Radio & TV Annoyances:
  • the thought of brett hull and the stars getting another stanley cup! i hate the stars! (cheeze)
  • when Regis says, is that you final answer? It drives me nuts! (slice)
  • Teletubbies. (Sath & Sabra)
  • those REALLY perky people on the 5:00am morning shows (Jennifer Delight)
  • The thaught that Disco music might come back (meagan)
  • When the season finale of my favorite show is on and the power goes off. (Wicked Wanda)
  • How they play all the reruns on TV during the summer when your home, and all the new shows during the school year. (swift)
  • when Regis Philbin acts like te person didn't win and then goes,Yoouuu're absolutely right!!,..Quit Playing Regis!!!! (~*~WildFire17~*~)
  • The term chick flick (Window)
  • MTV doesn't seem to be about music anymore. (Jay)
  • The split of the Smashing Pumpkins (Steph)
  • Commercials that apparently think showing bobies bare butts is cute, it's not!! (Raymond Thomas)
  • How on American TV stations, they make a little coloured streak trail behind the puck. (Katelyn)
  • Is that your final answer? (Mouse)
  • When you tape a movie you really want to see but when you watch it you find out it was a 2-parter and you missed the 2nd part. (cutie)
  • Shania Twain (Eddie)
  • Regis Philbin's neck ties. (Carolyn)
  • Soap Opera!!! ARGH they are sooo unrealistic!!! (Julia:) :))
  • For the last time, no I don't know the professor, and no I can't get Ginger's autograph!! (Marianne)
  • How the Trix Rabbit and the Honey Nut Cheerios Bee never get the cereals!(and when they do it's all a dream!) (Melandy)
  • When you are watching a movie and the person beside you says everything the actor says before the actor says it! (Michigan)
  • When the same commercial plays back to's not like we forgot it already! (MiDori)
  • Martha Stewart (Window)
  • When a company finds an ad that works and then they milk it dry until everyone is sick it. (Brienne)
  • Richard Simmons. (Killer Onion)
  • i'm a dj and what really annoys me is when someone will request a song that I'm currently playing. (KEITH)
  • The fact that there are now more commercials than there are TV shows! (**Jules**)
  • That Wildly Cayote never gets Road Runner. Also, Daffy Duck always gets shot and not Bugs Bunny (Mimi)
  • When you are listening to the radio and they play an awesome song, only to have the idiots not tell you the name or band! (Chazey babe)
  • How there are little stickers on rented movies that ask you to rewind, but when you put the movie in, it isn't rewound!! (Firefly)
  • When the radio guy says he'll play your fav song, then talks forever and plays it 4 hours later!!!!!! (*Whit*)
  • Hearing noises while you're driving and think your car is falling apart then realize the noise is the song on the radio (mh)
  • You're listening to a motivating show about dieting and during the show, the station runs ads for ice cream. (mh)
  • Teenaged TV shows being on at 10:30- 11:00pm on a school night (David's girl)
  • When Peolpe complain about how unrealistic 007 is, Its a Movie. (Pete)
  • When you're watching a movie and they take all the curse words out and replace them with something really stupid. (TWYLA)
  • When a guy is watching a sport on TV, the players or the ref. does something wrong and they yell at the TV! (***NiCoLe***)
  • The way all you need to be famous is looks these days. Can't musicians write their own music? C'mon... (Annie-o)
  • In James Bond, when the 500 baddies cannot even hit 007, he is able to kill them all with just a few shots.. (digital.diablo)
  • Dr. Laura....she makes money by telling people obvious advice (Zakspeed)
  • Jerry Springer (victem of society)
  • You're watching a movie that was obviously made for guys, yet the commercials are all for Vagisil and pads. (Sally :))
  • Mind numbing, spirit crushing day time TV with insanely over-exagerating show hosts trying to drag me into hell. (Nick Snuggle)
  • Chuck E. Cheese commercials. (Professor)
  • Teletubbies- Britian's failed attempt to take over the world with stupidity. (Kat)
  • When Superman takes the bullets in the chest, but when the bad guy throws the gun, he ducks. (Nate)
  • Movies based on books that are changed so much they don't have to pay royalties. (victim of society)
  • Sparks on windshields and wood when bullets hit them in TV movies. (Tires squealing on gravel, too. ed.) (VICTOR)
  • When all of the commercials for medicine compare theirs to the one that just had a commercial comparing it to the other! (Athea :o▐)
  • How all the phone numbers on TV start with 555..... (Window)
  • Wrestling (Robert)
  • Finding a super radio station that plays EVERYTHING you like. The problem: You're on vacation, 1,567 miles from home. (laura)
  • When your favorite show ever is pre-empted during playoffs (Mara S)
  • Those stupid laugh tracks on tv. I can decide for my self what is funny. (jimbo)
  • How aliens on TV speak English. (Ange)
  • When they don't tell you who sings the song! (mrs. euwings class)
  • When on TV nobody runs out of bullets. (Rachel)
  • The way on Soap Operas, nobody ever needs to look up a phone number or runs out of money. (Or has to go to the bathroom, or gets a flat tire, or needs to by toilet paper, or...) (Rachel)
  • When one show gets popular, so the networks crank out knock-off type shows by the hundreds. (Jen)
  • 50 channels and nothing on. (annoyed)
  • Richard Simmons (A-chan)
  • Those stupid little logos that EVERY channel sticks in the corner of the screen that never go away! (NCC-2000)
  • When they play the same rerun over and over but your favorite episode is only played once a year. (hannah)
  • Those commercials for some kind of miracle pill or something and they say that one of the side-affects is seizures.... (jeybird)
  • How Bart and Lisa Simpson have been 10 and 8 for the last 10 years. Grow up already. Bart is still in 4th grade!!! (Poptart84)
  • On medicine commercials, the side effects they list (may cause sexual side effects, tremors, convulsions, diahrea, nausea, flat feet, explosive flatus, etc.) (Fussy109)
  • The freeze frame technique being used in everything now. Videos, Commercials, Sitcoms... (Jen)
  • Singers who show off their cleavage more than their voice (melly)
  • When DJs start singing along to the song on the radio. (Jen Brugman)
  • Those Gap Zombies that just stare while they sing. (Phil)
  • When a radio station claims they play music from the 80's, 90's, and today! and they mostly play the music from today. (Tammy)
  • When you want to see a baseball game on TV, but it turns out the time slot has been taken up by Barney the Dinosaur! (Dan Niemeyer)
  • The stupid Taco Bell chihuahua commercials. It was funny at first ,but now its just plain annoying. (Ryan)
  • Teletubbies (stain)
  • When the radio stations all manage to run commercials in the same part of the hour, so there's no music on any station. (Rachel Kaplan)
  • Radio stations that play 3 songs an hour by the same band just because they're playing a concert in town in 2 weeks! (Dean Mayo)
  • When they play a cool new song on the radio and then never ever say who it's by or what it's called. (Superhero Girl)
  • When people who call in to radio stations don't realize that when the dj says you're on the air_____, they're on. (Laney)
  • When they have the credits shoved to one side of the tv after a movie and you can't read them (Lauren)
  • When somebody changes the radio station when your fave song comes on. (Lauren)
  • When radio stations stop the music just to tell you how little they stop the music. (ViEtta)
  • Those stupid stupid Old Navy Commercials. (Shannon)
  • Someone comes to visit just as the murder mystery you're watching is about to be solved. (Fran C.)
  • How each Golden Girl separately wears one of the primary colors and the fourth wears green, purple, or a neutral color. (Matthew Ortiz and Christina Ferreri)
  • How once you're told of the Primary Colors Theory for the Golden Girls, that's all you can notice when you watch it. (Matthew Ortiz and Christina Ferreri)
  • Your friend decides to start talking your ear off when a good song FINALLY comes on the radio (Holly)
  • Sitting down to watch a movie on TV that you have been looking forward to, when a friend calls who really likes to talk. (Susan Campbell)
  • You get hooked on a sitcom and it gets cancelled. (Karla)
  • Prime-time network shows who feel it's necessary to use the word 'ass' even when another word would be funnier. (James of the Midwest)
  • People who call radio station request lines and request the song the station has played 40 times that day already. (Brida)
  • You record your favorite show in the world and find out it didn't record because your VCR was on the wrong channel. (Jenni D.)
  • Commercials for feminine protection on tv when you are eating dinner. (Linda S Wozny)
  • When that great song they never play comes on the radio just as you are pulling in to your destination. (Megan)
  • 10-10-321, 10-10-345, 10-10-9000, 10-10-ATT-00 and 10-10-234571908347-47504375-57984375. (Norwegian Wood & Richard C.)
  • You find a really good movie and turn on the tv to realize that you were reading last week's tv guide. (Rachel Kurtz)
  • You finally get comfortable to watch your favorite show only to realize the remote is sitting on top of the t.v. (Raul & several others)
  • When you've only seen a t.v. show once, and when you try to watch it again it's the same episode you've already seen! (Ali)
  • When someone calls a radio station to request a song and they don't know the name of the song, so they try to sing it. (Cash)
  • Hearing a song on the radio you absolutely hate, then you can't get it out of your head for the rest of the day. (Mark)
  • When a man loses his remote and searches three hours while complaining instead of changing the channel by hand. (Karen Perez)
  • When you tell someone the name of a TV show they HAVE to watch, and they see the absolute worst episode of the series. (Lettie)
  • Flipping from station to station on the radio only to catch the last 3 seconds of your favorite song. (Happy Mutant)
Annoyances for all occasions!
Pet * Bathroom * Radio & TV * Restaurant * Duh... * Clothing * Parents & Kids*
* That's Life... * Public * School * Technology * Traffic * Work
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Last Updated: 06/01/00
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
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