into the context of ancient prophecies.
Book: Wisdom of the Four Winds
WebSite: www.stoneprint.co.nz

05/13/00 - Sat/Sun

Host: Barbara Simpson

Guest: Nicole Lavoie
Book: Return to Harmony: Creating harmony and balance through the frequencies of sound
WebSite: www.cslswe.com

Guest: Dr. Bill Wattenberg
Topic: Government Land

05/12/00 - Fri/Sat

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Dr. Barry Taff
Holds a doctorate in psychophysiology with a minor in biomedical engineering, is a world renowned parapsychologist. His book, is based on over thirty years of research and investigation into ghosts and other paranormal events.
Book: Aliens Above, Ghost Below: Explorations of the Unknown

05/11/00 - Thu/Fri

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Ken Weaver

Guest: Richard Hoagland
Related Info: Los Alamos: The Fire Hazards they're NOT Discussing

Guest: Clifford Stone
Served 21 years in the Army and has experienced personal encounters with alien beings during his military service and has spent over 20 years investigating the UFO phenomenon.
Book: UFOs Are Real: Extraterrestrial Encounters Documented by the U.S. Government
WebSite: www.theknownuniverse.com/stone.htm

05/10/00 - Wed/Thu

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Dr. Steven Greer
Founder and International Director of CSETI ( the Center for the Study of Extraterrestril Intelligence). Dr. Greer, as director of CSETI, has led research teams throughout the world investigating Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and on several occassions has successfully established preliminary contact and communication with extraterrestrial spacecraft at close range.
Book: Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications
Website: www.cseti.org
Website: www.drgreer.com

05/09/00 - Tue/Wed

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Alan Mesher
A psychic healer with 25 years in private practice, inspires people to understand the importance of healing their inner core, so they may call forth their destiny.
Book: The T Zone
Website: www.siriuscreations.com (Under Construction)

05/08/00 - Mon/Tue

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Richard will be bringing on several guests to discuss the various topics of yesterday's seminar.
Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
Website: www.enterprisemission.com

05/07/00 - Sun/Mon

Host: Ian Punnett

Guest: Gregory Huth
Tells how a Great Awakening, a worldwide millennial spiritual revival, is sweeping the globe.
Book: Awakening: In Pursuit of the Divine Paradox

05/06/00 - Sat/Sun

Host: Bob Lonsberry

Guest: Kerr Cuhlain
Wiccan police officer and martial artist, combines personal insights with ritual, magic, meditation and self-discipline.
Book: Wiccan Warrior: Walking A Spiritual Path In A Sometimes Hostile World

05/05/00 - Fri/Sat

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Lori Toye
Prophet, will reveal to us earth changes. Toye had a dream in 1983 of four Beings in white robes unrolling huge maps of North America, showing imminent changes on earth. She will share information about the Golden Cities, the safe places to live.
Website: www.iamamerica.com

05/04/00 - Thu/Fri

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Dannion Brinkley and Robert Ghost Wolf
Discussing their investigation into the mysterious Halls of Records, the discovery of which has been prophesied for the end times, through artifacts discovered from mid-western United States and other locations. This will cover areas including the Sphinx in Colorado.
Book: Saved by the Light
Book: At Peace in the Light
Website: www.wolflodge.org
Website: www.dannion.com

05/03/00 - Wed/Thu

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Will Thomas
Book: Bringing the War Home
Website: www.islandnet.com/~wilco/

Guest: Michael Castle
Discussing Contrails, also known as Chemtrails, and their affect on us as a population. Castle is the President of a mid-western environmental consulting and engineering firm. He has participated in various environmental projects including investigation and surveillance, and testing soils and ground waters contaminated with toxic chemicals. Castle has given testimony to the US Congress by invitation on Super Fund site clean-ups. Castle is an industrial polymer chemist in coatings and adhesives and has a national credential as a certified risk auditor and assessor.

05/02/00 - Tue/Wed

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Al Bielek
Al has new information that he has not come public before on the Philadelphia Experiment and time travel. On August 12th 1943 an experiment was carried out aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge, stationed at Philadelphia Navy yard. The object was to render it undetectable by radar. They succeeded, along with the ship and crew being removed completely from time and space as we know it! Bielek was a physicist aboard the U.S.S. Eldridge
Book: The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time
Book: Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity
Book: Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness (The Montauk Trilogy Book 3)
Video: Philadelphia Experiment Part 2

05/01/00 - Mon/Tue

Host: Mike Siegel

Guest: Steve Kates (Dr Sky)
Discussion of 5/5 Planetary Alignment
Website: www.drsky.com

Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
Former NASA consultant, founder and director of Enterprise Mission, and recipient of the International Angstrom Medal for Excellence in Science by the Angstrom Foundation, in Stockholm, Sweden, for that continuing research, will discuss hyper-dimensional physics, Mars, NASA and other related issues.
Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
Website: www.enterprisemission.com