MiesiΩcznik PúACA
Trendy i badania w zakresie wynagrodze±

maj, 2001



Artyku│y angielskojΩzyczne

  1. Keenoy T., HRM as hologram: A polemic, Journal of Management Studies, 1999, 1.
  2. The role of Human Resources Management in downsizing, European Bank Training Network Newsletter, 1999, 8.
  3. Butler T.,Waldroop J., Job sculpting. The art. Of retaining your best people, Harvard Business Review, 1999, September-October.
  4. Fernandez-Araoz C., Hiring without firing, Harvard Business Review, 1999, July-August.
  5. Rappaport A., New thinking on how to link executive pay with performance, Harvard Business Review, 1999, March-April.
  6. Ulrich D., A new mandate for human resources, Harvard Business Review, 1998, January-February.
  7. Pfeffer J., Six dangerous myths about pay, Harvard Business Review, 1998, May-June.
  8. Cira D.J., Benjamin E.R., Competency-based pay: A concept in evolution, Compensation & Benefits Review, 1998, September/October.
  9. Galford R., Why doesn't this HR department get any respect?, Harvard Business Review, 1998, March-April.
  10. Nicholson N., How hardwired is human behavior?, Harvard Business Review, 1998, July-August.
  11. Bⁿhner R., Increasing shareholder value through human asset management, Long Range Planning, 1997, 5.
  12. Longenecker C.O.,Stansfield T.C.,Dwyer D.J., The human side of manufacturing improvement, Business Horizons, 1997, March-April.
  13. Burke L.A., Developing high-potential employees in the new business reality, Business Horizons, 1997, March-April.
  14. Golzen G., Master classes, Human Resources, 1997, Jan/Feb.
  15. Brown C.,Reich M., Developing skills and pay through career ladders, California Management Review, 1997, 2.
  16. Carlin P.S., Is lunch and other break time productive in Sweden ? A hedonic earnings approach, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 1997, 2.
  17. Beauman C., British Steel : a turnaround under public ownership, Business Strategy Review, 1996, 3.
  18. Kets de Vries M.,Balazs K., The human side of downsizing, European Management Journal, 1996, 2.
  19. Vloeberghs D.,Bellens J., ISO 9000 in Belgium : Experience of belgian quality managers and HRM, European Management Journal, 1996, 2.
  20. Hiltrop J-M., A framework for diagnosing human resource management practices, European Management Journal, 1996, 3.
  21. Verburg R., Developing HRM in foreign-chinese joint ventures, European Management Journal, 1996, 5.
  22. Hiltrop J-M., The impact of human resource management on organisational performance : theory and research, European Management Journal, 1996, 6.
  23. Davies H., High IQ and low technology : Hong Kong's key to success, Long Range Planning, 1996, October.
  24. Slater S.F.,Olson E.M., A value-based management system, Business Horizons, 1996, September-October.
  25. Geisler E., Clearing up after reengineering, Business Horizons, 1996, September-October.
  26. Oliva T.,Lancioni R., Structuring compensation, Marketing Management, 1996, 4.
  27. Marchetti M., Nurturing relationships with independent reps, Sales & Marketing Management, 1996, 9.
  28. McNerney D.J., Creating a motivated workforce, HR Focus, 1996, 8.
  29. Moore J.D. Jr, Samaritan's revolution: New pay model aims to overhaul how workers think, Modern Healthcare, 1996, 31.
  30. Morrall K., Motivating sales staff with rewards, Bank Marketing, 1996, 7.
  31. Brotherton P., Managing to have fun: How fun at work can motivate your employees, inspire your coworkers and boost your bottom line, HRMagazine, 1996, 7.
  32. Nelson B., Top ten ways to motivate today's employees, Personnel Journal, 1996, 7.
  33. Spitzer D.R., Power rewards: Reward that really motivate, Management Review, 1996, 5.
  34. Joinson C., Reward your best employees, HRMagazine, 1996, 4.
  35. Koonce R., Motivation: Key to a better job, Training & Development, 1996, 4.
  36. Laabs J.J., What you thought: Motivating minimum-wage workers, Personnel Journal, 1996, 3.
  37. Solmo R., Just rewards, Sales & Marketing Management, 1996, 3.
  38. Have you ever used a 'surprise' incentive ?, American Salesman, 1996, 2.
  39. Beavers K., Supermotivation: A blueprint for energizing your organization from top to bottom, Business Credit, 1996, 2.
  40. Aurelio R., Motivating a demotivated staff, Management Review, 1996, 2.
  41. Mapes J., The motivational magic of values, Training & Development, 1996, 2.
  42. Farnham A., Are you smart enough to keep your job ?, Fortune, 1996, 1.
  43. Cohen A., Motivating the masses, Sales & Marketing Management, 1996, 1.
  44. Koch M.J., Improving labor productivity : Human resource management policies do matter, Strategic Management Journal, 1996, 5.
  45. Friedman J.J.,DiTomaso N., Myths about diversity : What managers need to know about changes in the U.S. labor force, California Management Review, 1996, Summer.
  46. Lyons R., Labour pains, Business Central Europe, 1996/97, December/January.
  47. Gregory A., Motivation: value your people for what they do, Works Management, 1995, April.
  48. Forster N.,Whipp R., Future of European Human Resource Management : A contingent approach, European Management Journal, 1995, 4.
  49. Cooper R.,Markus M.L., Human Reengineering, Sloan Management Review, 1995, Summer.
  50. Farh J-l.,Leung K.,Tse D.K., Managing human resources in Hong Kong, The Columbia Journal of World Business, 1995, Summer.

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