9/30/00 - Sat/Sun

Guest: Angelica Wagner

Book: Are You Ready for a Miracle?... With Children : A Practical Guide to Understanding Healing in Children's Lives (Pre-Order Now!)
Book: Are You Ready for a Miracle? With Chiropractic
Book: Are You Ready for a Miracle?... With Angels : A Practical Guide to Understanding Angels in Everyday Life
Book: Secrets of Success

9/29/00 - Fri/Sat

Guest: Paola Harris

Website: utenti.tripod.it/paolaharris

Guest: Philip Corso Jr.

Book: The Day After Roswell
Website: www.corsofiles.com

9/28/00 - Thu/Fri

Guest: Dr. Bruce Goldberg

Dr. Goldberg is internationally recognized as an expert in hypnosis and time travel. His latest book Protected By The Light discusses psychic attacks, mostly from negative people (energy vampires) and noise pollution. However, the most dangerous assaults originate from poltergeists, black magic and demonic spirits and cause many of the neuroses, physical ailments and bad luck we experience. Dr. Goldberg will train us how to diagnose and eliminate these attacks with his six-step plan for psychic self-defense.

Book: Protected by the Light: The Complete Book of Psychic Self Defense
Book: Astral Voyages: Mastering the Art of Soul Travel
Book: Past Lives, Future Lives
Book: Time Travelers From Our Future, A Fifth Dimension Odyssey
Book: Peaceful Transition: The Art of Conscious Dying & the Liberation of the Soul
Book: Look Younger, Live Longer: Add 25 to 50 Years to Your Life, Naturally
Book: The Search for Grace: The True Story of Murder & Reincarnation
Book: Secrets of Self-Hypnosis: Making It Work for You
Book: Soul Healing
Book: Unleash Your Psychic Powers
Book: New Age Hypnosis
Website: www.drbrucegoldberg.com

9/27/00 - Wed/Thu

Guest: Sean David Morton

Morton developed a network of psychics called "The Delphi Associates", who specialize in month to month predictions of geological, political and economic events with a claimed 90% accuracy rate.

Book: The Millennium Factor
Book: The Gulf Breeze Prophecies
Book: The Delphi Chronicles
Website: www.delphiassociates.org

9/26/00 - Tue/Wed

Guest: Steve Bassett

Paradigm Research Group

Website: www.x-ppac.org/TownHall.html
Website: www.paradigmclock.com

Guest: Richard Hoagland

Website: www.enterprisemission.com

9/25/00 - Mon/Tue

Guest: Dr. Sky (Steve Kates)

Related Image: Large Sun Spot as of 9/25/00
Website: www.drsky.com

Guest: Dr. Richard Lawrence

UK's leading expert on paranormal

Website: www.richardlawrence.co.uk
RelatedWebsite: www.aetherius.org

9/24/00 - Sun/Mon

Guest: Roger Bruns

Bruns is the Deputy Executive Director for the National Publications and Records Commission at the National Archives. His book is a collection of speeches, memos, and other archival material that reveals how our government would have handled historic moments that almost-- but didn't-- come to be.

Book: Almost History: Close Calls, Plan Bs, and Twists of Fate in America's Past

9/23/00 - Sat/Sun

Guest: Rupert Sheldrake

Many people have owned a pet will swear that their dog or cat or other animal has exhibited some kind of behavior they just can't explain. Sheldrake, a biologist, provides insight into animal, and human, behavior.

Book: Dogs That Know Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals
Website: www.sheldrake.org

9/22/00 - Fri/Sat

Guest: Echo Bodine

Bodine, discovered at age 17 that she was born with psychic abilities and the power of healing. Currently, she works as a full-time psychic consultant, healer, teacher of psychic development and healing classes, and ghostbuster.

Book: Relax, It's Only A Ghost!
Website: www.echobodine.com

9/21/00 - Thu/Fri

Guest: Dick Allgire

Allgire is the Vice President of the Hawaii Remote Viewers' Guild. For the past three years he has been training and working closely with a former military remote viewer who was part of U.S. Army Special Forces Intelligence.

Related Info: Remote Viewing Drawings
Website: www.hrvg.org

9/20/00 - Wed/Thu


9/19/00 - Tue/Wed

Guest: Joe Lewels, Ph.D.

Book: The God Hypothesis: Extraterrestrial Life and Its Implications for Science and Religion

Guest: Constance Clear

Book: Reaching for Reality: Seven Incredible True Stories of Alien Abduction
Website: www.reachingforreality.com

Guest: Robert O. Dean

Ret. Command Sgt. Major

Video: The Greatest Story Never Told
Website: www.beyondzebra.com

9/18/00 - Mon/Tue

Guest: Joyce Riley

Joyce gives us an update on release of a biological simulant at Fort Polk.

Send your comments regarding the proposed aerial release of the biological simulant Bacillus subtilis for Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS) training to:

Fort Polk Public Affairs Office
7073 Radio Road
Fort Polk LA 71459-5342

Related Info: Response from JRTC, Fort Polk
Website: www.gulfwarvets.com

Guest: Peter Gersten

Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, joined briefly by Gary Lowrey, who was supposed to talk about his contact experiences, but had to decline due to his signing a contract with a movie producer. However, from the limited info we have, we have a picture of a "claw" that was left behind by the entities. It's approximately 1-inch long.

Photo: The Claw Left By Visitors of Gary Lowrey
Book: The Ultimate Secret
Website: www.caus.org

9/17/00 - Sun/Mon

Guest: Howard Bloom

Book: Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century
Website: www.howardbloom.net

9/16/00 - Sat/Sun

Guest: Dr. Eric Leif Davin

Book: Pioneers of Wonder: Conversations With the Founders of Science Fiction

9/15/00 - Fri/Sat

Replay: Shirley MacLaine

The first two hours had technical difficulties with the live feed, so a taped program was played.

Book: The Camino: A Journey of the Spirit
Website: www.shirleymaclaine.com

Guest: Sean David Morton

Morton developed a network of psychics called "The Delphi Associates," who specialize in month to month predictions of geological, political and economic events with a claimed 90% accuracy rate.

Book: The Millennium Factor
Book: The Gulf Breeze Prophecies
Book: The Delphi Chronicles
Website: www.delphiassociates.com

9/14/00 - Thu/Fri

Guest: Mark Carlotto

Dr. Carlotto has over twenty years of experience in digital image processing and satellite remote sensing. His book, The Martian Enigmas, describes his analysis of imagery of the Face and other unusal objects on the surface of Mars imaged by a Viking Orbiter spacecraft in 1976.
Website: www.psrw.com/~markc/marshome.html
Book: The Martian Enigmas

9/13/00 - Wed/Thu

Guest: Dr Sky, (Steve Kates)

Website: www.drsky.com

Guests: Richard Hoagland & Robert Ghostwolf

Prophecy: Myth & Fact Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico- September 29th through October 1st
Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
Website: www.enterprisemission.com
Book: Last Cry: Native American Prophecies: Tales of the End Times
Book: Winds of Change
Book: Through the Eye of the Shaman
Book: Days of Destiny
Website: www.wolflodge.org

9/12/00 - Tue/Wed

Guest: Glen Grant

Grant's Chicken Skin is a celebration of Hawaii's multicultural heritage embracing the traditions of ghostlore, urban legends, historical lore, mysteries and the island love for "talk story".
Book: Glen Grant's Chicken Skin Tales: 49 Favorite Ghost Stories from Hawaii
Book: Obake Files: Ghostly Encounters on Supernatural Hawaii
Book: A Chilling Tale of Shave Ice: Mrs. Sugihara Haunts a Village
Book: Obake: Ghost Stories in Hawai'i
Book: Honolulu Mysteries : Case Studies from the Life of a Honolulu Detective
Website: www.chicken-skin.com

9/11/00 - Mon/Tue


9/10/00 - Sun/Mon

Guest: Dr. Leonard Horowitz

Dr. Horowitz will speak on the potential health risks involved with the sprayings, as a means to control mosquito populations, in effort to prevent outbreaks of the West Nile Virus.
Book: Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?
Website: www.tetrahedron.org

9/09/00 - Sat/Sun

Guest: Jim Berkland

Website: www.syzygyjob.com

Guest: Christine El Mahdy

Book: Tutankhamen: The Life and Death of the Boy-King
Website: britishcentreegyptianstudies.co.uk

9/08/00 - Fri/Sat

Guest:Dr. Seth Shostak

Astronomer and SETI expert (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), with news on ET and the SETI Institute, which is the real-life basis for the story portrayed in the movie "Contact".
Book: Sharing the Universe: Perspectives on Extraterrestrial Life
Website: www.seti.org

9/07/00 - Thu/Fri

Guest:Dr. Melvin Morse

Book: Where God Lives
Book: Closer to the Light: Learning from Near Death Experiences of Children
Book: Transformed by the Light: The Powerful Effect of Near-Death Experiences on People's Lives
Book: Embraced by the Light
Website: www.melvinmorse.com

9/06/00 - Wed/Thu

Guest:Dr. Roger Leir w/Whitley Strieber

Book: Casebook: Alien Implants
Website: www.alienscalpel.com

9/05/00 - Tue/Wed

Guest: Father Paul Kramer

Third Secret of Fatima
Website: www.fatima.org

9/04/00 - Mon/Tue

Guest: Michio Kaku (Encore from 7/11/00)

Book: Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century
Book: Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension
Book: Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe
Book: Introduction to Superstrings
Website: www.dorsai.org/~mkaku/

9/03/00 - Sun/Mon

Guest: Jim Marrs (Encore from 4/30/00)

Book: Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids
Book: Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us
Book: Crossfire : The Plot That Killed Kennedy
WebSite: www.jimmarrs.com

9/02/00 - Sat/Sun

Guest: Sondra Farrell Bazrod (Encore from 5/20/00)

Book: The Hunt for Amazing Treasures

9/01/00 - Fri/Sat

Guest: Simon Singh

Book: The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography

Previous Months Program Info