ResNet usage regulations
When you subscribe to ResNet, you agree to abide by these
conditions. If you break the rules, you will be disconnected
from ResNet and may also face disciplinary and/or legal action.
1. General conditions
- You must subscribe to the ResNet service as described in the ResNet
web pages, unless a specific exception has been made by the IT Services
ResNet Team or Network Manager.
- Subscribing to ResNet means that you agree to pay the full fee
for the subscription period. If you don’t pay the fee within
two weeks of subscribing, IT Services will disconnect you from
ResNet until you do pay.
- Payment can only be made in pounds sterling. You are responsible
for covering any currency conversion costs or other charges incurred
in making the payment or in processing a refund.
- If you are believed to have done anything that breaks any of these
conditions, IT Services may disconnect you from ResNet without
- If you are proved to have broken the conditions, you may be disconnected
from ResNet for the rest of the academic year, without refund of
your subscription fee, and disciplinary action may follow according
to University Regulations.
- Your connection to ResNet is provided for your own use only, and
you are responsible for all network traffic to and from your connection.
- If you change your location by moving to a different room, you
must update your subscription details using the ResNet web pages.
- IT Services reserves the right to scan the ResNet network
and monitor network traffic and content, in accordance with UK law,
to ensure its security and legality.
2. Connecting equipment to ResNet
- Your subscription allows you to connect one computer to the ResNet
network, unless a specific exception has been made by the IT Services
ResNet Team or Network Manager. You are not allowed to connect any
other equipment to ResNet.
- If there is any change in the equipment connected to ResNet (e.g.
a new computer, or a new Ethernet adapter in an existing computer),
you must update your subscription details using the ResNet web pages.
- You may be held responsible for any damage to University equipment
caused by connecting faulty or badly-maintained equipment to ResNet,
or for any physical damage caused to your network outlet socket.
- You are not allowed to install or use any device that has the ability
to extend the service to more than one computer (e.g. wireless network
- IT Services reserves the right to disconnect any equipment
connected to ResNet, in accordance with UK law.
3. Using your ResNet connection
- Your ResNet connection is provided to help with your academic work
during your studies at the University. You can use your connection
for leisure purposes, but only if this has no negative effects on
the service for other ResNet users.
- You are responsible for keeping your computer free of viruses,
spyware and other malicious software. Your computer must have a copy
of an effective anti-virus program installed, and the program must
be kept up to date with the latest available definitions of known
- IT Services may disconnect your ResNet outlet if your
computer is found to be displaying activity which indicates that
it may be infected with any form of virus, spyware or other malicious
software, including software which appears to perform ‘port scans’.
- You are not allowed to manually specify an IP address for your
computer, unless a specific exception has been made by the Information Services
ResNet Team or Network Manager.
- You are not allowed to install or use any type of ‘port scanning’ or ‘packet
sniffing’ technology for any reason. Any attempt to use such
technology will be treated as an attempt to gain unauthorised access
to computer systems, which can result in legal action.