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Guest List (G)
- Gabriel
- Gabriel is the person that your family wants to find when all hope is lost,
you're already given up for dead, and there is absolutely no one left to
help you when in some foreign jail or taken hostage by guerillas....
- E-Mail: arcangelinc@yahoo.com
- Appearance: 5/17/02
- Dan Gallagher
- Book: The
Pleistocene Redemption
- Appearance: 4/24/98
- J. T. Garret
- Book: Medicine of
the Cherokee: The Way of Right Relationship
- Appearance: 8/8/99
- Patrick Garrett
- Patrick Garrett is an Associate at GlobalSecurity.org, responsible for
defense and security research and analysis, as well as online content
development and management. His areas of study include nuclear and
conventional military infrastructure and organization.
Patrick has a Bachelors Degree in International Studies from George Mason
University in Fairfax, VA where he focused primarily on arms control and
international security issues.
- Website: www.globalsecurity.org
- Appearance: 6/15/02
- Dr. William Gaspar M.D.
- Dr. Gaspar explains how the Mayan Calendar is based on the two most
prominent ice age cycles, thus its 2012 end date will herald in an ice age.
Nostradamus, Revelations, and Native American and other animal symbologies
will line up in a perfectly constructed theory to show that the ancient sages
knew about these apocalyptic recurrent cycles. A possible polar axis shift is
waiting for us in the next 5-12 years to end global warming.
- Book: The Celestial Clock
- Web Page: www.celestialclock.com
- Appearence: 2/10/01
- Andrew Gause
- On Feb 9, 1996, Andrew chatted for 3 hours with Art on the state of our economy,
etc, and had a wonderful time! Andrew made four of his booklets available free via
an 800 number for Arts fans. (800-468-2646)
- Book: The Secret
World of Money
- Appearance: 10/27/97
- Joey Gaynor
- Comedian
- Photo: Joey and the Ghosts
- Email: bagdaddEo@aol.com
- Appearances: 9/2/01
- Uri Geller
- Book: Uri
Geller: Magician or Mystic (Uri Recommended Biography)
- Book: Mind
Medicine: Harness the Healing Power of Your Mind
- Book: Confessions
of a Rabbi and a Psychic
- Book: Uri
Geller's Little Book of Mind-Power: Maximise Your Will to Win
- Book: Uri
Geller's Mindpower Kit
- Book: Ella
- Website: www.uri-geller.com
- Appearance: 10/26/99
- Peter Gersten
- Photo: The Claw Left By Visitors of Gary Lowrey
- Appearance: 12/14/98, 1/8/99, 2/8/99, 6/22/99, 9/1/99, 10/06/99, 2/8/00, 6/16/00, 9/18/00, 5/21/01
- A.J. Gevaerd
- Brazilian UFO Investigator
- Appearance: 9/5/99 w/Whitley Strieber
- Robert Ghostwolf
- Author and Shaman of the Metis People with the Wolf Lodge® Foundation
- Related Images: Wolflodge Image Gallery
- Website: www.wolflodge.org
- Related Page: Atlantis
Rising: The Mysterious Miami Circle
- Book: Last Cry:
Native American Prophecies: Tales of the End Times
- Book: Winds of
- Book: Through the Eye of the Shaman
- Book: Days of Destiny
- Appearance: 4/25/97, 7/30/97, 3/27/98, 5/27/98, 12/29/98, 2/8/99, 12/16/99, 9/13/00
- Steve Gibbs
- Time Travel Machine discussed on Coast to Coast, Jan 13, 1997. For a catalog of
Time Machine Items contact Steve Gibbs, RR #1 Box 79, Clearwater, NE, 68726.
- Has build a time machine he calls the Hyper Dimensional Resonator.
- Related Info: Art's Showing The Time Machine
- Related Info: Hyper-Dimensional Resonator Schematic
- Website: www.home.inreach.com/dov/tthdr.htm
- Appearance: 1/10/97, 6/27/00
- Joy Gilbert
- Book: It's Time
to Remember: A Riveting Story of One Woman's Awakening to Alien Beings
- Adrian Gilbert
- Throughout history there has been a belief that somewhere in the world there exists a brotherhood, "Masters of Wisdom", secretly guiding the destiny of mankind. In 1972, following a pilgrimage to Bethlehem by bicycle, Adrian Gilbert also began searching for the masters. He was convinced that the secret school, if it really existed, was in some way connected with the story of the visiting Magi at the start of St. Matthew's Gospel.
- Book: Magi: The Quest for a Secret Brotherhood
- Book: The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids
- Book: The Mayan Prophecies: Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization
- Book: The Holy Kingdom: The Quest For The Real King Arthur
- Book: The Cosmic Wisdom Beyond Astrology Towards a New Gnosis of the Stars
- Website: www.adriangilbert.co.uk
- Appearance: 7/2/00, 12/18/00, 12/23/01
- Sharon Gill and Dave Oester
- The Ghost Hunters Gallery
- Michael Glickman
- Michael Glickman was born in Manchester, England and trained as an architect
in London. He worked in architecture, engineering, industrial design and
product development and later was the president of a company licensing his
inventions to industry around the world. He has taught extensively both in
England and the USA including a period as professor at USC in Los Angeles.
He became interested in the crop circles some years ago, an interest based
not only on their enigmatic elegance but also on the profound formal and
geometric will and intent which underlies the formations. He is a well-known
writer, commentator and lecturer on the subject and now lives in Wiltshire, England,
near the heart of crop circles.
- Website: www.cropcircleradius.com
- Michael's EMail: michaelccr@hotmail.com
- Patricia's EMail: patriciamurray200@mac.com
- Appearance: 7/23/99, 8/27/01
- Julie Gillentine
- Book: Messengers:
Among the Stars, Stones, and Legends the Ancient Wisdom Dwells
- Appearance: 11/05/99
- James Gilliland
- Website: www.cazekiel.org
- Book: Becoming Gods I: A Reunion With Source
- Book: Becoming Gods II: Interdimensional Mind, Earth Changes & The Quickening, UFOs Their Origins & Intentions
- Appearance: 7/23/00, 03/09/01, 4/25/01
- Ken Goddard
- Book: First Evidence
- Book: Double
- Book: The
- Book: Balefire
- Book: Cheater
- Book: Wildfire
- Book: Prey
- Website: members.aol.com/kengoddard/kenhome.htm
- Appearance: 7/12/99
- Dr. Bruce Goldberg
Dr. Goldberg is internationally recognized as an expert in hypnosis and time
travel. Dr. Goldberg is known for his work in progression hypnotherapy
(taking patients into future lives) and is, also, internationally recognized
for his super conscious mind tap. In Dr. Goldberg's book, "Time Travelers
From Our Future", he presents case histories from patients, who through
hypnotic regressions, report strikingly similar experiences of being
abducted by beings who represent us, as well as ET futuristic aliens, from
1,000-3,000 years in the future.
- Book: Self-Hypnosis : Easy Ways to Hypnotize Your Problems Away
- Book: Custom Design Your Own Destiny
- Book: Protected by the Light: The Complete Book of Psychic Self Defense
- Book: Time Travelers From Our Future, A Fifth Dimension Odyssey
- Book: Astral Voyages: Mastering the Art of Soul Travel
- Book: Past Lives, Future Lives
- Book: Peaceful Transition: The Art of Conscious Dying & the Liberation of the Soul
- Book: Look Younger, Live Longer: Add 25 to 50 Years to Your Life, Naturally
- Book: The Search for Grace: The True Story of Murder & Reincarnation
- Book: Secrets of Self-Hypnosis: Making It Work for You
- Book: Soul Healing
- Book: Unleash Your Psychic Powers
- Book: New Age Hypnosis
- Website: www.drbrucegoldberg.com
- Appearance: 11/26/96, 11/9/97, 7/26/98, 5/19/99, 1/2/00, 6/26/00, 9/28/00, 6/16/01, 12/29/01, 5/04/02
- Jonathan Goldman
- Jonathan Goldman is an internationally acknowledged teacher, musician and
pioneer in Sound Healing. He is the author of HEALING SOUNDS, president of
Spirit Music and director of the Sound Healers Association.
- Book: Shifting Frequencies
- Book: Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics
- Book: The Lost Chord
- Website: www.jonathangoldman.com
- Appearance: 3/18/02
- Aann Golemac & Thomas Smith
- Exhibit 1: Night vision camera photo was taken by Thomas of Aann Golemac
(left in photo) and a tall spirit standing next to her during their investigation of Mental Ward.
Exhibit 2: This is top portion of first page and last page of offical army report
indicating army comments concerning spirit activity in Hospital Mental Ward.
Exhibit 3: This photo of Aann in kitchen of residence where spirit of little girl
played with cookie jar.
Exhibit 4: This is photo of "home now" written by little girl spirit on wall of
residence. It was not there when investigation team entered house, and was found on
wall as they were exiting it.
Exhibit 5: Photo of exterior entrance to San Francisco Presidio Officers Club ("O"
- Appearance: 6/22/02
- Timothy Good
- Book: Alien
Contact: Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed
- Judy Goodman
- Possibly the most gifted individual of our age! She is described by some as
beyond Edgar Cayce. She is totally clairvoyant during the day and at night
she is out of body, fully accessing the other side and returns with a
complete memory of the previous nights events. She possesses an
unparalleled combination of the complex knowledge of the physical and spirit
- Website: www.judygoodman.com
- Appearance: 6/14/00
- Lawrence Gordon
- For the past 15 years, Mr. Gordon and his family have lived in a two-story
waterfront house on Massalina Bayou in Panama City, Florida. Well known
psychics have visited their home and have reported, consistently, that they
sense a presence there that is not of this world.
- Book: Haunted High: The Ghost Chronicles, Vol. 2
- Book: Living with the Dead: How to Survive Life in a Haunted House (COMING SOON!)
- Website: www.theghostchronicles.com
- Appearence: 1/19/01
- Peter Gorman
- Book:Amazon Jaunt
- Appearance: 1/12/98
- Dale Graff
- Former director and founder of the U.S. Government's
secret project STARGATE, a federally funded program which investigated and
used parapsychology to gather intelligence information.
- Book: River Dreams: The Case of the Missing General and Other Adventures in Psychic Research
- Book: Tracks in
the Psychic Wilderness: An Exploration of Remote Viewing, Esp, Precognitive
Dreaming, and Synchronicity
- Website: www.chesapeake.net/~baygraff/
- Appearance: 3/4/98, 2/11/00
- J. Richard Gott
- Time travel in Newton's universe was inconceivable, but in Einstein's
universe it has become a possibility. J. Richard Gott III, who is a leading
researcher in the field, will give listeners a guided tour of the potential
of traveling through time. J. Richard Gott III is a professor of
astrophysical sciences at Princeton University. For fourteen years he served
as the chairman of the judges of the National Westinghouse and Intel Science
Talent Search, the premier science competition for high school students. The
recipient of the President's Award for Distinguished Teaching, Gott has
written on time travel for Time and on other topics for Scientific American,
New Scientist, and American Scientist.
- Book: Time Travel in Einstein's Universe: The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time
- Appearance: 10/17/01
- Glen Grant
- Honolulu has a great tradition of haunted buildings, lonely graveyards and eerie supernatural occurrences. From footless spirits and faceless women, to fireballs and translucent apparitions, the ghosts of Hawai'i are a fascinating blend of Polynesia, Asia and the west. Glen Grant, noted storyteller and folklorist, has been collecting, preserving and sharing the supernatural stories of Hawai'i since 1971. Glen is also the host of the radio show, Chicken Skin.
- Book: Glen Grant's Chicken Skin Tales: 49 Favorite Ghost Stories from Hawaii
- Book: A Chilling Tale of Shave Ice: Mrs. Sugihara Haunts a Village
- Book: Obake: Ghost Stories in Hawai'i
- Book: Honolulu Mysteries : Case Studies from the Life of a Honolulu Detective
- Book: Ghostly Encounters on Supernatural Hawaii
- Website: www.chicken-skin.com
- Appearance: 9/12/00, 8/04/02
- Mike Gray
- Book:
Crazy: How We Got into This Mess and How We Can Get Out
- Related Site: www.drugsense.org
- Appearance: 6/18/98
- C. Ray Greek, M.D.
- Ray Creek, M.D., is a graduate of the University of Alabama School of Medicine. He served his residency at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He has taught anesthesiology there and at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. Currently, Ray serves as President of Americans For Medical Advancement, a non-profit organization that dedicates itself to educating the public about the hazards of applying the results of animal testing to humans.
- Dr. Ray Greek is a physician who is board certified in anesthesiology and
sub-specialty certified in Pain Management. He was an instructor at two of
the United States' most prestigious medical schools and has published in the
medical literature. He has performed experiments on animals and research
with humans. Along with his wife, who is a veterinarian, he has written a
book on the scientific fallacy of attempting to extrapolate the results of
animal experiments to humans.
- Books: List of Author's Titles
- Website: www.curedisease.com
- Appearence: 8/21/00, 02/17/01
- Dr. Marsha Green
- Director, Ocean Mammal Institute
- Website: www.oceanmammalinst.com
- Appearance: 3/12/98
- Wayne Green
- Publisher of 73 Magazine , an active amateur radio operator as W2NSD since
1938, and author of Secret Guide Books are just a few items off of Green's long
list of accomplishments. Go to his website and check out his "been-there, done-that
brag list.
- Website: www.waynegreen.com
- Book List: Books That You're Crazy If You Don't Read
- Book:Secret Guide to Health
- Book:Secret Guide to Wealth
- Book:Secret Guide to Wisdom
- Book:Submarine Life in WWII
- Address: Wayne Green, Hancock, NH 03449
- Fax: (603) 588-3205
- Phone: (603) 525-4747
- Appearances: 1/22/97, 5/28/97, 4/20/98, 2/16/99, 6/2/99, 1/5/00, 6/8/00, 8/17/00, 1/06/01, 11/02/01, 3/09/02,
- Dr. Brian Greene
- Book: The Elegant
Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate
- WebSite: Columbia University Prof. of Mathematics &Theoretical Physics
- EMail: bg111@columbia.edu
- Appearance: 4/8/99
- John Greenewald
- The Black Vault, run by John Greenewald, has brought forth thousands upon
thousands of government documents never before seen by the public eye. The
topics range from UFOs to FBI Files.
- Website: BlackVault.com
- Appearance: 1/27/99, 6/29/02
- Dr. Steven M. Greer
- Founder and Director of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
- The Disclosure Project: Dr. Greer, an emergency physician, is widely regarded as the world's foremost
authority on UFOs and Extraterrestrial intelligence. In the past 4 or 5 months, CSETI has been able to
identify, contact and film nearly 90 military, intelligence and government witnesses to UFO events and
projects. Many of these interviews and accompanying evidence are definitive and will establish the
reality of the UFO/ET subject as well as the nature and purpose of the secrecy surrounding it.
- Book: Disclosure : Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History
- Book: Extraterrestrial Contact : The Evidence and Implications
- Notice: Disclosure Conference Flyer
- Website: www.disclosureproject.org
- Website: www.cseti.org
- Website: www.drgreer.com
- Appearances: 2/21/97, 5/8/97, 1/5/98, 4/30/98, 9/25/98, 1/8/99, 9/24/99, 5/10/00,
6/12/00, 12/6/00, 5/4/01, 6/15/01, 8/1/01, 8/30/01, 3/14/02, 4/17/02, 5/13/02, 6/17/02
- Leland Gregory
- Website: www.wacky911.com
- Book: What's The Number For 911 Again? More Wacky 911 Calls (NEW)
- Book: Presumed Ignorant! Over 400 Cases of Legal Looniness, Daffy Defendants, and Bloopers from the Bench
- Book: Presidential Indiscretions
- Book: What's the Number for 911? America's Wackiest 911 Calls
- Book: Great Government Goofs : Over 350 Loopy Laws, Hilarious Screw-Ups and Acts-Idents of Congress
- Book: America's Dumbest Criminals : Based on True Stories from Law Enforcement Officials Across the Country
- Appearance: 3/29/01, 11/29/01
- John Gribbin
- Gribbin, visiting fellow in astronomy at the University of Sussex, is the author of many bestselling books of science.
- Book: Stardust: Supernovae and Life: The Cosmic Connection
- Book: Q Is for Quantum : An Encyclopedia of Particle Physics
- Book: In Search of Schrodinger's Cat: Quantum Physics and Reality
- Book: Almost Everyone's Guide to Science : The Universe, Life and Everything
- Book: In Search of the Edge of Time : Black Holes, White Holes, Wormholes
- Book: In Search of the Big Bang: The Life and Death of the Universe
- Website: www.biols.susx.ac.uk
- Appearance: 12/4/00, 8/22/01
- G. Edward Griffin
- Book: World without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17
- Website: www.realityzone.com
- Appearance: 1/17/00
- Kathy Grimshaw
- Director, The Society of Crystal Skulls, International
- Website: www.crystalskullsociety.org
- Appearance: 3/8/98
- Steve Grohman
- Website: www.creationseminar.net
- Appearance: 10/06/99
- Karl Grossman
- Discussing NASA's Cassini mission
- Book: The Wrong
Stuff: The Space Program's Nuclear Threat to Our Planet
- Website: www.sonic.net/~west/cassini.htm
- Appearance: 7/9/97, 8/19/98
- Dr. Michael Gross
- Dr. Michael Gross studied chemistry and chemical engineering and received
his doctorate in physical biochemistry from the University of Regensburg,
Germany. After seven years of research in protein biochemistry at the
University of Oxford, he has recently switched to writing full time.
- Book: Travels To The Nanoworld: Miniature Machinery in Nature and Technology
- Book: Life On The Edge: Amazing Creatures Thriving in Extreme Environments
- Appearance: 03/11/01
- Rosemary Ellen Guiley
- Book: The Encyclopedia of Dreams: Symbols & Interpretations
- Book: The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft
- Book: The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
- Book: A Miracle in Your Pocket: How to Bring Miracles into Your Daily Life
- Book: Encyclopedia of the Strange, Mystical, & Unexplained
- Book: Dreamwork for the Soul: A Spiritual Guide to Dream Interpretation
- Website: www.visionaryliving.com
- Appearance: 3/29/02
- Ian Gurney
- Ian Gurney has studied theology and eschatology for the last thirty years
and is considered to be one of the foremost authorities on the Biblical
Books of Daniel and Revelation, together with the prophecies of Nostradamus
and the Papal predictions of Malachy. He has written many articles over the
years on "the end times" and has presented and produced numerous BBC radio
programmes on the same subject. The end result of his research led Gurney
to an astonishing conclusion that is currently shaking the theological
establishment. Ancient prophecy and world events appear to be running in
parallel, and mankind's destiny seems to have already been foretold.
- Book: The Cassandra Prophecy-Armageddon Approaches
- Website: www.caspro.com
- Appearance: 11/05/01
- Stephanie Gutmann
- She is a graduate of the journalism school at Columbia University and the
New York Post's reportorial school of hard knocks. At the Post she had the
misfortune to be assigned to cover New York City's Board of Education, a
bureaucracy so eerily similar to the Pentagon she's begun trying to remember
if she's ever seen the two institutions in the same place at the same time.
Wearing her freelancer hat Stephanie's written for newspapers and magazines
too numerous to mention, ranging from Playboy to the New Republic and the
Washington Post to Cosmopolitan. Her stories about what is often called
"the new military" have appeared in The New Republic, Penthouse, Newsday and
the New York Times. She lives in New York City.
- Book: The Kinder, Gentler Military
- Appearance: 9/29/01
Goto H