You are in the car & your favorite song comes on, then your passenger starts to sing along loud and offkey. Ruining it! (Niki Leigh)
at the stop light, theres a green arrow to turn left but people don't realize they can turn until the arrow is yellow (ravin_baddmaru)
Customized license plates you can't figure out before the light changes! (Bunnie)
when you swerve to the left to avoid a squirrel and hit your boyfriend's dog(ooopps) (cheeze)
When a state trooper goes ten under the posted speed limit and no one will pass him. (onebadstang)
People who drive cars that look like unmarked police cars: You slow down and they blow right past you! (FastDriver)
When people come to a complete stop before merging onto highways. MOVE! (Kelly)
That icky sound of windsheild wipers on ice in the morning!!! AHHH!!! (Jamie)
people who knock Ford Pintos! (where will your car be in 25 years? junkyard, maybe?) (maggie)
when you are trying to get over in traffic and no one will let you in (cowgirl)
$500 cars with $2000 stereo systems playing rap so loud that the bumper is about to shake off. (George)
When someone parks so close to your car you can't get in. (Innocent95)
When the light turns green and people just sit there..uh..what shade of green are you waiting for? (Honeycomb)
When the highways are a sheet of ice so you drive carefully,only to have a 20 ton semi go by at 90 and blow you away (snick)
Those people who insist on waiting for you to back out of a parking space, even though there's an open one 2 spaces away (Carolyn)
When you drink while you drive and you end up hitting a bump and spilling it on yourself. (Melissa)
People who get in my car and immediatly change the radio station. It's MY car! (Carolyn)
Can we say BLINKER?!?!? (Annette)
When smokers think the world is their ashtray and throw lit cigerettes out of the window of their cars and it hits yours (Missy)
When another motorist will not lower their high beams, and practically blind me (Lisa W.)
Keep tailgating, I'll just go slower! (annoid)
People who slam on the brakes when they see the cop..only there is a BIG CONCRETE median seperating them!!!!! (PerfectAngel)
When people speed to get in front of you and then go 30 mph the rest of the way (Karen)
When drivers STOP in the MIDDLE LANE on the HIGHWAY and then wonder why you hit them. (Stacy)
When people stop 10 ' from the stop line at an elec.eye controlled stop light! (Wanda)
When trying to get somewhere on time and it seems as if they let grandpa out on the road right in front of you (Dan)
When someone waits until the last minute to get over into the turn lane!!!! (brandy)
Personalized licensed plates. (Especially the demented cryotic ones...) (Shale)
People who stop beside your broke down car and ask Car Broke? (Dominik)
Volkswagon Beatles. THEY SUCK!!!!!! They're so ugly and impractical, SO WHY DO I SEE SO MANY PEOPLE DRIVING THEM??!!! (Killer Onion)
The completely empty street that instantly fills with traffic as soon as you try to cross it. (Mr Bostock)
People who speed up to beat a red light and then slam on their brakes when they lose their nerve. (PamB)
Construction zones for the next 3 miles blocking a perfectly fine road when nobody's out working on them. (eyeball)
When the people in front of you slam on their brakes because there is a cop, and he already has some one pulled over. (Katie Lou)
When those idiot high school kids cross RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET instead of 50 ft down at the marked crosswalk (Logan)
You wanna make a right on red and nothings coming but the idiot in front of you waits until the light turns green!!!!! (Kra Z Me)
People who take forever to turn! Hello! Join STA and get out of my way! (slow turners anonymous) (Erin)
When they decide to fix all the roads at once and you can't get home cause the roads are torn up on all sides. (Me)
When someone is next to you at a red light and just because your eyes locked for a moment they think you want to race! (b-rella)
People who park so close to the left hand door of your car that you have to climb in on the right hand side over the gear shift (lulu)
When the UPS or FedEx guys think that parking and driving rules don't apply to them just because they have a big truck (Griffen)
Those silly bastards that go the opposite way in a parking lot with arrows clearly pointing in the opposite direction!!! (K.T. Reardon)
When the state puts up a sign that says "Pothole" instead of fixing the pothole. (annoyed)
When a person turns on his signal as he finishes changing lanes. (Joann)
Streets with stop signs every ten feet. (Adam)
Red light, right hand lane and the guy in front of you wants to go straight when you need to go right. (The Man on in the Moon)
Those stupid SUV's that keep getting bigger and bigger.The next one they come out with better be called the Subdivision (Coke)
When someone 1/2 mile in front of you brakes and the passanger in your car starts gasping and warning you to Look out! (Stephanie)
When ambulences are trying to get to the hospital and the people in cars don't have the decency to MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! (Gabrielle)
Four words: Stretch Lincoln Navigator Limos........! (scooder)
When somebody has their turn signal on for miles with no intention of getting over or turning. (Kris)
Mercedes SUV's. Their owners drive like morons (Chris)
When idiots decide to leave their empty shopping cart in the middle a parking space instead of walking 3ft to put it on the grass or back where it belongs! (kim aKa trusoljagrrl)
People who don't stop for school buses with their stop sign out and lights flashing and people in crosswalks (Sharon)
People who insist that they can drive their cars and talk on their cell phones at the same time (quspaz)
When trucks or SUV's tail me with their brights on so I can't use my rear view mirror or I'll be blinded. (Rhianna and Mark)
When people don't turn off their blinkers after changing lanes (cmonster)
When you finally get the chance to pass a guy that's going 10 under the speed limit, so you gun it and get a ticket. (RidBoy)
Riding in the car with someone that gripes about how everyone else is driving. (Sis)
When you pull into a gas station with a flat tire and someone says, Got a flat tire? (ERIC)
When you switch lanes to pass a slow poke who's in the fast lane, just to end up behind someone who starts to slow down. (Mike D)
The fact that you have to park in a driveway and drive on a parkway. (Hartdawg)
When someone pulls all the way to the right side of the road when they're turning left. (Nick)
Expensive luxury cars that come equipped with a cell phone but no turn signals. (Tony)
Pulling down the sun visor in your car and a spider falls into your lap...AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! (Lolita)
People who brake when they get near a green light. (Lauren)
When you have to pass a cop on a four lane road because he's going under the speed limit. (Erin Rae)
People who do not use their blinkers! Afterall, they are there for a purpose. (liz)
Having to go all the way to the top of a full parking garage so you can turn down and drive all the way back out. (katie)
Right lane closed 3 miles ahead and everyone stays in the right lane until they start running over cones and barrels (Sunshine)
You're waiting for the bus, watching hundreds of cars with one occupant go exactly where you want to go (Henry Buszard)
When your responding to an emergency with the sirens on and no one pulls over!! I'm saving lives, help me out alittle!! (Fireman)
When someone tailgates you for miles then when you get to the passing lane..THEY DONT PASS!!!! (Elaine)
When people honk at you when you are 3seconds late responding to the redlight. Keep honking, buddy, I'm reloading! (The Nerd)
When I can hear your car stereo, but can't hear my own. (orion)
People that insist on honking in traffic jams... NOONE CAN GO ANYWHERE SO JUST SHUT UP! (Erin)
People who put on thier turn signal two seconds before they turn or change lanes. Or worse, during! (Jen)
When you pull over at the sound of a siren only to realize it's coming from the car radio. (Sue)
Getting stuck behind a slow moving tractor in the fast lane for 3/4 of an hour. (charlotte)
When people go down the wrong way in the parking lot then get mad at you because your in their way!! (Elaine)
People who honk the horn EXACTLY when the light turns green. (mark r.)
People who decide to pull out onto the road when you get within an arm's length of them and then turn off 5 feet away. (Bontee)
People who feel that turning their hazard lights on is an adequate passport for parking in 'no parking' areas. (Egorey)
Old ladies who more time backing their Cadillacs out of a parking space than the time it takes to dock the Queen Mary. (Kenny Badyl)
People think they are invisible in their cars, even when you're at a stop, and decide to pick their nose. EEWWW! (Nikki Womack)
When you are at the mall and you finally see a space only to start to pull in and there is a motorcycle sitting there. (Andi)
When someone drives your car and you can't get the seat back to the way you like it! (Jen)
You are in a long line of cars waiting to turn left and the light changes just as YOU get there ! (Patti)
You pull up behind someone at a red light in the left lane, and they signal to turn left as soon as the light changes! (Shanna)
I can't believe nobody has mentioned the people who sit in the passing lane of traffic, go slow, and will NOT move over! (Shannon)
On a two lane hwy the two cars in front of me are driving the same speed which happens to be 5 mph below the speed limit. (Dave Lindahl)
When you drive into a gas station at 4:00 a.m. with a boat behind your truck and the clerk asks you if you're going fishing. (Terry)
When you are walking down the street on a particularly slushy day, and some shmuck drives by really fast, splashing you (Carly)
When you drive up to a service station with a flat tire, and the attendant walks out and asks, "Tire go flat?" (Chris)
People who drive in the passing lane and won't get over for anything. (Violet)
Someone parks his car so close to yours that the you can only get in from the passenger side and you're wearing a dress! (Barbara)
When you just shovel out 3 feet of snow at the end of your driveway, and then the snowplow comes by again! (Magus Smith)
Some people seem to buy cars with the turn signal already on and can't quite figure out how to turn them off. (michael bulger)
People who leave their shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot. (Brian Baldwin)
You decide to ash your cigarette out of the car window as a gust of wind blows all the ashes onto you. (Jill Engler)
People who, at a red light, seem to wait for their favorite shade of green before going. (Scott Allen)
People who leave their left turn signals on 1/2 a mile after they've already turned. (Courtney)
When you are cruising the parking lot at Walmart and you see an open space, you go to pull up and there's a pinto there. (Angie McClung)
The people in the car next to you actually think you WANT to listen to their radio. (Colleen Draper)
Having a new car and parking in the back of the lot only to have someone park right next to you. (Richard Pelletieri)
When you're merging onto the freeway and the person in front of you decides to stop and wait for traffic to clear. (Robert Boyle)
When there is an accident along side the road, everyone goes 3 miles per hour! Do they think they are going to see a detached limb or something! (Ariana Abedi)
When there is a police car in sight and everyone thinks they must drive 10-15 mph slower than the speed limit. (Linda Jones)
You're waiting patiently for a parking spot, signalling, only to have someone whip in from opposite direction. (Mike)
Driving behind a truck with people sitting in the bed staring at you. (Ohms)
People do not pick their nose in public but they do when they drive. (Darren Saumur)
If you are late for work, it's guaranteed you will get behind the little old person going nowhere at 15 mph. (Sharon Stevenson)
The driver in front of you who goes 5 miles below the speed limit, and then speeds up when you want to pass them. (Jennifer & several others)
When someone pulls out in front of you even if there is no traffic behind you and then drives 2MPH. (Maw Maw Granny)
People that decide to start slowing down for a turn about three blocks before they really do turn. (Randy Y)