PokΘMon Games
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PokΘMon Stadium

Groovy Stuff

About PokΘMon Stadium 1


PokΘMon Stadium 1 has been the answer to many people who are fans of PokΘMon but aren't of Game Boy: It allows players to battle PokΘMon on their N64 in Polygonal glory. Yes, it's so groovy! Butterfree in polygons! Cute! However, sometimes when one learns ALL about PokΘMon Stadium, he or she might get a little less hyped.
The ONLY purpose for PokΘMon Stadium is to let players battle PokΘMon in 3-D. That's ALL. Nothing else. People may think that you get to play the PokΘMon RPG game in 3-D, but that's not true. This is how it works: You have a 64GB Controller Pak. This pak plugs into your N64 controller, and you get to plug in a Game Boy game into the pak. It doesn't allow you to play the Game Boy game, but just allows a connection from the Game Boy game to the N64 game you're playing. In PokΘMon Stadium, you get to transfer the PokΘMon you have on your Game Boy game to the N64 Game to see them in 3-D. Unfortunately, PokΘMon Stadium only has support for 40 PokΘMon, instead of all 151 PokΘMon.
No playing PokΘMon in 3-D? Well, yes, that's true, but PokΘMon Stadium has an option of playing the PokΘMon games from the Game Boy game on the N64. But it's pretty much a N64 version of Super Game Boy, but limited to PokΘMon games. That means the Game Boy game shown on TV has little Color. In fact, it uses the Super Game Boy palette for PokΘMon, which means no more than 8 colors on screen at a time.
Sortov sad, isn't it? However, there's some good points about PokΘMon Stadium: It's compatible with PokΘMon Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow/Pikachu version! And in Yellow/Pikachu version, if you use PokΘMon Stadium, it opens up a surfing-Pikachu mini-game! But still, in the end, PokΘMon Stadium may not be what it's hyped up to be.
Publisher Nintendo
Developer Game Freak/Creatures/Nintendo
Type RPG Battle
System N64
Players 1-2 players simultaenously
Memory 64 megabits
Save Cartridge
Accessory Support 64GB Pak
ESRP Rating N/A
Release Date Japan - October 8, 1998
U.S. - Not gonna =P

Stadium 2


PokΘMon Stadium 1 was just a hands-off tour through the park; PokΘMon Stadium 2 is the real thing. Instead of the measly 40 PokΘMon from Stadium 1, PokΘMon Stadium 2 pushed the limits and used up a full 256 megabits of memory to fit all 151 PokΘMon into the game!
Aside from just having the 3-D models, Stadium 2 also features a number of mini-games. These mini-games supposedly train your PokΘMon. Like fighting but fun. *blinks* I wonder if that was a pun...
ALSO, PokΘMon Stadium 2 will be PokΘMon Stadium 1 in the U.S. See, Nintendo of America decided that if Stadium 1 JP only has 40 PokΘMon, and Stadium 2 has all 151, then WHY BOTHER releasing Stadium 1 in America?! THUS, we have Stadium 2 in America, which shall cause confusion and chaos among those struggling to be miseducated on PokΘMon.
And this, my friends, is PokΘMon Stadium 1/2.

Publisher Nintendo
Developer Game Freak/Creatures/Nintendo
Type RPG Battle
System N64
Players 1-2 players simultaenously
Memory 256 megabits
Save Cartridge
Accessory Support 64GB Pak
Rumble Pak
ESRP Rating N/A
Release Date Japan - April 30, 1999 U.S. - September, 1999

Stadium 3

(Known) Features

Publisher Nintendo
Developer Game Freak/Creatures/Nintendo
Type RPG Battle
System N200X or 64DD
Players 1-2 players simultaenously
Memory ??? megabits
Save ???
Accessory Support ???
ESRP Rating N/A
Release Date Japan - TBA U.S. - TBA

Online Since August 31, 1998

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