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04/30/00 - Sun/Mon
- Host: Ian Punnett
- Guest: Jim Marrs
- Book: Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids
- Book: Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us
- Book: Crossfire : The Plot That Killed Kennedy
- WebSite: www.jimmarrs.com
04/29/00 - Sat/Sun
- Host: Bob Lonsberry
- Guest: Louise Platt Hauck
- Book: Heart-Links: Inspiring Personal Stories That Explore Our Powerful Ability to Communicate with Our Lost Loved Ones
- Book: Beyond Boundaries: The Adventures of a Seer
- Website: www.louisehauck.com
04/28/00 - Fri/Sat
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: Albert Taylor
- Out-Of-Body Experiences
- Book: Soul
Traveler: A Guide to Out of Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond (New 2000 Edition)
- Website: www.alberttaylor.com
04/27/00 - Thu/Fri
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: Robert Ghost Wolf
- Website: www.wolflodge.org
- Book: Last Cry: Native American Prophesies: Tales of the End Times
- Book: Winds of Change
04/26/00 - Wed/Thu
Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Michio Kaku
- Professor of theoretical physics
- Book: Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century
- Book: Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension
- Book: Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe
- Book: Introduction to Superstrings
- Website: www.mkaku.org
- E-mail: mkaku@aol.com
- Farewell Night
- So long my friend, thanks for the ride! -- Keith
04/25/00 - Tue/Wed
- Host: Art Bell
- Ghost to Ghost
04/24/00 - Mon/Tue
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
- Website: enterprisemission.com
- Related Article: More Skullduggery from Malin ...
- Guest: Ben Rock
- Production Designer of The Blair Witch Project
- Website: www.blairwitch.com
- Guest: Mel Waters
- Rags to Riches to Rags Story of Mel's Hole
- EMail: melwaters@home.com
04/23/00 - Sun/Mon
Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: Stanton Friedman
A nuclear physicist and author, has researched and investigated UFO cases for forty years. Stan was the original civilian investigator of the Roswell incident.
Book: Top Secret Majic
Book: Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of a UFO
Website: Stan Friedman
04/22/00 - Sat/Sun
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: Charles Ostman
- Senior fellow of Institute for Global Futures, has spent 25+ years working in the fields
of electronics, physics, computers, artificial intelligence, and most recently,
various aspects of applied and theoretical Nanotechnology.
- Website: www.techfuturist.com/charles1.htm
- Discussion Article
- Why the future doesn't need us. By Bill Joy
04/21/00 - Fri/Sat
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: Dr Lorraine Day
An orthopedic trauma surgeon, will describe her experience during
early attempts at getting well from advanced cancer. Of
the over 40 different types of alternative therapies she tried, two of
them, meditation and visualization, resulted in a terrifying visit from a
spirit being.
- Book: AIDS: What the Government Isn't Telling You
- Website: www.drday.com
04/20/00 - Thu/Fri
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Jonathan Reed
- Alien Contactee
- Related Page: Photos of Alien Encounter
- Website: www.OdysseyLink.net
- Guest: Evelyn Paglini
- Website: www.mysticalblend.com
04/19/00 - Wed/Thu
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Joyce Riley
- Important New Info on Waco
- Website: www.gulfwarvets.com
- Guest: Linda Moulton Howe
- Related Website: www.emrnetwork.org
- Related Website: www.ccwti.org
- Book: Glimpses of
Other Realities: High Strangeness Vol II
- Book: Glimpses of
Other Realities: Facts and Eyewitnesses
- Book: Alien
Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to
Alien Life Forms
- Website: earthfiles.com
04/18/00 - Tue/Wed
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Jim Berkland
- Website: www.syzygyjob.com
- Related Story:
- Area 51, What Are You? Photos suggest it's home to missiles, not aliens
- Guest: John Hogue
- Book: Messiahs: The Visions and Prophecies for the Second Coming
- Book: 1000 For 2000: Predictions for the New Millennium
- Book: The Last Pope: The Decline and Fall of the Church of Rome: The Prophecies of St. Malachy for the New Millennium
- Book: Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies
- Book: The Millennium Book of Prophecy
- Website: www.hogueprophecy.com
04/17/00 - Mon/Tue
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Discussion Article
- Why the future doesn't need us. By Bill Joy
- Guest: Whitley Strieber
- Books: Communion and Confirmation (Order through Website)
- Books: The Coming Global Superstorm
- Website: www.globalsuperstorm.com
- Website: www.strieber.com
- Last Copies of Superstorm Signed by Both Whitley and Art
The last few copies of The Coming Global Superstorm signed by both Whitley
Strieber and Art Bell are available from Paperchase Press while stocks last.
To place your order for one of these collector's items, call 1-800-864-7991.
- Todays Weather Satellite View
- Art Sends in Image From His WX Receiver
04/16/00 - Sun/Mon
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: William Buhlman
- Book: Adventures Beyond the Body
- Website: www.Mach1audio.com/out-of-body/
04/15/00 - Sat/Sun
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: Annie Kirkwood
- A retired nurse, began receiving messages from the Virgin Mary in 1987.
- Website: www.baproducts.com
04/14/00 - Fri/Sat
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: Zecharia Sitchin
- Book: The Cosmic
Code (6th Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: When Time
Began (5th Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The Lost
Realms (4th Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The Wars of
Gods and Men (3rd Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The
Stairway to Heaven (2nd Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: The 12th
Planet (1st Book of Earth Chronicles)
- Book: Of Heaven
and Earth: Essays Presented at the First Sitchin Studies Day
- Book: Breaking
the Godspell (Future Is Now Series)
- Book: Divine
Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries
- Website: sitchin.com
- Guest: Alex Collier
- Book: Defending Sacred Ground
- Website: www.lettersfromandromeda.com
04/13/00 - Thu/Fri
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Peter Davenport and Amy Hebert
- Related Website: The Windsor Incident
- Guest: James Oberg
- Book: Uncovering Soviet Disasters: Exploring the Limits of Glasnost
- Website: www.jamesoberg.com/
04/12/00 - Wed/Thu
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Kathleen Keating
- Associate and close friend of the late Fr. Malachi Martin
- Book: The Final Warning: Your Survival Guide to the New Millennium
- Website: www.finalwarningthebook.com
04/11/00 - Tue/Wed
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
- Related Info: First New Goodies From Mars Surveyor of Cydonia ...
- Related Info: The Maritan Domes...
- Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
- Website: www.enterprisemission.com
- Notice: Art announces
Mike Siegel as new Coast to Coast AM Host tonight.
- Guest: Charles T. Tart
- Book: Body Mind
Spirit: Exploring the Parapsychology of Spirituality
- Website: www.paradigm-sys.com/cttar/
04/10/00 - Mon/Tue
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: Dr. Judith Orloff
- Orloff is an MD who believes in uniting medicine with the intuition of mind body and
soul. As a child, Orloff was studied by UCLA, and declared to have extreme psychic
- Book: Dr. Judith Orloff's Guide to Intuitive Healing: Five Steps to Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Wellness
- Website: www.drjudithorloff.com
04/09/00 - Sun/Mon
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: Nick Begich
- Discussing HAARP, weather control, non-lethal warfare, and technology.
- Book: Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace
- Book: Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology
- Book: Towards a New Alchemy
- Website: www.earthpulse.com
04/08/00 - Sat/Sun
- Host: Mike Siegel
Guest: James Van Praagh
- Claims to speak with a "heavenly realm." He will tell stories of life on the other
side. His latest book "Healing Grief" confronts the loss of loved ones, and explains where they
have gone, and why we shouldn't grieve for them.
- Book: Healing Grief: Reclaiming Life After Any Loss
- Book: Reaching to Heaven: A Spiritual Journey Through Life and Death
- Book: Talking to Heaven: A Medium's Message of Life After Death
- Website: vanpraagh.com
04/07/00 - Fri/Sat
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: Lauren Weinstein
- Lauren discusses the Internet, its development, where it may go, and a myriad of privacy
issues surrounding it. He will also discuss invasion of privacy, bugging
techniques, how dangerous is your cell phone, and where technology is headed.
- Website: The PRIVACY Forum
- Website: PFIR - People For Internet Responsibility
04/06/00 - Thu/Fri
- Host: Art Bell
- Topics:
- Solar Storm! See Graphs
- What is this Cave Thing??
- Guest: Peter Davenport
- National Director, National UFO Reporting Center
- Website: www.ufocenter.com
- Guest: Richard C. Hoagland
- Book: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
- Website: www.enterprisemission.com
- Guest: Dr. Tom Van Flandern
- Book: Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets: Paradoxes Resolved, Origins Illuminated
- Website: www.metaresearch.org
- Guest: Neil Slade
- Website: Neil.Slade.net
- Related Story: Headless Chicken Sculpture Made
- Related Website: Official Mike The Headless Chicken WebSite
- Audio Clips: Click Your Amygdala, By Eric Vincent
- Real Audio Version
- MP3 Version
04/05/00 - Wed/Thu
- Host: Art Bell
- Open Lines: Time Travellers Only
- Guest: Dr David Anderson
- Website: www.time-travel.com
04/04/00 - Tue/Wed
- Host: Art Bell
- Guest: Kraig Kitchin
- CEO, Premiere Radio Networks
- Guest: Brad Steiger
- Book: Shadow World
- Book: The Source (w/Art Bell)
- Book: The Rainbow Conspiracy
- Book: True Ghost Stories: A Psychic Research Hunts for Evidence of Hauntings
- Book: Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides: True Accounts of Benevolent Beings from the Other Side
- Book: Mysteries of Time and Space
- Mentioned Website: www.beliefnet.com
04/03/00 - Mon/Tue
- Host: Mike Siegel
- Guest: Gregg Braden
- Book: Isaiah Effect: Decoding Our Future Through the Lost Science of Prophecy, Time, and Miracles
- Book: Awakening to Zero Point: The Collective Initiation
- Book: Walking Between the Worlds: The Science of Compassion
- Website: www.greggbraden.net
04/02/00 - Sun/Mon
- Host: Philip Clarke
- Guest: Ken Goddard
- Book: First Evidence
- Book: Double Blind
- Book: The Alchemist
- Book: Balefire
- Book: Cheater
- Book: Wildfire
- Book: Prey
- Website: members.aol.com/ kengoddard/kenhome.htm
04/01/00 - Sat/Sun
- Host: Philip Clarke
- Guest: Mark Wolfe
- CNN producer, "UFO Secret: The Roswell Crash Update 2000; The Eyewitnesses"