Pet Annoyances:
  • When I buy a rat & it dies 4 days later then I buy a rat that hates me & that's the one that lives forever (Latin_Angel)
  • When cats meaow at you for ages until you feed them and then don't eat the food! (Lefe)
  • when i'm lying down, and my cat comes over and lies on me, and sticks her butt in my face!!!! (Kit Kat)
  • When friends have dogs named Sheila so half the time they say my name they're talking to the dog. (Sheila)
  • when you just by a new oak coffee table and the puppy decides it would make a nice snack (KJ)
  • When you get up in the morning and notice the dog has gotten into the junk and strewn it all around the house. (Kim)
  • When the neighbors dogs bark all night and keep your awake, but obviously the neighbors are deaf. (Lulu)
  • Catfight at 4am (Aniz)
  • people who don't clean up after their dog when taking a walk!! NASTY!! (BabyBluez01)
  • When my full grown St. bernard jumps on my bed at night scaring me half to death because he's afraid of lighting (Evil Latin Angel)
  • My cat sleeps on my legs and when I go to roll over she gets pissed and bites me. (.:leesha:.)
  • When cats decide the edge of the mini-blinds are a good spot to poke their heads through to see outside (Angel)
  • When my very big dog lightly bumps the bathroom door, just as I am going to open it....ouch!!! (Jodie)
  • Whn you go to wear your favorite dark outfit and the cat slept on it all night leaving hair EVERYWHERE. (**Jules**)
  • You're trying to eat and the dog looks up at you as if she's a starving child from a Third World Country. (mh)
  • how your neighbor's cat insists on following you to school, then when you reach down to pet it, it bites you and runs away.... (sarah)
  • When my cat jumps off my stomach at the slightest noise and leaves really visible scars. (Grrrr)
  • When your dog decides your freshly made bed is the best place to dry off after a bath. (Professor)
  • My dog won't crap when I take him out for a 30 minute walk, but as soon as we come back, surpriiise!! (Rosa Ferrer)
  • Your cat will only puke when its dark and you are almost asleep. (Whitney)
  • When your cat scraches at your face when your alarm clock goes off and you don't get up. (Nix)
  • When your cat pretends to want you to pet them but then he bites you when you do. (~*Raven*~)
  • When your kitten decides that your new $400.00 curtains make a perfect ladder to the window sill. AAAAAAHHHH!! (~*Valerie*~)
  • the cat throws up in the night and for sure you'll step in it on the way to the kitchen for a midnight snack! (Janet)
  • When the dogs starts to drink and walks away with his mouth open and drips water all over the floor!!! (Why would I tell you??)
  • When you're trying to hear the big surprise ending to a mystery show and the parakeet won't shut up. (Vickie)
  • When you have company and the dog gets so excited he forgets himself and pees on the floor. (Smiley)
  • When you have on your best Sunday clothes and the dog pees on your foot. (~*Betty Crocker*~)
  • The cat waits until AFTER you get out of the shower to come out and rub up against your legs (melinda)
  • When the dog wants out so bad she runs into the back of your legs and knocks you on your butt when you open the door. (Akasha)
  • You clean the litter box, and as soon as you start walking away, the cat comes and goes to the bathroom. (Carrie)
  • People that ask me if i have a saddle for my great dane. (bill)
  • How your dog drinks out of the toilet but then when you get it fresh water, it wont drink it. (Carrie)
  • When my dog barks at every fly in the house, but when there was a robber...complete silence. (Titania)
  • Your cats ignore you all day, but the second you sit in your computer chair, they're on the keyboard asleep. (Ashley Ruby)
  • When your cat can hear your alarm clock go off, and he knows it's time to start crying at your door for food. (Becca)
  • Whenever the cat is in heat your leg seems to be the most attractive thing in the room (Angie)
  • My puppies think the cats litterbox is a snack bar,and they want to kiss me after a snack. (JULIE)
  • When the cat decides that the kitchen table is it's new bed. (Mandy)
  • The cat thinks the stairs is the best place to rub against your legs. (Jen)
  • Your cats get flees so you buy shampoo. It tells you to lather cat and wait five minutes (Don't they have cats?) (Melissa)
  • When you go to someone's house and their dog either sniffs your crotch or humps your leg. (Allyson)
  • When the dogs refuse to do their duty outside and then pee on the door after you let them back in. (sissygal14)
  • When your dog begs to go outside, and then decides that it would rather just sit on the porch. (white19dog)
  • Everytime you're busy the cats ask for attention but when you want a cat for comfort they run away or disappear. (alex)
  • People who don't want dog do-do in their own yard so they take fido for a walk and do-do on someone else's yard! (Shelly)
  • The dog refuses to go outside and later on you find it has left a little present on your living room rug. (Cristina Killingsworth)
  • You finish giving your dogs a bath, then let them out to the backyard, and they roll in the dirt! (Viki)
  • Your dog decides that it wants to go out the exact moment you've made yourself totally comfortable in bed. (Krys)
  • Seeing your cat laying in the middle of the clothes that you just took out of the dryer. (Larry B)
  • You get all dressed up for that special meeting that you are already late for and the dog jumps on you with muddy paws. (Wendy)
  • Company is coming. You have just changed the litter box and sweet kitty decides to welcome them with his/her malodorous gift. (Julie St.Pierre & Katherine)
  • How people always refer to pet feces as presents. I don't know how you celebrate, but... (Ashley)
  • You are eating dinner while watching a movie in the living room. You set your food down for a minute while you go to the restroom. When you come back you find doggie has consumed your dinner! (Josh G.)
Annoyances for all occasions!
Pet * Bathroom * Radio & TV * Restaurant * Duh... * Clothing * Parents & Kids*
* That's Life... * Public * School * Technology * Traffic * Work
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Last Updated: 06/01/00
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
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