8/31/00 - Thu/Fri

Guest: Louise Hauck

Hauck, futurist and intuitive, believes the past, present and future exist simultaneously, beyond this limited, physical dimension wherein time is perceived linearly and sequentially.
Book: Heart-Links: Inspiring Personal Stories That Explore Our Powerful Ability to Communicate With Our Lost Loved Ones
Book: Beyond Boundaries: The Adventures of a Seer
Website: www.louisehauck.com

8/30/00 - Wed/Thu

Guest: Cmdr. Bill Donaldson

Cmdr. Donaldson, USN Retired, has extensive experience as a Naval crash investigator and he and others have concluded that the NTSB's explanation of the Center Wing Tank explosion on TWA Flight 800 is not credible.
Website: www.twa800.com

8/29/00 - Tue/Wed

Guest: Colm Kelleher, Ph.D.

Dr. Kelleher, a staff member of the National Institute of Discovery Science, is a Research Scientist and Deputy Administrator where his responsibilities include overseeing NIDS research projects.
Website: www.nidsci.org

8/28/00 - Mon/Tue

Guest: Bill McDonald

McDonald, a forensic artist and illustrator, is well known in the field of UFO artistry. His lectures are centered on his eight years of research into several historic UFO cases, including Roswell, and cases involving eleven different alien races.
Book: Oasis Earth Hypothesis
Website: www.alienufoart.com

8/27/00 - Sun/Mon

Guest: Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy

Freke has an honors degree in philosophy and is an authority on world mysticism, with more than twenty books published internationally. Gandy has a M.A. in classical civilization, specializing in the ancient Pagan Mystery religions. Book: The Jesus Mysteries: Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God

8/26/00 - Sat/Sun

Guest: Deborah Layton

Layton, former high-level member of the Peoples Temple, discusses the Jonestown tragedy.
Book: Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor's Story of Life and Death in the Peoples Temple
Website: www.seductivepoison.com

8/25/00 - Fri/Sat

Guest: Joyce Riley

Riley served as Captain in the U.S. Air Force and flew on C-130 missions in support of Operation Desert Storm. She currently serves as spokesperson for the American Gulf War Veterans Association with the purpose to provide information on Gulf War Syndrome.
Website: www.gulfwarvets.com

8/24/00 - Thu/Fri

Open Lines:

Looking for Cat (animal hauntings) Ghost Stories

8/23/00 - Wed/Thu

Guest: Richard C. Hoagland

Former NASA consultant, founder and director of Enterprise Mission, and recipient of the International Angstrom Medal for Excellence in Science by Angstrom Foundation, in Stockholm, Sweden.
New FAX Number: (505) 286-6130
Website: www.enterprisemission.com

8/22/00 - Tue/Wed

Guest: Dan

From the "Galactic Federation"

8/21/00 - Mon/Tue

News Items:

Next Mars mission has "got to work"
Study: Biotech Corn Kills Monarch

Guest: C. Ray Greek, M.D.

Ray Creek, M.D., is a graduate of the University of Alabama School of Medicine. He served his residency at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He has taught anesthesiology there and at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. Currently, Ray serves as President of Americans For Medical Advancement, a non-profit organization that dedicates itself to educating the public about the hazards of applying the results of animal testing to humans.
Book: Sacred Cows and Golden Geese: The Human Cost of Experiments on Animals

8/20/00 - Sun/Mon

News Items:

North Pole ice 'turns to water'

Guest: Terry O'Sullivan

Healing the spirits of the dead
Book: Soul Rescuers

8/19/00 - Sat/Sun

Guest: Bob Rogers and Aann Golemac

The current sightings on the USS Hornet
Website: www.uss-hornet.org

8/18/00 - Fri/Sat

News Items:

Britain squares off over human-embryo research
Roche, Decode Locate Alzheimer's Gene
Hair Follicle, Epidermis May Stem From Same Source
Galaxies older than previously thought
Ruining the ruins: A proposed cable car brings controversy
Zimbabwe wildlife 'face disaster'

Guest: Melinda Leslie

Melinda is an abductee, researcher and lecturer. For many years, she was the Director of two UFO abductee support groups and was the Associate Producer of the UFO Expo West in 1994.

Guest: Miesha Johnston

Miesha is Founder and Director of Star Family Contact Support Groups of San Diego, California.

Melinda and Miesha Johnston are presently doing extensive research together and are co-authoring a book on the "military's" harassment, surveillance and re-abduction of alien abductees.

Website: www.militaryabduction.com

8/17/00 - Thu/Fri

News Items:

Life-Seeking Microscope Slated for Next Mars Landing
Radio astronomers capture preview of sun's apocalypse
Many Galaxies Existed Earlier Than Previously Thought

Chandra celebrates 1st birthday with galactic 'superbubbles'
Different skeletons taking same path
Climate Researchers Taking Trip Back in Time

Guest: Wayne Green

Publisher of 73 Magazine , an active amateur radio operator as W2NSD since 1938, and author of Secret Guide Books are just a few items off of Green's long list of accomplishments. Go to his website and check out his "been-there, done-that brag list.
Wayne's List: Books You're Crazy If You Don't Read
Website: www.waynegreen.com
Book:Secret Guide to Health
Book:Secret Guide to Wealth
Book:Secret Guide to Wisdom
Book:Submarine Life in WWII

8/16/00 - Wed/Thu

News Items:

Hot off genome, Celera looks to tackle human proteins
IBM to Invest $100 Million in Genetics And Life Sciences
British Health Chief OKs Wider Human Embryo Cloning
Babbitt Proposes 1 Million Acres Be Added as National Monument
Rescuers Practice Space Rescue

Guest: Jennifer Lawson

Book: Violent Weather Predictions, 2000-2001: Countdown to Cataclysm
Website: www.geocities.com/astro_weather

8/15/00 - Tue/Wed

News Items:

Scientists Get Cells to Shift Identities, Raise New Hopes
Scientists Form Brain Cells From Bone Marrow
Movie captures dying star
Theft of 4,000 years of history thwarted

Guest: Captain Edward L. Beach

United States Navy, Retired. Will talk about the stranded Russian Sub.
Book: Salt & Steel: Reflections of a Submariner
Book: Run Silent, Run Deep

Open Lines

8/14/00 - Mon/Tue

Guest: John Anthony West

Book: The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt: A Guide to the Sacred Places of Ancient Egypt
Book: The Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt
Website: members.aol.com/jawsphinx

Guest: Robert Schoch

Boston University geologist, will be joining West during the second hour with an update on their latest trip to Egypt.
Book: Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations
Website: robertschoch.homestead.com

8/13/00 - Sun/Mon

Guest: Dr. Kenneth Hanson
Book: Words of Light: Spiritual Wisdom from the Dead Sea Scrolls
Book: Dead Sea Scrolls: The Untold Story
Book: Kabbalah: Three Thousand Years of Mystic Tradition

8/12/00 - Sat/Sun

Guest: Gilbert LaVoie
Book: Resurrected : Tangible Evidence Jesus Rose from the Dead
Website: www.jesusresurrected.com

8/11/00 - Fri/Sat

Guest: "Dr Sky" aka Steve Kates
Update on Comet and Meteor Showers
NASA Photo: A Perseid Meteor
Website: www.drsky.com

Topic: Ghost To Ghost AM
Callers tell their best ghost stories all night.

8/10/00 - Thu/Fri

News Stories:

NASA to Send Two Landers to Mars
Mars could become homestead
Scientists delve inside protein maker
Scientists seek to explain how Big Bang let us live
'Antimatter factory' starts work
Antimatter Atoms Experiments Planned

Guest: Jack "Kewaunee" Lapseritis, B.A., M.S.
Kewaunee is a Holistic Health Consultant and Master Herbalist with a background in anthropolgy, psychology, conservation, and holistic health. As a world authority on the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon, he has researched the subject for over 40 years. Kewaunee was first telepathically contacted by a Sasquatch and ET simultaneously in 1979.
Book: The Psychic Sasquatch: And Their UFO Connection
Website: www.unlimited-resources.com

8/09/00 - Wed/Thu

News Items:
Micro-motors powered by DNA
DNA makes tiny tweezers
In S. Calif., A Voice for The Little Creatures
Scientists identify California oak tree killer
Oil fouls 20 miles of Broward beaches
Diverse coalition fights to save what's left of an old-growth forest
Comeback kids: Mesocarnivores rebound in Northeast

Guest: Skip Atwater
Atwater is the Research Director at the Monroe Institute, a world-renowned nonprofit organization conducting research and offering educational programs supporting the evolution of consciousness. He has been part of the growth of the Institute since 1977.
Website: www.skipatwater.com

8/08/00 - Tue/Wed

News Items:
Greenpeace occupies Alaskan BP barge for second day
Russian Cargo Craft Docks with Space Station
Genius of genes
Endangered Owl Faces Anot her Threat

Guest: Ed Dames
Dames is the world's foremost remote viewing teacher and the founder of PSI TECH, Inc. and creator of Technical Remote Viewing (TRV). Dames was selected as an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program, and served as the training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency's remote viewing unit.
Website: www.trvinstitute.com

8/07/00 - Mon/Tue

News Items:

Scientists Find Nine New Planets
Supply Ship Begins Journey to Station
Fire crews work to save Mesa Verde's ruins
After bad gene found, no quick leap to a cure
African rhino numbers rise
Harris County considering exotic animal rules

Guest: Brad Steiger
Book: Shadow World
Book: Ufo Odyssey
Book: Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides: True Accounts of Benevolent Beings from the Other Side
Book: The Source(w/Art Bell)
Book: True Ghost Stories: A Psychic Research Hunts for Evidence of Hauntings
Book: Mysteries of Time and Space
Website: www.bradandsherry.com

8/06/00 - Sun/Mon

Guest: Scott S. Smith
Scott was managing editor of Vegetarian World 1974-78 and associate editor of Vegetarian Times 78-85. In the past decade he has contributed dozens of stories about the paranormal to publications such as Fate Magazine. Now he primarily writes for Success Magazine and other business publications and web sites and has interviewed Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Gov. Jesse Ventura, and Mayor Richard Riordan.
Book: The Soul of Your Pet: Evidence for the Survival of Animals in the Afterlife

8/05/00 - Sat/Sun

Guest: Fred Brown and Jeanne McDonald
Book: The Serpent Handlers: Three Families and Their Faith
Book: Growing Up Southern

8/04/00 - Fri/Sat

News Items:
Gene Cloned That Regulates Plants' Circadian Rhythm
Court allows patenting of life forms
International Team of Astronomers Finds New Planet
United States Threatens Retaliation Over Whale Hunt
Israeli Camel Rescued from Mines
Court approves 'frankenmouse'
China's Other Wall
Scientists Puzzle Over Dying Lobsters
Historic pact offers passport to survival Three African nations prepare to let animals and tourists roam free in one wild park
Longlining fishing technique banned off Florida's coast

Guest: William Buhlman
Buhlman is an expert in OBEs. His teaching skills empower individuals to go to the "other side" fully conscious.
Book: Adventures Beyond the Body
Website: www.Mach1audio.com/out-of-body/

8/03/00 - Thu/Fri

News Items:
Genes linked to cancer's mobility Human genome led to discovery
Dig reveals solution to ancient riddle of lost Roman town
Book From Titanic Is Recovered
Sierra Club Rallies Against Graham Airport Stance
Administration Seeks Emission Cuts

Guest: Philip Imbrogno
Imbrogno is a science teacher at the Windward School in White Plains, New York, and sits on the board of directors for the Bowman Observatory in Greenwich, Connecticut.
Book: Celtic Mysteries in New England
Book: Contact of the 5th Kind
Book: Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings

8/02/00 - Wed/Thu

News Items:
Scientists Map Genes of Cholera Bacteria
Norway extends whaling season
3,000-year-old remains discovered near Tehran
Treasure hunters face new obstacle
Strong Quake Shakes Central Taiwan
Quake Shakes Northern Philippines
Eruption Kills Two Indonesians
Africa's appetite for wild animals increases
California's heat wave threatens salmonin Seattle

Guest: Dr. Kent Hovind
Dr. Hovind is considered by many to be one of the foremost authorities on "Science and the Bible". He is dedicated to the proclamation of scientific evidence supporting the biblical record of creation and the history of the world.
Website: www.drdino.com
Phone Number: 850-479-DINO (3466)

8/01/00 - Tue/Wed

News Items:
Paul Allen Hunts for Aliens
Huge New Telescope to Boost Hunt for Alien Life

Guest: Joel Rothschild
Rothschild has outlived over 19 million AIDS victims and has become one of the 5 longest living survivors. Joel has outlived his doctor's prognosis for death and still works as an AIDS activist.
Book: Signals: An Inspiring Story of Life After Life
Website: Joelrothschild.com

Previous Months Program Info