: It seems like the debate about Capitalism boils down to a more
: basic question about what constitutes a good society.: For those who feel the ideal society is one where no one is very
: bad off, even if achieving this means pulling back the successful
: elements of society, Socialism or Communism appears the fairest
: system.
This is a fallacy for starters- capitalism pulls down the creative powers of a majoirty of qworkers by demanding that they waste their time in nigh on useless labour, or in mechanical alienatiing tasks. Further, capitalists all work together to keep a grip on what they have, and keep other people from achieving what they can- solely to protect their interests....
: For those who feel that the ideal society is one in which the
: hard working, successful, and fortunate have the opportunity to
: achieve (nearly) anything, at the expense of those unwilling or
: unable to work, then Capitalism is the answer.
Most capitalists do not deserve their privellege- no one makes a million pounds out of their own labour- it can only be done on the backs of others, and by exploitation and dow right theft. Further- most capitlsits do not work as hard as they pretend to to make their money- did the son of Bush get rich by hard work and personal endevour- or by being the son of Bush? The same goes for many millionaires.
And them as work hard under capitalism-the bin men, the miners, the shit shovelers- they do hard and useful work, and are paid a pittance. Capitalism rewards the ruthless and the devious only- not tyhe industrious...
: That said, I often wonder what would happen if some all-powerful
: force took all the money in the US and doled it out in equal amounts
: to every citizen (this question could apply to other places, it's
: just that I'm sticking to the country I know). It seems likely that
: not a year later, the overwhelming majority of those who were rich
: before would, through intelligence, hard work, and cunning, have
: returned to their status.
Well- for starters socialism would abolish money- secondly if the capitalists still own all the factories and themenas of production then they certainbly will get rich again. Thirdly- even if money did gravittate into the hands of a few again- I doubt very much it wouldbe the hands of the capitalist parascites from before. But- if the means of production, the factories, the places of work and the means by which society live- were kept in the ahnds of everyone- then I suspect that they would stay that way, and tha market system would disapear for ever.
Socialism does not pull the best down- it liberates everyone....