the thought of brett hull and the stars getting another stanley cup! i hate the stars! (cheeze)
when Regis says, is that you final answer? It drives me nuts! (slice)
Teletubbies. (Sath & Sabra)
those REALLY perky people on the 5:00am morning shows (Jennifer Delight)
The thaught that Disco music might come back (meagan)
When the season finale of my favorite show is on and the power goes off. (Wicked Wanda)
How they play all the reruns on TV during the summer when your home, and all the new shows during the school year. (swift)
when Regis Philbin acts like te person didn't win and then goes,Yoouuu're absolutely right!!,..Quit Playing Regis!!!! (~*~WildFire17~*~)
The term chick flick (Window)
MTV doesn't seem to be about music anymore. (Jay)
The split of the Smashing Pumpkins (Steph)
Commercials that apparently think showing bobies bare butts is cute, it's not!! (Raymond Thomas)
How on American TV stations, they make a little coloured streak trail behind the puck. (Katelyn)
Is that your final answer? (Mouse)
When you tape a movie you really want to see but when you watch it you find out it was a 2-parter and you missed the 2nd part. (cutie)
Shania Twain (Eddie)
Regis Philbin's neck ties. (Carolyn)
Soap Opera!!! ARGH they are sooo unrealistic!!! (Julia:) :))
For the last time, no I don't know the professor, and no I can't get Ginger's autograph!! (Marianne)
How the Trix Rabbit and the Honey Nut Cheerios Bee never get the cereals!(and when they do it's all a dream!) (Melandy)
When you are watching a movie and the person beside you says everything the actor says before the actor says it! (Michigan)
When the same commercial plays back to's not like we forgot it already! (MiDori)
Martha Stewart (Window)
When a company finds an ad that works and then they milk it dry until everyone is sick it. (Brienne)
Richard Simmons. (Killer Onion)
i'm a dj and what really annoys me is when someone will request a song that I'm currently playing. (KEITH)
The fact that there are now more commercials than there are TV shows! (**Jules**)
That Wildly Cayote never gets Road Runner. Also, Daffy Duck always gets shot and not Bugs Bunny (Mimi)
When you are listening to the radio and they play an awesome song, only to have the idiots not tell you the name or band! (Chazey babe)
How there are little stickers on rented movies that ask you to rewind, but when you put the movie in, it isn't rewound!! (Firefly)
When the radio guy says he'll play your fav song, then talks forever and plays it 4 hours later!!!!!! (*Whit*)
Hearing noises while you're driving and think your car is falling apart then realize the noise is the song on the radio (mh)
You're listening to a motivating show about dieting and during the show, the station runs ads for ice cream. (mh)
Teenaged TV shows being on at 10:30- 11:00pm on a school night (David's girl)
When Peolpe complain about how unrealistic 007 is, Its a Movie. (Pete)
When you're watching a movie and they take all the curse words out and replace them with something really stupid. (TWYLA)
When a guy is watching a sport on TV, the players or the ref. does something wrong and they yell at the TV! (***NiCoLe***)
The way all you need to be famous is looks these days. Can't musicians write their own music? C'mon... (Annie-o)
In James Bond, when the 500 baddies cannot even hit 007, he is able to kill them all with just a few shots.. (digital.diablo)
Dr. Laura....she makes money by telling people obvious advice (Zakspeed)
Jerry Springer (victem of society)
You're watching a movie that was obviously made for guys, yet the commercials are all for Vagisil and pads. (Sally :))
Mind numbing, spirit crushing day time TV with insanely over-exagerating show hosts trying to drag me into hell. (Nick Snuggle)
Chuck E. Cheese commercials. (Professor)
Teletubbies- Britian's failed attempt to take over the world with stupidity. (Kat)
When Superman takes the bullets in the chest, but when the bad guy throws the gun, he ducks. (Nate)
Movies based on books that are changed so much they don't have to pay royalties. (victim of society)
Sparks on windshields and wood when bullets hit them in TV movies. (Tires squealing on gravel, too. ed.) (VICTOR)
When all of the commercials for medicine compare theirs to the one that just had a commercial comparing it to the other! (Athea :o▐)
How all the phone numbers on TV start with 555..... (Window)
Wrestling (Robert)
Finding a super radio station that plays EVERYTHING you like. The problem: You're on vacation, 1,567 miles from home. (laura)
When your favorite show ever is pre-empted during playoffs (Mara S)
Those stupid laugh tracks on tv. I can decide for my self what is funny. (jimbo)
How aliens on TV speak English. (Ange)
When they don't tell you who sings the song! (mrs. euwings class)
When on TV nobody runs out of bullets. (Rachel)
The way on Soap Operas, nobody ever needs to look up a phone number or runs out of money. (Or has to go to the bathroom, or gets a flat tire, or needs to by toilet paper, or...) (Rachel)
When one show gets popular, so the networks crank out knock-off type shows by the hundreds. (Jen)
50 channels and nothing on. (annoyed)
Richard Simmons (A-chan)
Those stupid little logos that EVERY channel sticks in the corner of the screen that never go away! (NCC-2000)
When they play the same rerun over and over but your favorite episode is only played once a year. (hannah)
Those commercials for some kind of miracle pill or something and they say that one of the side-affects is seizures.... (jeybird)
How Bart and Lisa Simpson have been 10 and 8 for the last 10 years. Grow up already. Bart is still in 4th grade!!! (Poptart84)
On medicine commercials, the side effects they list (may cause sexual side effects, tremors, convulsions, diahrea, nausea, flat feet, explosive flatus, etc.) (Fussy109)
The freeze frame technique being used in everything now. Videos, Commercials, Sitcoms... (Jen)
Singers who show off their cleavage more than their voice (melly)
When DJs start singing along to the song on the radio. (Jen Brugman)
Those Gap Zombies that just stare while they sing. (Phil)
When a radio station claims they play music from the 80's, 90's, and today! and they mostly play the music from today. (Tammy)
When you want to see a baseball game on TV, but it turns out the time slot has been taken up by Barney the Dinosaur! (Dan Niemeyer)
The stupid Taco Bell chihuahua commercials. It was funny at first ,but now its just plain annoying. (Ryan)
Teletubbies (stain)
When the radio stations all manage to run commercials in the same part of the hour, so there's no music on any station. (Rachel Kaplan)
Radio stations that play 3 songs an hour by the same band just because they're playing a concert in town in 2 weeks! (Dean Mayo)
When they play a cool new song on the radio and then never ever say who it's by or what it's called. (Superhero Girl)
When people who call in to radio stations don't realize that when the dj says you're on the air_____, they're on. (Laney)
When they have the credits shoved to one side of the tv after a movie and you can't read them (Lauren)
When somebody changes the radio station when your fave song comes on. (Lauren)
When radio stations stop the music just to tell you how little they stop the music. (ViEtta)
Those stupid stupid Old Navy Commercials. (Shannon)
Someone comes to visit just as the murder mystery you're watching is about to be solved. (Fran C.)
How each Golden Girl separately wears one of the primary colors and the fourth wears green, purple, or a neutral color. (Matthew Ortiz and Christina Ferreri)
How once you're told of the Primary Colors Theory for the Golden Girls, that's all you can notice when you watch it. (Matthew Ortiz and Christina Ferreri)
Your friend decides to start talking your ear off when a good song FINALLY comes on the radio (Holly)
Sitting down to watch a movie on TV that you have been looking forward to, when a friend calls who really likes to talk. (Susan Campbell)
You get hooked on a sitcom and it gets cancelled. (Karla)
Prime-time network shows who feel it's necessary to use the word 'ass' even when another word would be funnier. (James of the Midwest)
People who call radio station request lines and request the song the station has played 40 times that day already. (Brida)
You record your favorite show in the world and find out it didn't record because your VCR was on the wrong channel. (Jenni D.)
Commercials for feminine protection on tv when you are eating dinner. (Linda S Wozny)
When that great song they never play comes on the radio just as you are pulling in to your destination. (Megan)
10-10-321, 10-10-345, 10-10-9000, 10-10-ATT-00 and 10-10-234571908347-47504375-57984375. (Norwegian Wood & Richard C.)
You find a really good movie and turn on the tv to realize that you were reading last week's tv guide. (Rachel Kurtz)
You finally get comfortable to watch your favorite show only to realize the remote is sitting on top of the t.v. (Raul & several others)
When you've only seen a t.v. show once, and when you try to watch it again it's the same episode you've already seen! (Ali)
When someone calls a radio station to request a song and they don't know the name of the song, so they try to sing it. (Cash)
Hearing a song on the radio you absolutely hate, then you can't get it out of your head for the rest of the day. (Mark)
When a man loses his remote and searches three hours while complaining instead of changing the channel by hand. (Karen Perez)
When you tell someone the name of a TV show they HAVE to watch, and they see the absolute worst episode of the series. (Lettie)
Flipping from station to station on the radio only to catch the last 3 seconds of your favorite song. (Happy Mutant)