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Sean David Morton Images
This photo was taken by Pleiadian contactee Adrain, from INSIDE another UFO. He
is about 30,000 feet above the coast of Florida. Two ships, representing two
variations of "Beam Ships", are seen flying above the clouds.
This incredible photo was taken in 1995 by Pleiadian contactee Adrain. He used
to live on the top floor of a condo complex next to a golf course in Miami,
Florida. He crouched down on his porch when they appeared in order to get the
patio railing in the shot to show some distance and perspective. These four
craft represent various advances in Pleiadian technology. The craft on the far
left, he claims, is a German craft built in the 1920s with assistance from the
Pleiadians. This group of 'P's come from a planet called Romul in the Alcyone
star system. This is just one of nearly a thousand pictures that are currently
being analyized.
This amazingly clear photo of a red and gold "Plasma Craft" was taken
by Carlos Diaz in 1994, near his home in Tepetzlan, Mexico. Carlos claims to
have had contacts with this race of "ETs" for over 17 years. Carlos
has never been told what they are called or where they are from, but on his
contact trips he goes aboard the craft and they take him inside the Earth. Here
he claims to see great "Halls of Remembrance" filled with flora,
fauna, music and samples of all life forms on the surface. These will be used to
repopulate the world if, as they fear, Mankind destroys the surface of the
Phoenix UFO Images
Here are images from Jim Dilettoso, discussed on Coast to Coast June 20,
1997. These are stills from videos:Apache Junction
Close Phoenix View,
Distant Phoenix View.
Art and Ramona's 2nd UFO Sighting
Here is an artist's rendering (Randy Stiefer)
of the UFO sighting by Art and Ramona on Memorial Day 1997.
Space Shuttle
Here is an excerpt from the STS-51 video showing an object moving through the
field of view. 330K AVI file.
John Bro Sunset UFO's
More UFOs in the Sunset in Montreal, photo by Marcel Trudel.
UFOs in the Sunset, submitted by John Bro
Lee and Brit Elders Images
These two photos, scanned by Art from photographs provided by Lee and Brit
Elders, will be discussed on Dreamland, April 20, 1997.