When you just wrote a really long answer in pen and then you realize that you wrote it in the wrong spot. (())
People who you have gone to school with for years that still don't know your name (())
How, its like, a requirment to have NASTY breath to be a math teacher. (evasta)
When the teacher keeps the whole class after school, because of ONE jerk who can't keep his mouth shut!! (Kit Kat)
In a class discussion, some people will put up their hand for 20 min. and then pretend to forget what they wanted to say (Lilliputty)
When you spend $100 on a textbook that you open twice all semsester and then the bookstore won't buy it back. (Jennifer)
When you're at a dance, and you wait and wait and finally your crush asks you to dance, and you have to pee! (Robyn)
i hate it when you are writing a test and there's some dork who keeps on sniffing every 10 seconds and won't shut up (shani)
When you spend 4 hours on a math question, then you realize how incredibly simple it is! (Jackie)
When you try to tell your friend something using hints and they don't get it. (Windpaw)
If a teacher catches you passing notes in class and asks if you would like to read it outloud, then they get mad if you do! (RiotGRRRL)
when you're in the middle of a reading comprehension test, and the person sitting next to you has a runny nose. grrrr!=) (~*~bebish*~*)
After giving a VERY intelligent answer to a difficult question, you give an incredibly STUPID answer to an easy question (Sara)
When you say the answer ten times, then someone who heard you say it says it and gets the credit. (amaresu)
When you work so hard to complete an assignment and find out you'll flunk the class anyway. (Excalibre1)
Sitting in the middle of class and coughing so hard that you fart very loudly. (Caffeineismyonlyfriend)
when everyone is trying to work and one loudass sits there talking non-stop the the person next to them (.:leesha:.)
When your teacher tells you to stop talking, when the person in front of you was. (Erica)
When someone comes into class late and asked if they missed anything. No, we just sat quietly waiting for you! ()
When you've been raiseing your hand forever and then someone else puts up their hand and the teacher calls on them first (Sandy)
When teachers ask if I want to share what I'm whispering with the class. No! That's why I'm WHISPERING.... (laura)
when you are biting your pen and all the sudden it explodes in your mouth!!! (Liz)
You have science tomorrow, and math the day after. You skip math, do science, only to learn that you got the days wrong (Killer Onion)
When you let someone have something from your lunch, and they eat it and give you back the wrapper. (laura)
When you ask to go to the bathroom and teachers ask you 'is it an emergency?' (eye_caramba)
You get a 100% on a test, but everyone hates you for it cuz they all got C's. (laura)
When you bring a pack of Kraft Easy Mac to school and forget to bring a container to nuke it in. (Timio)
When you're at lunch and someone says something really funny and someone sprays their food all over you.Thanx bud, I got my own (Jamie)
When Professors assign 800 pages of reading a night forgetting you have 3 other classes with profs who do the same thing (Leslie)
Cafeterias (like school ones, it's just nasty) (*Alli*)
Your plastic locker shelf collapses and all your crap (books, folders, open drinks etc.) falls out into a crowded hall. (Kluekat)
When you get the teacher you want only to find out they are going to be leaving the school. (Diana)
When someone in class is upset cause they got a 94% on a test when you worked really hard to get a B+ (Kristi)
Teachers who are dirty and talk to you and have bad breath. (Patrick)
I am a junior in college, and not one of my Ph.D holding professors has ever known how to work the VCR in the classroom. (Miranda)
When you stay up all night trying to finish a homework assignment, then the next day your teacher moves the due date! (Lindsay)
When you're in a noisy class talking to a friend and everyone goes quiet at the moment you say something embarrasing. (Cyberturd)
Your teacher says the assignment is due tomorrow but it's Friday and always some idiot says but we dont have school (XDingbasi)
When your 3-ring-binder is open and you drop it, spilling out a trimester of papers. (laura)
When you literally have a 70 year old geography teacher who need to take a breath before every damn syllable!!!!! (Patty)
Bunk Beds at college, especially when you're tired or drunk. (Little Renee)
When the kid behind you in math class is a percussionist and likes to do drum solos during tests with his pencil... (Lara)
When kids use those clunky backpacks on wheels around campus and roll them over your feet wothout even noticing. (Em)
When you've finally worked out the answer on the maths assignment and you accedently clear your calculator (MadCatz28)
When you need to print off a MAJOR paper and some jackass is printing 100 copies of their name in different fonts. (Ted)
Fingernails on the chalkboard. (Window)
When the teacher's voice cracks--ALL the time!! (Jen)
When lockers refuse to open the only time I'm running late and when I get help, they have no problem with it whatsoever!! (JJ)
The loser behind you in math finishes his final early and hums for the rest of the period while you're trying to do yours. (hannah)
How they wait until you're up, showered, dressed, and ready to go before they call a snow day (Kelley-Jo)
When your science project is due then just before you turn it in you find it has been little-brother-onized. (~*me*~)
When the brass people in the marching band empty their spit valves on the floor and you step on it, barefooted. Ewwwwwww (Susie the Great)
When you're talking to a friend in a loud class, and just as you start yelling so she can hear you, the class goes quiet (Hal)
When the person who gets called on right before you says exactly what you were going to say. (Kosie)
When you spend all night getting the homework assignment done only to find out that it's due next week. (DM)
When the teacher leaves the classroom for half an hour so you leave too and you run into them in the hall (allison)
Students who come into class and ask if we are doing anything in class today. No, we just want to listen to you breathe (driver)
When the person sitting right behind you during a test feels the need to practice drums on their desk. (Marty)
When there are five people in the class who have the same name, then when someone calls you by your name all 5 of you turn. (PhIsH3r)
When you fall asleep in class and wake up to find drool all over your books and desk! (Tigger)
When you spend $300 on books for a semester, but when you sell them back you only get $40. (FSUPhiSig)
When you walk all the way to the science lab to find out you have english (Clare)
When you spend 5 minutes sharpening your pencil only to have it break when you try to write something, during a test. (Adam)
Sitting in a classroom while taking a test, and your stomach growls really loud. (Mindy)
When you have to take a 1000 pg book home over the weekend to read 3 pgs. (moxy)
When you're taking a major test, with the preforated sides, and you rip your test in half trying to open it. (Jessie)
When the person sitting next to you in class has a runny nose and keeps sniffing every 2 seconds. (Helena)
My name is spelled KRISTOFFER but computerized answer sheets only have room for KRISTOFF (Kris)
When you're a chemistry major, and you have to walk around campus with lab goggle marks (mirnen)
When couples at school suck face in the middle of the hall-way, and you have to walk around them...!!!! (goffy)
When you are sitting in a class and you realize that you know the material better than the teacher does. (~*jen*~)
Falling asleep in class and ending up walking around with the imprint of your spiral notebook on your face. (Ashley)
When subs write down the wrong names of those who were misbehaving and YOU get detention! (Akasha)
When you are asleep in class and you have one of those dreams where you are falling, when you jump up everyone looks at you like you meant to disturb the class (val)
When your classmates drive past your carless butt on the way to class and they don't offer a ride. (DYNODOT)
When your teacher says you don't participate enough and then never calls on you when you actually have something to say. (Emily)
You get up on time every day of the school year- except on picture day where you wake up 10 mins before it's time to leave. (Ashley Ruby)
When you're in a crowded hallway and the person in front of you stops abruptly to chat with their friends. (Jay)
When you work your butt off finnishing a project and the teacher decides it's not due till next week (quspaz)
When your teacher is giving a speech in class and he spits all over you while talking. (Pam)
When you ask if you can go to the bathroom and the teacher retorts, I don't know, CAN you? (JR)
When you're falling asleep inclass and the teacher asks if you're tired. NO genius, I'm wde awake! (Crystal)
When a teacher says to a class- I heard you were a good class, so you better prove it by behaving well (peter barnett)
When you have a really big assignment due and you stay up till 4 a.m. working on it only to go to school and have a sub. (nicole)
When you are at your locker and the person with the bottom locker crawls between your legs. Gross! (Sandra)
When somebody asks me if they can have a piece of my lunch and then take it without waiting for a response. (Gabby)
There's always one person in class who thinks he knows everything, but makes a fool out of himself because he never does (~*Jennifer*~)
All of the courses that you need for credit are at the same hour. (kelsey)
When a prof assigns problems from a textbook which will only arrive in the store in two weeks. (Alicia)
When you have a sub. and he changes all the regular rules of your class. (Holly)
When you do you something right in class and the teachers brags about it to the class every five minutes. (High chick)
When the teacher ONLY calls on you when you DON'T know the answer!! (Percy)
Kids carry big book bags in the hall and they always hit you with them. (Kristina)
When your at a school dance and your parent is a chaperone and they do the funky chicken in front of everyone! (Cess)
Getting a huge pimple on the middle of your nose just before picture day. (Joan Fisher)
How teachers insist that you have to use a number two pencil.Whats the point? (Tonya2000)
When you're at a dance and it's loud and you're yelling something to a friend and they shut the music off (Carrie)
When you go to your locker and the person above you drops something on your head. (Macorrah)
Teachers with the personality of a dead house plant. (Erin)
You wear something special to impress someone at school/work, and then they don't come that day. (Tuuli)
Whenever you have an embarrassing moment, your archenemy or crush is there to witness it. (Leslie Davis)
When you're walking down the hall talking about someone and you look back and that person is right there listening in. (Jenn)
When a group of people have to walk as slow as they possibly can in the hallway the one time that you're in a hurry. (Abundant Cheese)
You raise your hand for half the class period, and when you finally get called on, you forget what you had to say. (Grace)