UFO Images/Photos

[IMAGE] A very unusual object flying in an Easterly direction near the Las Vegas skyline. It has a classic flying saucer look. It flew very slowly and was completely silent. Submitted by Allan Lundell


[IMAGE] Here's an interesting photo I took just this evening (approx. 7:55 pm PST) looking east over the northern part of Las Vegas toward Sunrise Mountain. This photo was shot from my Sony Mavica Digital Camera in darkness. It's absolutely undoctered. It was moving slowly from left to right. Perhaps a blimp? Dick Mucci


[IMAGE] Lesley writes: On the Summer Solstice of 1995, I was at the Stonehenge Monument (built by Sam Hill) at Maryhill, WA. while a couple of people were performing various ceremonies, in the late afternoon (notice sun in the corner). I noticed a exceedingly bright white light above the Monument, I tried to look into it but I was blinded. So I walked out of the circle and photographed this strange light. Of course, when I got the film back and had it printed darker, it blew my mind. (Note: the workman on top of the monument was power washing the stone, so repairs could be made, he did not notice the light as he was not looking up.)


[IMAGE] New Mexico UFO Picture by Paul Villa. More pictures can be found at Ovni Chapterhouse


[IMAGE] Submitter says this was taken in Miami, Florida in 1994 by Pleiadian contact man named Adrain. But other reports say it is a frame from one of the Star Wars movies, with the background altered. Hey, we just post 'em, we don't claim them to be true!


[IMAGE]Billy Meier case in Switzerland. Here is the Official Billy Meier Web Site.


[IMAGE] [IMAGE]Two more supposedly UFO Pictures. But as Richard A. Bryan explains: The image in question is Gibraltar as seen from the eastern side. That thing in the photos is called the "Water Catchments" and does, in fact, capture water from moist air as the wind blows across it. The water catchments accounts for about 40 percent of the potable water production (the rest being provided by desalinization plants.

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