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Guest List (D)

Lynda Dahl
Working for companies such as Apple Computer, Lynda Dahl ended her corporate career as a vice president in the computer industry. She is listed in the Who's Who Registry of Global Business Leaders. She now writes and lectures extensively on consciousness and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs. She is also the president and co-founder of Seth Network International. In The Book of Fallacies, Dahl, with the help of her daughter, actor Cathleen Kaelyn, has distilled what she has learned into a primer, taking tired old beliefs-the "fallacies" that we assume to be the facts of our existence-and offering in their place stunning new thoughts that define reality.
Book: The Book of Fallacies : A Little Primer of New Thought
Book: Beyond the Winning Streak: Using Conscious Creation to Consistently Win at Life
Book: Ten Thousand Whispers: A Guide to Conscious Creation Book: The Wizards of Consciousness: Making the Imponderable Practical
Appearance: 5/12/01

Major Ed Dames
The world's foremost remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (Ret.), served as the training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency's psychic intelligence collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency, a private consulting group. Ed is a technical consultant for the feature film "Suspect Zero," (a Tom Cruise-Paula Wagner production), and plays the role of an FBI remote viewing instructor in the movie, as well.
Related Image: Major Doom and Gloom
Website: www.RemoteViewing2003.com
Website: www.MindazzleTraining.com
Website: www.MajorDoom.com
Website: www.trvinstitute.com
Website: www.mindazzle.com
Website: www.psispymaster.com (Info on Terrorist Activites)
Website: www.matrixintelligenceagency.com
Appearance: 10/31/96 (Replay), 1/30/97, 4/16/97, 8/4/97, 9/18/97, 11/25/97, 2/09/98, 6/11/98, 8/30/98, 11/13/98, 12/21/98, 3/12/99 , 5/4/99, 6/22/99, 8/12/99, 11/11/99, 12/8/99, 1/27/00, 2/5/00, 8/8/00, 2/13/01, 4/6/01, 6/8/01, 8/3/01, 9/27/01, 12/10/01, 3/08/02, 5/31/02

George Dalzell
If you had asked George Dalzell, a professional psychiatric social worker, a few years ago if he thought he'd be talking with the dead, he would have said, "no way." Yet, when his close friend Michael, an airline purser from Germany, was killed, things started happening that permanently shifted Dalzell's "perspective on reality." As a therapist, Dalzell had counseled people who claimed to hear voices. Now, Dalzell was hearing a voice himself, and it was that of Michael.
Book: Messages: Evidence for Life after Death
Website: www.georgedalzell.com
Appearance: 5/05/02

Zeph Daniel
Zeph was born into an elite family, and at an early age, became a failed victim of satanic ritual abuse and mind control. However, the programming failed because of the spirit of Zeph.� Minister Zeph claims to have the truth, even if it seems strange to the mainstream.
Book: Lamb
Website: www.zephreport.com

Lia Danks
Book: Building Your Ark
Appearance: 2/25/99

Peter Davenport
National Director, National UFO Reporting Center
Website: www.ufocenter.com
Related Images: Meteorite Impacts Pickup Truck?
Related Site: Meteor Shown on An All-Sky Camera
Appearance: 4/16/97, 1/28/98, 2/1/98, 2/26/98, 3/11/98, 8/10/98, 8/19/99, 8/26/99, 11/11/99, 2/9/00, 2/16/00

Marc Davenport
Greenleaf Publications
Book: Chupacabras : And Other Mysteries
Book: Visitors from Time : The Secret of the UFOs
Book: Project Earth : From the Et Perspective
Website: www.greenleafpublications.com

Paul Davids
Hollywood producer, writer and director as well as author of numerous books, is best known as executive producer and co-writer of the Showtime film, "Roswell", starring Kyle MacLachlan, Martin Sheen and Dwight Yokam. "Roswell" was nominated for a Golden Globe Award as Best TV Motion Picture of 1994.
Video: Roswell: The U.F.O. Cover-Up (1994)
Book: The Fires of PELE: Mark Twain's Legendary Lost Journal
Book: The Glove of Darth Vader (Star Wars, Book 1)
Book: The Lost City of the Jedi (Star Wars, Vol 2)
Book: Zorba the Hutt's Revenge (Star Wars, Vol 3)
Book: Mission from Mount Yoda (Star Wars, Vol 4)
Book: Queen of the Empire (Star Wars, Vol 5)
Book: Prophets of the Dark Side (Star Wars, Vol 6)
Column: Flying Saucers over Hollywood!
Appearance: 7/5/00

Dr. Eric Leif Davin
Book: Pioneers of Wonder: Conversations With the Founders of Science Fiction
Appearance: 9/17/00

Jim Davis
Jim Davis has witnessed life after death. On July 6, 1997, eleven days after his appendix ruptured, Jim Davis's vital organs were attacked by life threatening toxins. He lay motionless on his deathbed while nurses and doctors worked hopelessly to revive him. When his veins collapsed and his body began shutting down. Jim's life suddenly changed forever.
Book: Did I Really Die?
Appearance: 6/23/01

Vance Davis
Former NSA Analyst, One of the Gulf Breeze Six
EMail: hdr@azlink.com
Book: Unbroken Promises: A True Story of Courage and Belief
Appearance: 9/01/98

Dr. Wade Davis
Harvard Ethnobotanist
Has done extensive first hand research on Zombies and Voodoun.
Book: The Serpent and the Rainbow
Book: daviswade@aol.com
Appearance: 1/22/99

Dr. Lorraine Day
Cancer Survivor. Here is the rather graphic photo of the tumor she endured. Here is another view.
Book: AIDS: What the Government Isn't Telling You
Website: www.drday.com
Appearance: 2/3/98, 3/15/99, 02/21/01, 7/10/01

Robert O. Dean
As a retired command Sergeant Major, Mr. Dean's history includes forty years of research in the UFO field. He spent twenty-seven years of active duty in the US Army where he retired as Command Sergeant Major after serving as a highly decorated infantry combat veteran. He also served in Intelligence Field Operations and was stationed at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), the military arm of NATO.
Website: www.beyondzebra.com
Appearances: 1/5/98, 1/7/98, 5/7/98, 9/5/99, 9/19/00, 1/26/01, 11/08/01

Rio DeAngelo
Member of Heaven's Gate
Website: www.levelabovehuman.org
Appearance: 8/21/97

Dr. David DeGraff
David DeGraff teaches physics and astronomy at Alfred University in New York. Along with the standard courses, he has also taught classes on "Living in Space," "Science in Science Fiction," "The Theory and practice of Time Travel," and "Visions of the Future." His research involves studying the physical properties of asteroids, and searching for extra-solar planets.
Appearance: 8/02/01

James P. Delgado
James P. Delgado, author of Lost Warships, has led or participated in shipwreck expeditions around the world, including dives to the sunken Titanic, and the discovery of several famous ships, including the notorious Mary Celeste. Regularly appearing on documentaries on the Discovery and History Channels, his is also the host of National Geographic Television's new series, The Sea Hunters: True Adventures with Famous Shipwrecks. The executive director of the Vancouver Maritime Museum, Delgado has authored more than twenty books.
Book: Lost Warships
Website: www.vmm.bc.ca/index.htm
Appearance: 12/1/01

Candice DeLong
For twenty years, Candice DeLong was on the front lines of some of the FBI's most memorable and gripping cases. Some have called her a real-life Clarice Starling and a female Donnie Brasco. She has tailed terrorists, gone undercover as a gangster's moll, and was one of the agents chosen to carry out the manhunt for the Unabomber in Montana. For the first time, she reveals the dangers and rewards of her career as a field profiler in the FBI.
Book: Special Agent: My Life On The Front Lines As A Woman In The FBI
Related News: Body From River Identified as Missing Harvard Biologist
Related News: FBI Searches the Home of a Former Fort Detrick Researcher
Appearance: 8/28/01, 7/02/02

Vine Deloria
Vine Deloria, Jr., is a leading Native American scholar, whose research, writings, and teaching have encompassed history, law, religious studies, and political science. He is the former executive director of the National Congress of American Indians, a retired professor of political science.

Book: Evolution, Creationism, and other Modern Myths
Book: God is Red
Book: Custer Died for Your Sins
Book: Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties
Book: Power and Place
Book: Red Earth, White Lies

Joseph DeLouise
Psychic Predictions
Appearance: 1/11/99

Caryl Dennis
Book: Millennium Children
Website: home1.gte.net/caryl/
Appearance: 11/12/97

Pen Densham and Mark Stern
Producers of "The Outer Limits"
Website: www.theouterlimits.com
Appearance: 4/18/01

Vincent DePietro
Expert on the Face of Mars
Appearance: 4/28/01

John de Salvo
Director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association
Website: www.gizapyramid.com
Appearance: 8/11/01

Gail DeSciose
Animal Communicator
Appearance: 3/28/99

Emil DeToffol
Website: www.lessemf.com
Appearance: 5/9/99

Stan Deyo
Stan Deyo at age 57 has held an above Top Secret Security Clearance and has worked undercover for the FBI. He has been a member of an exclusive 'black project' (headed by Dr Edward Teller), which specialized in the development of 'flying saucer technology'.
AU Website: www.ballarat.net.au/~standeyo/
US Website: millennium-ark.net/
Book: Cosmic Conspiracy - Millennium Edition
Book: The Vindicator Scrolls
Appearance: 5/19/97, 9/3/97, 12/5/97, 12/22/97, 9/29/98, 3/1/99, 6/29/99, 10/07/99, 7/24/00, 1/03/01, 7/31/01, 8/05/02

Jim Dilettoso
Related Page: Phoenix UFO Images
Appearance: 6/20/97, 3/17/98

Jim DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio has an MA in Contemporary AMerican History from California state University Northridge. Since 1993 he has been editor and publisher of Probe magazine which is just finishing its seventh volume. He has given talks all over the nation on the JFK case and the other major assassinations of the sixties. he was asked by Oliver Stone to do a commentary on the new document releases by the Assassination Records and Review board which will be featured on the new DVD version of the 1991 film JFK.
Book: Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba and the Garrison Case
Website: www.webcom.com/ctka
Appearence: 10/15/00, 11/26/00 (Replay)

Terence Dickinson
Astronomy Correspondent for the Toronto Star
Related Info: Source of Triangular Objects
Book: Astronomy 2000
Book: Nightwatch: A Practical Guide to Viewing the Universe
Book: The Universe and Beyond
Book: Splendors of the Universe: A Practical Guide to Photographing the Night Sky
Book: The Backyard Astronomer's Guide
Book: Extraterrestrials: A Field Guide for Earthlings
Book: Summer Stargazing: A Practical Guide for Recreational Astronomers
Book: Other Worlds: A Beginner's Guide to Planets and Moons
Book: From the Big Bang to Planet X: The 50 Most-Asked Questions About the Universe... and Their Answers
Appearance: 10/02/99

Vince Di Pietro
SPIT Imaging of NASA photos of Mars
Appearance: 11/29/96

Dr. Paul Dixon
Website: www2.hawaii.edu/~dixon
Appearance: 5/20/98

Richard Dolan
Richard Dolan is a UFO researcher and author, "UFO and the National Security State".
Book: UFOs and the National Security State: An Unclassified History. Volume One: 1941-1973
Website: www.keyholepublishing.com
Appearence: 11/22/00, 7/31/02

William Doleman, PHD
Primary investigator for the Roswell Special airing tonight.
Related Website: www.scifi.com/roswellcrash/

Cmdr. William Donaldson
Cmdr. Donaldson, USN Retired, has extensive experience as a Naval crash investigator and he and others have concluded that the NTSB's explanation of the Center Wing Tank explosion on TWA Flight 800 is not credible.
WebSite: TWA800.com
Related WebSites: Associated Retired Aviation Professionals
Related WebSites: The Donaldson File
Appearances: 11/24/97, 12/23/97, 12/01/98, 8/30/00

Brian Doran
Doran has been working as a radio copywriter and reporter in western New York since the early 1980's. He first began his research on the life of Malachi Martin in the late fall of 1999, four months after Martin's death. Doran came to know Father Malachi Martin while working at radio station WLEA in Hornell, New York in the mid-1990's. "Malachi Martin: God's Messenger" provides listeners with remembrances of the County Kerry boy who one day would become a priest, linguist, an archeologist, an exorcist, Vatican diplomat, and New York Times bestselling author.
Audio Tape: Malachi Martin: God's Messenger
Website: www.mmgm.org
Appearence: 12/28/00
Paul Dore
Website: www.web-computing.demon.co.uk
Appearances: 12/30/98

Dr. Larry Dossey, M.D.
Dr. Dossey created a sensation in 1993 with his groundbreaking book, "Healing Words", in which he presented solid scientific evidence that prayer can figure prominently in healing illness. Now, in "Reinventing Medicine", Dr. Dossey again surveys the future and finds that we are on the brink of a new era of medical care, an era that considers and implements our growing knowledge of the power of nonlocal mind healing and life.
Book: Be Careful What You Pray For...You Just Might Get It
Book: Recovering the Soul: A Scientific and Spiritual Approach
Book: Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing
Book: Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine
Book: Prayer Is Good Medicine: How to Reap the Healing Benefits of Prayer
Website: www.dosseydossey.com
Appearances: 10/03/99, 2/15/00, 6/28/00

Karen Douglas
Crop Circle Researcher
Appearances: 7/19/99

John "Crunchman" Draper
Captain Crunch, the man who build the famous 'blue box' that started the telephone company ripoff artists and possibly the beginnings of hackers everywhere, has a web site at The Well. John has since been reformed and tells many stories at his site.
Website: webcrunchers.com/crunch
Appearance: 2/06/97

Matt Drudge
Web Site: www.drudgereport.com
Appearance: 9/10/98

Ann Druffel
Book: How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction
Book: The Psychic and the Detective
Book: Past Lives, Future Growth
Appearance: 6/1/99

Roger C Dunham
Book: Spy Sub: A Top Secret Mission to the Bottom of the Pacific
Appearance: 7/31/98

Christopher P. Dunn
Dunn's pyramid odyssey began in 1977 when he read Peter Tompkin's book Secrets of the Great Pyramid. His immediate reaction to the Giza Pyramid's schematics was that this edifice was a gigantic machine.
Book: The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt
Website: www.gizapower.com
Website: www.gizapyramid.com
Appearance: 10/20/98, 5/29/99 with Hilly Rose, 2/13/00, 7/21/00, 8/11/01

Krsanna Duran

Daniel David Durda, Ph.D.
Daniel Durda is a Planetary Scientist with Southwest Research Institute. He has authored 48 scientific publications and given 15 presentations at professional conferences and meetings on the subject of collisional and dynamical evolution of the asteroids. His space art has been displayed in several galleries and exhibitions and has appeared in Sky & Telescope, The Planetary Report, Final Frontier, and Alan Hale's book Everybody's Comet.
Website: pirl.lpl.arizona.edu/~durda/
Appearance: 4/28/01, 4/21/02

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