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Guest List Page (M)

Bruce MacCabee
An optical physicist consultant to the US Navy. His decades of professional scientific research helped guarantee an accurate investigation of the early official history of UFOs.
Book: UFOs Are Real: Here's the Proof
Book: UFO/FBI Connection
Book: Abduction in My Life: A Novel of Alien Encounters
WebSite: www.brumac.8k.com
E-Mail: brumac@compuserve.com
Related WebSite: FBI Unusual Phenomena Listing
Related Article: Acceleration
Related Article: Still In Default (PDF File)
Howe Interview: Part ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE
Appearance: 10/26/98 with Hilly Rose, 6/23/00, 7/15/01

Rob and Trish MacGregor
Book: The Everything Dreams Book
Website: www.booktalk.com/RobMacGregor/
Appearance: 1/25/98

Prof. John Mack
Since 1990, Dr. Mack, the founder of PEER, has interviewed more than 200 individuals reporting extraordinary experiences, over half of whom described a consistent pattern which has come to be called the "alien abduction" phenomenon.
Book: Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters
Book: Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens
Website: www.peermack.org
Appearance: 11/14/99, 11/30/00, 4/18/01

Shirley MacLaine
Book: The Camino: A Journey of the Spirit
Website: www.shirleymaclaine.com
Appearance: 7/17/00, 9/15/00

Mark Macy
International Network for Instrumental Transcommunication
Website: www.worlditc.org
Appearance: 6/17/98

Christine El Mahdy
Book: Tutankhamen: The Life & Death of the Boy King
Website: britishcentreegyptianstudies.co.uk
Apperence: 9/09/00, 11/25/00(Replay)

Eugene Mallove
Infinite Energy Magazine
Book: Nuclear Transmutation; The Reality of Cold Fusion
Book: The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel
Book: Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor
Website: www.infinite-energy.com
Related Website: www.blacklightpower.com
Appearance: 6/10/97, 4/21/99, 11/20/00, 3/22/01, 11/12/01

Bill Mallow
Art's Parts Analysis (Host Whitley Strieber)
Appearance: 5/17/99, 10/17/99

The Right Reverend Sean Manchester, O.S.G.
Sean Manchester, President & Founder of the Vampire Research Society, is Britains foremost vampire hunter.
EMail: bishopmanchester@holygrail-church.fsnet.co.uk
Book: The Highgate Vampire
Book: From Satan To Christ
Book: The Vampire Hunters Handbook
Book: Carmel: A Vampire Tale
Website: www.gothicpress.freeserve.co.uk
Appearance: 8/23/01, 7/15/02

Dr. Scott Mandelker
Dr. Mandelker's interest in the phenomenon of ET identity developed from years of meditation, personal experience, and extensive study of New Age material. Born April 22, 1962 in New York City, Scott Mandelker completed his doctorate in East West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in San Francisco in 1992. His Ph.D. combines eclectic Western psychology with intensive study of Eastern religions, and followed upon years of formal training in US and Asian Buddhist temples (in Japanese Zen and Thai Theravadan traditions).
Book: Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan
Book: From Elsewhere: Being E.T. in America
Website: www.universal-vision.com
Appearence: 1/16/01, 4/30/01

Michael Wells Mandeville
For 25 years he applied his skills both as an artist and as a consultant in energy technology. He nourished hobbies in the hermetic disciplines and spiritual/psychic meditation practices while developing a stronger grasp of physical science. Mandeville found it easy to ignore conventional thinking and take up the phenomenon of Edgar Cayce and his World Epic stories. He undertook the challenge to prove or disprove them because he felt that most writers and sources in the secular academic fields of archeology, history, egyptology, and geology are ignoring truly interesting hard data from highly skilled "hard technicians" who were generating real facts pointing to different realities.
Reference: Chandler's Wobble
Books: List of Author's Titles
Website: members.aa.net/~mwm/
Appearance: 02/26/01

W. Adam Mandlebaum
Discussion of mind control techniques
Book: The Psychic Battlefield: A History of the Military-Occult Complex
Appearance: 2/25/00

Dr Jesse Marcel, Jr.
Son of Major Marcel who handled crash parts at Roswell in 1947.
Appearances: 9/26/96, 7/4/00

Barbara Marciniak
Book: Family of Light: Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living
Book: Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians
Book: Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library
Website: www.pleiadians.com
Appearance: 12/18/99

Mike "Mad Man" Marcum
'Time Machine' builder
Address: 209 1/2 S 13th St, St Joseph MO 64501
Appearance: 12/31/96 (Replay)

Jim Marrs
Jim Marrs unravels the mystery behind remote viewing, UFO's, time travel, the assassination of JFK, and the Soviet plot to kill Ronald Reagan and much more. Jim Marrs is a celebrated journalist and the author of Alien Agenda and the New York Times bestseller Crossfire.
Book: PSI Spies
Book: Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids
Book: Crossfire : The Plot That Killed Kennedy
Book: Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us
WebSite: www.jimmarrs.com
Appearance: 6/11/97, 1/26/98, 1/8/99, 7/9/99, 12/12/99, 6/18/00, 9/3/00, 8/20/02

Bill Marquett
Discussion of the Recent Solar MEGA - FLARE
Image: What a Mega-Flare looks like
Website: Big Bear Solar Observatory
Appearance: 4/2/01

Craig S. Martin
Shasta Supernatural Investigators was founded in 1979 by Nationally recognized Demonologist ,Craig S. Martin, in Redding, California. As such, he is one of only a handful of authorities involved in the examination and investigation of Inhuman Spirit Phenomena in the world today. Mr. Martin started his examination into the Spirit Realm in 1973 while involved in the study of Necromancy (Using Spirits to assist people in Pagan and Occult Practices ). In 1979 he was ordained into the Priesthood (Christian) and began vigorously to help those who complained of Spirit hauntings that were causing harm to People, Animals, and Property
Website: www.thespiritrealm.com
Appearance: 2/10/02

Edward T. Martin
What really happened to Jesus Christ during the missing years in his life, from the age of 12 to 30? Edward Martin, maverick researcher and explorer, traveled to remote locations in India, Nepal, and elsewhere in Central Asia, in search of answers to the mysteries of Jesus� lost years.
Book: King of Travelers: Jesus� Lost Years in India
Website: www.tjresearch.info
Website: www.tombofjesus.com

Harvey Martin
Harvey Martin lived in Hawaii for 20 years and in 1977 incorporated a non-profit organization devoted to researching spiritual healing, and developing alternative energy, and intentional communities. Beginning in the early �80s, Harvey spent nearly six years researching Filipino paranormal healing. During that time, he witnessed a number of people fully recover from terminal illness after receiving psychic surgery.
Book: The Secret Teachings of the Espiritistas: Unraveling the Enigma of Psychic Surgery
Website: www.metamind.net
Website: www.aramaicbiblecenter.com

Howard Martin
Website: www.heartmath.org
Website: www.heartmathsolution.com
Appearance: 5/21/99 (Host - Peter Weissbach)

Fr. Malachi Martin
Book: El �ltimo Papa
Book: Windswept House: A Vatican Novel
Book: Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Americans
Book: The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church
Book: The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Capitalist West
E-Mail: mbmartin@ix.netcom.com
Appearances: 10/18/96, 11/15/96, 4/4/97, 7/11/97, 12/3/97, 5/4/98, 7/13/98, 4/21/01

Ann Martin
Book: Food Pets Die For: Shocking Facts About Pet Food
E-mail: jmartin@gtn.net
Appearance: 5/20/97

Teresa Martino
Book: The Wolf, The Woman, The Wilderness
E-mail: newsage@teleport.com
Appearance: 6/26/97

Joseph Matheny
The Incunabula Papers are purported to be the accounts of renegade physicists that set up an "alternative research" institute in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, particularly the now "lost town" of Ong's Hat. According to the documents, the physicists had perfected a method of "dimensional travel" and had begun to explore and even migrate to alternate dimensions.
Book: The Incunabula Papers: Ong's Hat and Other Gateways to New Dimensions
Website: www.incunabula.org
Apperence: 11/1/00

Dean Mauro / Amir Liebermann
"The Truster" (Software Truth Detector)
Website: www.truster.com
North America Contact: valnciaent@aol.com
Image: Truster Screen Shot
Appearance: 6/10/98

Jaime Maussan
Major UFO sightings in Mexico including one by the government.
Website: www.ovnis.com.mx
Appearance: 9/11/99

Wayne May
Publisher of "Ancient American" magazine
The historical significance of artifacts found in the "Mystery Cave Of Many Faces" located in southern Illinois.
WebSite: www.ancientamerican.com
Appearance: 5/17/00

Bob Mayer(AKA Robert Doherty or Joe Dalton)
Book: Area 51
Book: Area 51 the Reply
Book: The Rock
Book: The Omega Missile
Website: www.nettrends.com/mayer/
Appearance: 8/13/98

Dr. Paul Mayewski
Paul Mayewski has led more than 30 scientific expeditions to the Antarctic, the Arctic, the Himalayas, and the Tibetan Plateau. He is the Field Leader of the US ITASE expedition and a professor at the University of Maine. Perhaps the most startling new information gleaned from these frozen records is the knowledge that natural climate is far from stable; quite the opposite-major, fast changes in climate are found throughout the record.
Book: The Ice Chronicles: The Quest to Understand Global Climate Change
Website: www.ume.maine.edu/iceage/IQCSDir/people/mayewski.html
Website: www.secretsoftheice.org
Website: www.ireadnet.com/titles/mayewski/overview.htm

Michael J. Mazarr
Book: Global Trends 2005: An Owner's Manual for the Next Decade
Appearance: 8/13/99

Tim McAckran
Book: Lost Tribes of Israel

Don McAlvany
Don McAlvany is the highly respected editor of the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor. His monthly intelligence newsletter analyzes global, economic, political, and financial developments and their effect on our families and personal finances. With a background in intelligence work, McAlvany is sought by high level political and business leaders throughout the world for consultation on global financial trends.

Website: www.mcalvany.com

Mark McCandlish
Address: 2205 Hilltop Dr #158, Redding, CA 96002
Appearance: 12/18/96, 2/16/98

Glynis Kathleen McCants
McCants has sixteen years of numerology counseling experience. She has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, including Leeza, The View, E! Entertainment, Howie Mandel, and Donny and Marie. Glynis is the author of Glynis Has Your Number, a numerology book based on the 2500-year-old science of numbers.
Book: Glynis Has Your Number
Website: www.numberslady.com
Appearence: 12/30/00, 11/24/01

Sarah McClendon
Washington News Reporter
Book: Mr. President, Mr. President!: My Fifty Years of Covering the White House
Appearance: 3/28/97, 4/6/98

Stanley V. McDaniel
Book: The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars
Book: The McDaniel Report
Website: www.mcdanielreport.com
Appearance: 2/26/98, 4/03/98

William Louis McDonald, Sr.
McDonald, a forensic artist and illustrator, is well known in the field of UFO artistry. His lectures are centered on his eight years of research into several historic UFO cases, including Roswell, and cases involving eleven different alien races.
Book: Oasis Earth Hypothesis
Website: www.alienufoart.com
Website: On Bill's research
Website: The flight crew and ship in flight
Website: The Roswell ship herself in detail
Website: Concept sketches from the SHOWTIME movie
Appearance: 5/14/99 w/Whitley Strieber, 7/15/00, 8/28/00, 11/22/02

Millie McGhee
While studying her family's roots and oral history she was reminded that FBI chief, J. Edgar Hoover was her cousin. With the aid of a genealogist she has written her compelling novel, that not only discloses Hoover's true ancestry, but does so in the form of a love story - a little-known relationship that existed between some plantation owners (masters) and their slaves.
Book: Secrets Uncovered - J. Edgar Hoover Passing for White?
Appearance: 7/30/00

Paul McGuire
Book: From Earthquakes to Global Unity: The End Times Have Begun
Book: The Breakthrough Manual
Book: Who Will Rule the Future?: A Resistance to the New World Order
Appearance: 1/19/99

Terence McKenna
Book: The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, the Amazon, Virtual Reality, Ufos, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess and more....
Book: Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge
Book: True Hallucinations: Being an Account of the Author's Extraordinary Adventures in the Devil's Paradise
Book: The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching
Website: www.levity.com/eschaton/hyperborea.html
Appearances: 5/22/97, 3/19/98, 4/1/99

Mark McLaughlin
Mark McLaughlin, lead writer and researcher for the Alternative Energy Institute, a nonprofit educational organization based in California, will address the main components of the current energy situation; the nonrenewable and polluting factors in using fossil fuels and nuclear fission to generate power; the benefits and limitations of transitioning to renewable energy systems, and an overview of the potential breakthrough energy and propulsion systems that may be developed in the 21st century; including zero point energy, cold fusion, and gravity modification.
Related News: GM Fuel Cell Car Offers Cheap Transport
Website: www.altenergy.org
Book: Turning the Corner: Energy Solutions for the 21st Century
Appearance: 1/07/02

Dennis J. McKenna
Brother of Terence McKenna
Website: www.heffter.org
Website: www.naturalproducts.org
Website: www.truehallucinations.com
Appearance: 03/08/01

Joe McMoneagle
McMoneagle is a full time Research Associate with the Laboratories for Fundamental Research, Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, Palo Alto, California, where he has provided consulting support to research and development in remote viewing for 14 years.
Book: The Ultimate Time Machine: A Remote Viewer's Perception of Time and Predictions for the New Millenium
Book: Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook
Book: Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time, and Space Through Remote Viewing
Website: www.mceagle.com
Related Website: www.lfr.org
Appearance: 3/25/97, 9/23/98, 7/14/00

James McMullen
Book: Cry of the Panther: Quest of a Species
EMail: joml@naples.infi.net
Photo: Sasquatch Warning Sign
Images: Photo Collage and Big Foot Cast
Appearance: 5/11/99

Stephen McNallen
Asatru Folk Assembly suing Federal Government for possession of "Kennewick Man"
Website: www.runestone.org
Appearance: 10/09/99

Michael McNulty
Producer of "Waco: A New Revelation" a the film that triggered a new Congressional investigation of the Waco tragedy, and caused the Justice Department and the FBI to reverse their long-held positions on Waco.
Website: www.waco-anewrevelation.com
Appearance: 2/13/00

Malcom McPherson
Book: The Black Box: All-New Cockpit Voice Recorder Accounts of In-Flight Accidents
Appearance: 10/27/98 with Hilly Rose

Lynne McTaggart
McTaggart, an investigative journalist, describes scientific discoveries that she believes point to a unifying concept of the universe, one that reconciles mind with matter, classic Newtonian science with quantum physics and, most importantly, science with religion. At issue is the zero point field, the so-called "dead space" of microscopic vibrations in outer space as well as within and between physical objects on earth.
Book: The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
Website: www.thefieldonline.com
Appearance: 7/31/02

Steven Mehler
Appearance: 5/28/99,

Steven S. Mehler
Egyptologist Stephen S. Mehler has spent over 30 years researching the answers to these questions: . Was there a advanced prehistoric civilization in ancient Egypt? . Who were the people who built the great pyramids? . Who carved the Great Sphinx? . Did the pyramids serve as energy devices and not as tombs for kings? Mehler believes the answers are "Yes!" An indigenous oral tradition still exists in Egypt, he has been able to uncover and study it with the help of a living master of this tradition, Abd'El Hakim Awyan.
Book: The Land of Osiris
Website: www.gizapyramid.com
Appearance: 4/10/02

Dr. T. Stuart Meloy
Inventor of the Orgasmic Dysfunction Device
Website: www.papc.com
Appearence: 02/13/01

H. Keith Melton
From the Civil War to the present day, learn about famous spies throughout history, how they were recruited, and what really happened in some of their most daring missions in history. H. Keith Melton is a renowned historian and specialist in clandestine devices and equipment. He is recognized internationally as an authority on espionage tradecraft and has amassed an unparalleled collection of spy devices, books, and images of famous spies. Part of his amazing private collection is on permanent display inside the Central Intelligence Agency.
Book: The Ultimate Spy Book
Appearance: 6/4/00, 10/26/02

Antonio J Mendez
Retired CIA Officer
For twenty-five years A. Mendez worked under cover, often overseas, participating in the shadow conflicts in some of the most important theaters of the Cold War. He held various positions of increasing responsibility moving up to Senior Intelligence Service executive rank over the course of his career. Don't miss the world premiere of The Master of Deception, featuring Antonio Mendez, on Discovery Channel on Sunday, November 19th, at 9pm and 1am ET/PT.
Book: The Master of Disguise: My Secret Life in the CIA
Book: The Master of Disguise
Website: www.discovery.com/stories/history/spyschool
Website: www.themasterofdisguise.com
Appearance: 1/14/00

Patrick M. Mendoza
An expert on historic hauntings and ghost tales from the Frontier, Hispanic, and native American Traditions. Patrick Mendoza is a storyteller, singer, author, composer, humorist and musician. He travels throughout the U.S. and Canada and has appeared at the national Storytelling Festival, the Yukon International Storytelling Festival, and on the BBC.
Book: Between Midnight and Morning
Book: Song of Sorrow: Massacre at Sand Creek
Book: Extraordinary People in Extraordinary Times
Book: Four Great Rivers to Cross
Website: users.aol.com/patmendoza
Appearence: 1/27/01

Elaine Mercado, R.N.
When Elaine Mercado and her first husband bought their home in Brooklyn, NY., in 1982, they had no idea that they and their two daughters were embarking on a 13-year nightmare. Grave's End is the true story of how one family tried to adjust to living in a haunted house. It also tells how, with the help of parapsychologist Dr. Hans Holzer and medium Marisa Anderson, they discovered the identities of the ghosts and were able to assist them to the "light." Elaine Mercado is a registered nurse, a CPR instructor, and certified clinical hypnotherapist. She continues to live in Gravesend with her husband, two daughters, and three pets.
Book: Grave's End: A True Ghost Story
Appearance: 5/20/01

Ralph Merkle, Ph.D.
Dr. Merkle received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1979 where he co-invented public key cryptography. He joined Xerox PARC in 1988, where he pursued research in computational nanotechnology until 1999. He is now a Principal Fellow at Zyvex, where he continues to pursue research in nanotechnology. He chaired the Fourth and Fifth Foresight Conferences on Nanotechnology, was corecipient of the 1998 Feynman Prize for Nanotechnology for theory, and was corecipient of the ACM's Kanellakis Award for Theory and Practice, the 2000 RSA Award in Mathematics, and the IEEE Kobayashi Award. Dr. Merkle has published and spoken extensively.
Website: www.foresight.org
Website: www.zyvex.com/nano
Website: www.alcor.org
Appearance: 11/20/01

Alan Mesher
A psychic healer with 25 years in private practice, inspires people to understand the importance of healing their inner core, so they may call forth their destiny.
Book: The T Zone
Website: www.siriuscreations.com
Appearance: 6/8/99, 5/9/00, 11/16/00, 5/01/01

Gene Meyers
Space Island Development
President of Space Island Group, which is a leading developer of commercial space stations and dedicated to the development of commerce, research, manufacturing and tourism in space.
Website: www.spaceislandgroup.com
Appearance: 11/13/97, 3/10/98, 6/29/99, 11/9/00

Ky Michaelson

Ky "Rocketman" Michaelson, is a retired Hollywood Stunt Man, Stunt Coordinator, and Inventor. Currently, Michaelson is the Program Director and Launch Director of Civilian Space Xploration Team (CSXT). The CSXT team is the first of a number of civilian based groups that will attempt to send a rocket into space and have it return safely to earth with a full recovery.

Appearance: 8/01/02

Howard Middleton-Jones and James M. Wilkie
Who actually built the Pyramids of Giza Plateau, and why? Is there really a Hall of Records under the Giza Plateau? How did we evolve on this planet? Where were we before earth? Two world-recognized experts on Ancient Egyptian Civilization and Sites, Howard Middleton-Jones, and researcher, James M. Wilkie, bring forth some of the most startling revelations ever imparted in the history of humankind.
Book: Giza-Genesis: The Best Kept Secrets
Website: www.ambilac.com
Appearance: 6/3/01

Jim Miles
For years, Georgia has been a hotbed of peculiar activities, freakish creatures, UFO sightings and alien abductions, and other unusual phenomena. Jim Miles's book, "Weird Georgia", examines centuries of documentation of such activities.
Book: Weird Georgia: Close Encounters, Strange Creatures, & Unexplained Phenomena
Appearance: 12/2/00

Millennium Group: James McCanney, Earl Crockett, Gary Goodwin
Website: www.millenngroup.com
Related Page: There Was A Companion!
Appearance: 3/4/99

Capt. Bill Miller
Appearance: May 4th, 1997

Rod and Randa Milliron
Discussing private missions to space and rocket development.
Website: www.translunar.org
Appearance: 3/14/97, 9/5/01

Bill Millstead
For over 200 years treasure seekers have been searching for the Oak Island buried treasure off the coast of Nova Scotia. Speculation of what the treasure might be ranges from Captain Kidd's treasure; a communal bank built by pirates; the hiding place for the treasure plundered by Sir Francis Drake from Spanish ships and settlements in the Caribbean; writings by Francis Bacon that would prove it was he that wrote Shakespeare's plays; Marie Antoinette's jewels; the lost treasure of Tumbez, Peru; and others. Bill is a 51 yr old business manager that has followed events on the island for over 30 years....more actively since 1988 when he made an investment in Oak Island Exploration Co.
Website: www.oakislandtreasure.com
Appearance: 7/06/02

John Mini
Website: dayofdestiny.com
Appearance: 8/9/99

Rabbi James Mirel
Speaks about the Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism.
Book: Stepping Stones to Jewish Spiritual Living: Walking the Path Morning, Noon, and Night
Appearance: 10/18/00

Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D
He holds the only doctoral diploma in "Parapsychology" to be awarded by University of California, Berkley. Dr. Mishlove is currently director of the Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to helping cultivate their inner, intuitive resources. He is also a former vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and a former president of the California Society for Psychical Study.
Book: Thinking Allowed: Conversations on the Leading Edge of Knowledge
Book: The Roots of Consciousness: The Classic Encyclopedia of Consciousness Studies
Website: www.mishlove.com
Website: The PK Trainer
Appearance: 11/09/98, 5/26/99, 10/25/00

Chuck Missler
Christian Perspective on Aliens / UFOs
Book: Alien Encounters
Website: www.alienencounters.com
Appearance: 5/11/98

Dr. Edgar Mitchell
Apollo Astronaut
Book: The Way of the Explorer: An Apollo Astronaut's Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds
Address: P.O. Box 6728, Lake Worth, FL 33461
Appearance: 11/4/97, 1/5/98

Kevin Mitnick
As the world's most famous hacker, Kevin has been the subject of countless news and magazine articles published throughout the world. With more than fifteen years of experience in exploring computer security, Kevin Mitnick is a largely self-taught expert in exposing the vulnerabilities of complex operating systems and telecommunications devices. His hobby as an adolescent consisted of studying methods, tactics, and strategies used to circumvent computer security, and to learn more about how computer systems and telecommunication systems work.
Book: The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security
Website: www.defensivethinking.com
Appearances: 12/19/01, 10/21/02

Bruce Moen
If we could peel back layers of "reality" like the skins of an onion, what would lie beneath? Bruce Moen, veteran explorer of the vast, uncharted spaces beyond physical existence - beyond reality - goes further and deeper than ever before in his quest for knowledge. Moen takes us on his odyssey across the strange and wondrous landscape of the afterlife realms where he meets those who have gone before, asking them some of our greatest questions: What is consciousness? Where do we, and our perceptions, fit into what's ultimately real?
Book: Voyages into the Unknown (Exploring the Afterlife Series, Vol. 1)
Book: Voyage Beyond Doubt (Exploring the Afterlife Series , Vol 2)
Book: Voyages into the Afterlife : Charting Unknown Territory (Exploring the Afterlife Series, Vol. 3)
Book: Voyage to Curiosity's Father (Exploring the Afterlife Series)
Website: www.afterlife-knowledge.com
Appearance: 6/04/02

Dr. Paul Moller
Space Car
Website: www.moller.com
Appearance: 7/13/99

Larry Montz and Dana Smoller
Ghost Researchers
Appearance: Jan 19th, 1997
Website: www.hauntings.com

Raymond Moody
Book: Intuition: The Path to Inner Wisdom: A Guide to Discovering and Using Your Greatest Natural Resource
Book: Life After Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon-- Survival of Bodily Death
Book: Reflections on Life After Life
Book: The Light Beyond
Book: Reunions: Visionary Encounters With Departed Loved Ones
Appearance: 1/11/98, 11/12/98

Matt Moneymaker
field investigator
Website: www.bfro.net
Appearance: 7/28/00, 7/26/01

Pat Mooney
Book: Shattering: Food, Politics, and the Loss of Genetic Diversity
Website: www.rafi.org
Appearance: 1/26/99

Fr. Charles L. Moore
Father Moore graduated from Stanford University, and was elected District Attorney of Santa Cruz County. He was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest in 1964 and holds degrees in philosophy and theology from Catholic University. His avocation is language. He has studied Spanish, French, Italian, German, Welsh, Russian, and Japanese. He is acquainted with Sanskrit, C hinese, Rumanian, Turkish, Dutch, Hawaiian, and several Native American languages such as Sioux, Black Foot, and Hopi.
Website: www.universalfrontiers.org
Appearance: 11/26/98, 10/13/00

Margaret Morris
Margaret Morris has been involved with research on the Egyptian pyramids since 1984, when she started her historical research at the Institute For Applied Archaeological Sciences.
Book: The Egyptian Pyramid Mystery is Solved!
Website: www.margaretmorrisbooks.com/index.html
Appearance: 7/07/02

Dorothy Morrison
Dorothy Morrison is a Wiccan high priestess of the Georgian Tradition and has been an avid practitioner of the Ancient Arts for more than twenty years. She founded the Coven of the Crystal Garden in 1986.
Book: The Craft: A Witch's Book of Shadows
Website: www.neopagan.com/village/kalioppescastle/
Apperance: 7/28/01

Dr. Melvin Morse
A pediatrician and neuroscientist who has spent fifteen years studying the near death experiences (NDEs) of children, Dr. Melvin Morse M.D. has found that when we die, we become fully conscious, aware of our surroundings, and experience spiritual insights we do not often have at other times in our lives. By studying the neuroscience of the near death experience, we learn that human beings have an underused area of the brain which is responsible for spiritual intuitions, paranormal abilities such as telepathy and remote viewing, and the power to heal not only the soul, but the body as well.
Books: List of Author's Titles
Appearence: 5/21/99 (w/Weissbach), 2/27/00, 6/25/00, 9/7/00, 10/13/00, 11/24/00(Replay), 02/16/01

Dr. David Morehouse
Dr. David Morehouse was a highly decorated, 3rd generation army officer and commander of one of the army's elite Airborne Ranger companies when a routine training mission changed his life forever. Dr. Morehouse was wounded by a stray machine-gun bullet and began having psychic visions. He was soon earmarked for recruitment into Stargate, a top-secret clan of psychic spies backed by the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Book: Psychic Warrior; Inside the CIA's Stargate Program: The True Story of a Soldier's Espionage and Awakening
Website: www.remviewtech.com
Appearance: 4/19/99, 11/06/01

Robert W. Morgan
Bigfoot Researcher and Founder of The American Anthropological Research Foundation
Related Page: Big Foot Images
Audio Tape: The Ultimate Adventure
Appearance: 5/03/98, 6/5/01, 12/11/01

Robert Morning Sky
Related Site: Star Warriors
Related Info: Announcement.
Related Site: Terra Papers
Phone: (602) 404-8050
Appearance: 12/10/96, 3/24/97, 4/16.99

Sean David Morton
Morton has developed a network of psychics called "The Delphi Associates", who specialize in month to month predictions of geological, political and economic events.
Book: The Millennium Factor
Book: The Gulf Breeze Prophecies
Book: The Delphi Chronicles
Related Image: The Sixteenth Tarot Card
Related Image: Sean's Submission of The Tower Card
Related Info: North Magnetic Pole Location
Related Info: Polar Shift Diagram
Website: www.delphiassociates.org
Appearance: 10/9/00, 9/27/00, 9/15/00, 12/29/00, 03/02/01, 8/10/01, 9/28/01, 11/22/01, 12/26/01, 4/11/02

Wm. Michael Mott
Michael Mott examines the striking similarities between folklore, religious, mythic, and first-hand witness or historical accounts cryptid and reptilian figures. He has studied the link between electromagnetism and some types of underworld beings, "ghosts," UFOs and other related phenomena. Michael is the Creative Director for a high-performance software company. He is also a freelance artist and writer, and writes both fiction and non-fiction. He is currently also researching and writing on Fortean and paranormal topics. His research in this area has appeared in magazines such as Fate, Nexus, and World Explorer.
Book: Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures
Website: http://www.skywebsite.com/hollow/cccc/
Website: http://www.hiddenmysteries.com/
Appearance: 11/18/01

Douglas Mulhall
Douglas Mulhall describes the exponential changes that may be wrought by the nanotechnology and robotic revolutions. Mulhall is a technology journalist and sustainable development specialist with years of experience developing adaptive technologies internationally. He has managed European scientific institutes and built field research facilities from Asia to Latin America. Many networks have broadcast his award-winning documentary films. He co-founded a national television network in Eastern Europe. Book: Our Molecular Future: How Nanotechnology, Robotics, Genetics and Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Our World.
Website: www.ourmolecularfuture.com
Appearance: 7/10/02

John Mumford
Book: Death Beginning or End: Methods for Immortality
Book: Karma Manual: 9 Days to Change Your Life
Book: Magical Tattwa Cards: A Complete System for Self-Development
Book: A Chakra & Kundalini Workbook: Psycho-Spiritual Techniques for Health, Rejuvenation, Psychic Powers and Spiritual Realization
Website: www.yogamagik.com
Appearance: 5/16/99 w/Hilly Rose

Ronald Munson
Professor of Philosophy of Science and Medicine, University of Missouri-St. Louis, will explore the ethics of human cloning. He is the author of Intervention and Reflection, the most widely used medical ethics textbook in the US, and of three novels.
Book: Raising the Dead: Organ Transplants, Ethics, and Society
Book: Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical Ethics
Appearance: 1/03/02

Arthur Myers
Book: Communicating with Animals: The Spiritual Connection Between People and Animals
Website: www.globalpsychics.com/lp/Animalstalk/menu.htm

Pat Murphy
Website: Association of Clandestine (Radio) Enthusiasts
Appearance: 3/25/98

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