MiesiΩcznik PúACA
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Artyku│y angielskojΩzyczne
- Keenoy T., HRM as hologram: A polemic, Journal of Management Studies, 1999, 1.
- The role of Human Resources Management in downsizing, European Bank Training Network Newsletter, 1999, 8.
- Butler T.,Waldroop J., Job sculpting. The art. Of retaining your best people, Harvard Business Review, 1999, September-October.
- Fernandez-Araoz C., Hiring without firing, Harvard Business Review, 1999, July-August.
- Rappaport A., New thinking on how to link executive pay with performance, Harvard Business Review, 1999, March-April.
- Ulrich D., A new mandate for human resources, Harvard Business Review, 1998, January-February.
- Pfeffer J., Six dangerous myths about pay, Harvard Business Review, 1998, May-June.
- Cira D.J., Benjamin E.R., Competency-based pay: A concept in evolution, Compensation & Benefits Review, 1998, September/October.
- Galford R., Why doesn't this HR department get any respect?, Harvard Business Review, 1998, March-April.
- Nicholson N., How hardwired is human behavior?, Harvard Business Review, 1998, July-August.
- Bⁿhner R., Increasing shareholder value through human asset management, Long Range Planning, 1997, 5.
- Longenecker C.O.,Stansfield T.C.,Dwyer D.J., The human side of manufacturing improvement, Business Horizons, 1997, March-April.
- Burke L.A., Developing high-potential employees in the new business reality, Business Horizons, 1997, March-April.
- Golzen G., Master classes, Human Resources, 1997, Jan/Feb.
- Brown C.,Reich M., Developing skills and pay through career ladders, California Management Review, 1997, 2.
- Carlin P.S., Is lunch and other break time productive in Sweden ? A hedonic earnings approach, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 1997, 2.
- Beauman C., British Steel : a turnaround under public ownership, Business Strategy Review, 1996, 3.
- Kets de Vries M.,Balazs K., The human side of downsizing, European Management Journal, 1996, 2.
- Vloeberghs D.,Bellens J., ISO 9000 in Belgium : Experience of belgian quality managers and HRM, European Management Journal, 1996, 2.
- Hiltrop J-M., A framework for diagnosing human resource management practices, European Management Journal, 1996, 3.
- Verburg R., Developing HRM in foreign-chinese joint ventures, European Management Journal, 1996, 5.
- Hiltrop J-M., The impact of human resource management on organisational performance : theory and research, European Management Journal, 1996, 6.
- Davies H., High IQ and low technology : Hong Kong's key to success, Long Range Planning, 1996, October.
- Slater S.F.,Olson E.M., A value-based management system, Business Horizons, 1996, September-October.
- Geisler E., Clearing up after reengineering, Business Horizons, 1996, September-October.
- Oliva T.,Lancioni R., Structuring compensation, Marketing Management, 1996, 4.
- Marchetti M., Nurturing relationships with independent reps, Sales & Marketing Management, 1996, 9.
- McNerney D.J., Creating a motivated workforce, HR Focus, 1996, 8.
- Moore J.D. Jr, Samaritan's revolution: New pay model aims to overhaul how workers think, Modern Healthcare, 1996, 31.
- Morrall K., Motivating sales staff with rewards, Bank Marketing, 1996, 7.
- Brotherton P., Managing to have fun: How fun at work can motivate your employees, inspire your coworkers and boost your bottom line, HRMagazine, 1996, 7.
- Nelson B., Top ten ways to motivate today's employees, Personnel Journal, 1996, 7.
- Spitzer D.R., Power rewards: Reward that really motivate, Management Review, 1996, 5.
- Joinson C., Reward your best employees, HRMagazine, 1996, 4.
- Koonce R., Motivation: Key to a better job, Training & Development, 1996, 4.
- Laabs J.J., What you thought: Motivating minimum-wage workers, Personnel Journal, 1996, 3.
- Solmo R., Just rewards, Sales & Marketing Management, 1996, 3.
- Have you ever used a 'surprise' incentive ?, American Salesman, 1996, 2.
- Beavers K., Supermotivation: A blueprint for energizing your organization from top to bottom, Business Credit, 1996, 2.
- Aurelio R., Motivating a demotivated staff, Management Review, 1996, 2.
- Mapes J., The motivational magic of values, Training & Development, 1996, 2.
- Farnham A., Are you smart enough to keep your job ?, Fortune, 1996, 1.
- Cohen A., Motivating the masses, Sales & Marketing Management, 1996, 1.
- Koch M.J., Improving labor productivity : Human resource management policies do matter, Strategic Management Journal, 1996, 5.
- Friedman J.J.,DiTomaso N., Myths about diversity : What managers need to know about changes in the U.S. labor force, California Management Review, 1996, Summer.
- Lyons R., Labour pains, Business Central Europe, 1996/97, December/January.
- Gregory A., Motivation: value your people for what they do, Works Management, 1995, April.
- Forster N.,Whipp R., Future of European Human Resource Management : A contingent approach, European Management Journal, 1995, 4.
- Cooper R.,Markus M.L., Human Reengineering, Sloan Management Review, 1995, Summer.
- Farh J-l.,Leung K.,Tse D.K., Managing human resources in Hong Kong, The Columbia Journal of World Business, 1995, Summer.
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