Shame on The Denver Post

Denver Post columnist Diane Carman decided to take a few shots at Art Bell, while comparing him to Andy Kaufman. In Ms. Carman's attempt to come up with some material to write about, she completely ignores facts and make representations about Art, that are totally false.

When contacted today by Art, Ms. Carman admits she had not known any of the details of any of the incidents, she makes statements about. Her entire piece seems to be made up entirely of conjecture, supposition, or third or fourth hand erroneous rumors.

Read the article, titled: Kaufman talk-radio role model

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So Ms. Carman:

  • Let's consider the Hale-Bopp issue. Art bell had a guest that made this statement and Art Bell, to his credit, pushed this guest for evidence, and when it did materialize, was immediately debunked and Art Bell announced on his radio program and on this very website, the fraud that was perpetuated on us. This was revealed long before the comet was at its nearest point. While we did have some fun with the Hale-Bopp Companion story, it was never reported to be true.
  • And when the 39 members of Heaven's Gate committed suicide, there was a letter left behind, that stated, the group did not base any of their beliefs on any companion that was reported by the Art Bell program. We also posted and reported that information. See our Heavens Gate page, scroll down to the end, where the suicide letter is reprinted.
  • When Art left the air last year, he did NOT claim his life was threatened, in fact it was made clear that his personal safety was not in jeopardy. He had personal family issues to deal with, which you could have learned all about by reading and listen to Art himself on our Art Bell Hiatus page. While the rumors did fly, we posted daily updates squashing those rumors and ensuring the fans of Art's safety. Art took every step possible to correct any false rumors going around. When Art returned, no fans thought Art Bell outsmarted sinister bad guys!
  • Your impression of Art's Magna Opus, seems to be devoid of the real position of Art Bell. While some guests on the show may have hinted at some scenarios that resemble your comments, Art himself doesn't give the UN much credit to control little bity countries, let alone the entire world.

So while Ms. Carman may hide behind the "this is only a commentary" shield, she makes erroneous representations first, of which then makes her comments about. Her comments aren't very relevant, since she doesn't have any true facts to comment on.

Ms. Carman welcomes your comments at: