Traffic Annoyances:
  • You are in the car & your favorite song comes on, then your passenger starts to sing along loud and offkey. Ruining it! (Niki Leigh)
  • at the stop light, theres a green arrow to turn left but people don't realize they can turn until the arrow is yellow (ravin_baddmaru)
  • Customized license plates you can't figure out before the light changes! (Bunnie)
  • when you swerve to the left to avoid a squirrel and hit your boyfriend's dog(ooopps) (cheeze)
  • When a state trooper goes ten under the posted speed limit and no one will pass him. (onebadstang)
  • People who drive cars that look like unmarked police cars: You slow down and they blow right past you! (FastDriver)
  • When people come to a complete stop before merging onto highways. MOVE! (Kelly)
  • That icky sound of windsheild wipers on ice in the morning!!! AHHH!!! (Jamie)
  • people who knock Ford Pintos! (where will your car be in 25 years? junkyard, maybe?) (maggie)
  • when you are trying to get over in traffic and no one will let you in (cowgirl)
  • $500 cars with $2000 stereo systems playing rap so loud that the bumper is about to shake off. (George)
  • When someone parks so close to your car you can't get in. (Innocent95)
  • When the light turns green and people just sit there..uh..what shade of green are you waiting for? (Honeycomb)
  • When the highways are a sheet of ice so you drive carefully,only to have a 20 ton semi go by at 90 and blow you away (snick)
  • Those people who insist on waiting for you to back out of a parking space, even though there's an open one 2 spaces away (Carolyn)
  • When you drink while you drive and you end up hitting a bump and spilling it on yourself. (Melissa)
  • People who get in my car and immediatly change the radio station. It's MY car! (Carolyn)
  • Can we say BLINKER?!?!? (Annette)
  • When smokers think the world is their ashtray and throw lit cigerettes out of the window of their cars and it hits yours (Missy)
  • When another motorist will not lower their high beams, and practically blind me (Lisa W.)
  • Keep tailgating, I'll just go slower! (annoid)
  • People who slam on the brakes when they see the cop..only there is a BIG CONCRETE median seperating them!!!!! (PerfectAngel)
  • When people speed to get in front of you and then go 30 mph the rest of the way (Karen)
  • When drivers STOP in the MIDDLE LANE on the HIGHWAY and then wonder why you hit them. (Stacy)
  • When people stop 10 ' from the stop line at an elec.eye controlled stop light! (Wanda)
  • When trying to get somewhere on time and it seems as if they let grandpa out on the road right in front of you (Dan)
  • When someone waits until the last minute to get over into the turn lane!!!! (brandy)
  • Personalized licensed plates. (Especially the demented cryotic ones...) (Shale)
  • People who stop beside your broke down car and ask Car Broke? (Dominik)
  • Volkswagon Beatles. THEY SUCK!!!!!! They're so ugly and impractical, SO WHY DO I SEE SO MANY PEOPLE DRIVING THEM??!!! (Killer Onion)
  • The completely empty street that instantly fills with traffic as soon as you try to cross it. (Mr Bostock)
  • People who speed up to beat a red light and then slam on their brakes when they lose their nerve. (PamB)
  • Construction zones for the next 3 miles blocking a perfectly fine road when nobody's out working on them. (eyeball)
  • When the people in front of you slam on their brakes because there is a cop, and he already has some one pulled over. (Katie Lou)
  • When those idiot high school kids cross RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET instead of 50 ft down at the marked crosswalk (Logan)
  • You wanna make a right on red and nothings coming but the idiot in front of you waits until the light turns green!!!!! (Kra Z Me)
  • People who take forever to turn! Hello! Join STA and get out of my way! (slow turners anonymous) (Erin)
  • When they decide to fix all the roads at once and you can't get home cause the roads are torn up on all sides. (Me)
  • When someone is next to you at a red light and just because your eyes locked for a moment they think you want to race! (b-rella)
  • People who park so close to the left hand door of your car that you have to climb in on the right hand side over the gear shift (lulu)
  • When the UPS or FedEx guys think that parking and driving rules don't apply to them just because they have a big truck (Griffen)
  • Those silly bastards that go the opposite way in a parking lot with arrows clearly pointing in the opposite direction!!! (K.T. Reardon)
  • When the state puts up a sign that says "Pothole" instead of fixing the pothole. (annoyed)
  • When a person turns on his signal as he finishes changing lanes. (Joann)
  • Streets with stop signs every ten feet. (Adam)
  • Red light, right hand lane and the guy in front of you wants to go straight when you need to go right. (The Man on in the Moon)
  • Those stupid SUV's that keep getting bigger and bigger.The next one they come out with better be called the Subdivision (Coke)
  • When someone 1/2 mile in front of you brakes and the passanger in your car starts gasping and warning you to Look out! (Stephanie)
  • When ambulences are trying to get to the hospital and the people in cars don't have the decency to MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! (Gabrielle)
  • Four words: Stretch Lincoln Navigator Limos........! (scooder)
  • When somebody has their turn signal on for miles with no intention of getting over or turning. (Kris)
  • Mercedes SUV's. Their owners drive like morons (Chris)
  • When idiots decide to leave their empty shopping cart in the middle a parking space instead of walking 3ft to put it on the grass or back where it belongs! (kim aKa trusoljagrrl)
  • People who don't stop for school buses with their stop sign out and lights flashing and people in crosswalks (Sharon)
  • People who insist that they can drive their cars and talk on their cell phones at the same time (quspaz)
  • When trucks or SUV's tail me with their brights on so I can't use my rear view mirror or I'll be blinded. (Rhianna and Mark)
  • When people don't turn off their blinkers after changing lanes (cmonster)
  • When you finally get the chance to pass a guy that's going 10 under the speed limit, so you gun it and get a ticket. (RidBoy)
  • Riding in the car with someone that gripes about how everyone else is driving. (Sis)
  • When you pull into a gas station with a flat tire and someone says, Got a flat tire? (ERIC)
  • When you switch lanes to pass a slow poke who's in the fast lane, just to end up behind someone who starts to slow down. (Mike D)
  • The fact that you have to park in a driveway and drive on a parkway. (Hartdawg)
  • When someone pulls all the way to the right side of the road when they're turning left. (Nick)
  • Expensive luxury cars that come equipped with a cell phone but no turn signals. (Tony)
  • Pulling down the sun visor in your car and a spider falls into your lap...AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! (Lolita)
  • People who brake when they get near a green light. (Lauren)
  • When you have to pass a cop on a four lane road because he's going under the speed limit. (Erin Rae)
  • People who do not use their blinkers! Afterall, they are there for a purpose. (liz)
  • Having to go all the way to the top of a full parking garage so you can turn down and drive all the way back out. (katie)
  • Right lane closed 3 miles ahead and everyone stays in the right lane until they start running over cones and barrels (Sunshine)
  • You're waiting for the bus, watching hundreds of cars with one occupant go exactly where you want to go (Henry Buszard)
  • When your responding to an emergency with the sirens on and no one pulls over!! I'm saving lives, help me out alittle!! (Fireman)
  • When someone tailgates you for miles then when you get to the passing lane..THEY DONT PASS!!!! (Elaine)
  • When people honk at you when you are 3seconds late responding to the redlight. Keep honking, buddy, I'm reloading! (The Nerd)
  • When I can hear your car stereo, but can't hear my own. (orion)
  • People that insist on honking in traffic jams... NOONE CAN GO ANYWHERE SO JUST SHUT UP! (Erin)
  • People who put on thier turn signal two seconds before they turn or change lanes. Or worse, during! (Jen)
  • When you pull over at the sound of a siren only to realize it's coming from the car radio. (Sue)
  • Getting stuck behind a slow moving tractor in the fast lane for 3/4 of an hour. (charlotte)
  • When people go down the wrong way in the parking lot then get mad at you because your in their way!! (Elaine)
  • People who honk the horn EXACTLY when the light turns green. (mark r.)
  • People who decide to pull out onto the road when you get within an arm's length of them and then turn off 5 feet away. (Bontee)
  • People who feel that turning their hazard lights on is an adequate passport for parking in 'no parking' areas. (Egorey)
  • Old ladies who more time backing their Cadillacs out of a parking space than the time it takes to dock the Queen Mary. (Kenny Badyl)
  • People think they are invisible in their cars, even when you're at a stop, and decide to pick their nose. EEWWW! (Nikki Womack)
  • When you are at the mall and you finally see a space only to start to pull in and there is a motorcycle sitting there. (Andi)
  • When someone drives your car and you can't get the seat back to the way you like it! (Jen)
  • You are in a long line of cars waiting to turn left and the light changes just as YOU get there ! (Patti)
  • You pull up behind someone at a red light in the left lane, and they signal to turn left as soon as the light changes! (Shanna)
  • I can't believe nobody has mentioned the people who sit in the passing lane of traffic, go slow, and will NOT move over! (Shannon)
  • On a two lane hwy the two cars in front of me are driving the same speed which happens to be 5 mph below the speed limit. (Dave Lindahl)
  • When you drive into a gas station at 4:00 a.m. with a boat behind your truck and the clerk asks you if you're going fishing. (Terry)
  • When you are walking down the street on a particularly slushy day, and some shmuck drives by really fast, splashing you (Carly)
  • When you drive up to a service station with a flat tire, and the attendant walks out and asks, "Tire go flat?" (Chris)
  • People who drive in the passing lane and won't get over for anything. (Violet)
  • Someone parks his car so close to yours that the you can only get in from the passenger side and you're wearing a dress! (Barbara)
  • When you just shovel out 3 feet of snow at the end of your driveway, and then the snowplow comes by again! (Magus Smith)
  • Some people seem to buy cars with the turn signal already on and can't quite figure out how to turn them off. (michael bulger)
  • People who leave their shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot. (Brian Baldwin)
  • You decide to ash your cigarette out of the car window as a gust of wind blows all the ashes onto you. (Jill Engler)
  • People who, at a red light, seem to wait for their favorite shade of green before going. (Scott Allen)
  • People who leave their left turn signals on 1/2 a mile after they've already turned. (Courtney)
  • When you are cruising the parking lot at Walmart and you see an open space, you go to pull up and there's a pinto there. (Angie McClung)
  • The people in the car next to you actually think you WANT to listen to their radio. (Colleen Draper)
  • Having a new car and parking in the back of the lot only to have someone park right next to you. (Richard Pelletieri)
  • When you're merging onto the freeway and the person in front of you decides to stop and wait for traffic to clear. (Robert Boyle)
  • When there is an accident along side the road, everyone goes 3 miles per hour! Do they think they are going to see a detached limb or something! (Ariana Abedi)
  • When there is a police car in sight and everyone thinks they must drive 10-15 mph slower than the speed limit. (Linda Jones)
  • You're waiting patiently for a parking spot, signalling, only to have someone whip in from opposite direction. (Mike)
  • Driving behind a truck with people sitting in the bed staring at you. (Ohms)
  • People do not pick their nose in public but they do when they drive. (Darren Saumur)
  • If you are late for work, it's guaranteed you will get behind the little old person going nowhere at 15 mph. (Sharon Stevenson)
  • The driver in front of you who goes 5 miles below the speed limit, and then speeds up when you want to pass them. (Jennifer & several others)
  • When someone pulls out in front of you even if there is no traffic behind you and then drives 2MPH. (Maw Maw Granny)
  • People that decide to start slowing down for a turn about three blocks before they really do turn. (Randy Y)
Annoyances for all occasions!
Pet * Bathroom * Radio & TV * Restaurant * Duh... * Clothing * Parents & Kids*
* That's Life... * Public * School * Technology * Traffic * Work
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Last Updated: 06/01/00
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
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