MiesiΩcznik PúACA
Trendy i badania w zakresie wynagrodze±

maj, 2001



Artyku│y angielskojΩzyczne

  1. Gratton L., Implementing strategic intent : human ressources processes as a force for change, Business Strategy Review, 1994, 1.
  2. Hunt J.W., The european consultant : What motivates and demotivates ?, Business Strategy Review, 1994, 1.
  3. Kennedy C., Re-engineering: The Human Costs and Benefits, Long Range Planning, 1994, October.
  4. Boyd B.K., Board control and CEO compensation, Strategic Management Journal, 1994, Vol.15.
  5. Stead B.A., Worksite health programs : A significant cost-cutting approach, Business Horizons, 1994, November-December.
  6. Pfeffer J., Competitive advantage through people, California Management Review, 1994, Winter.
  7. Schonberger R.J., Human resource management lessons from a decade of total quality management and reengineering, California Management Review, 1994, Summer.
  8. Cutcher-Gershenfeld J. et al., Japanese team-based work systems in North America : Explaining the diversity, California Management Review, 1994, Fall.
  9. Tampoe M., Motivating Knowledge Workers - The Challenge for the 1990s, Long Range Planning, 1993, 3.
  10. Kucher E.,Hilleke K., Value pricing through conjoint measurement : A practical approach, European Management Journal, 1993, 3.
  11. Hiltrop J-M., Strategic pressures driving European HRM, European Management Journal, 1993, 4.
  12. Puffer S., A riddle wrapped in an enigma : Demystifying russian managerial motivation, European Management Journal, 1993, 4.
  13. Tampoe M., Motivating knowledge workers - the challenge for the 1990s, Long Range Planning, 1993, 3.
  14. Rajagopalan N.,Finkelstein S., Effects of strategic orientation and environmental change on senior management reward systems, Strategic Management Journal, 1992, Summer.
  15. Fisher J.,Govindarajan V., Profit center manager compensation : An examination of market, political and human capital factors, Strategic Management Journal, 1992, Vol.13.
  16. Gomez-Mejia L.R., Structure and process of diversification, compensation strategy, and firm performance, Strategic Management Journal, 1992, Vol.13.
  17. Baird L.,Meshoulam I., Getting payoff from investment in human resource management, Business Horizons, 1992, January-February.
  18. Lewin D.,Mitchell D.J.B., Systems of employee voice : theoretical and empirical perspectives, California Management Review, 1992, Spring.
  19. McCabe D.M.,Lewin D., Employee voice : A human resource management perspective, California Management Review, 1992, Spring.
  20. Lambert R.A.,Larcker D.F.,Weigelt K., How sensitive is executive compensation to organizational size ?, Strategic Management Journal, 1991, 5.
  21. Sargent A., Giving workers the will to win, Works Management, 1991, March.
  22. Galbraith C.S.,Merrill G.B., The effect of compensation program and structure on SBU competitive strategy : A study of technology-intensive firms, Strategic Management Journal, 1991, Vol.12.
  23. Parker D.,Hartley K., Do changes in organizational status affect financial performance ?, Strategic Management Journal, 1991, Vol.12.
  24. Oswald S.,Scott C.,Woerner W., Strategic management of human resources : The American Steel and Wire Company, Business Horizons, 1991, May-June.
  25. Simintiras A.C.,Lancaster G.A., Salesforce Motivation: A state-of-the-art review, Management Decision, 1991, 4.
  26. Zajac E.J., CEO selection, succession, compensation and firm performance : A theoretical integration and empirical analysis, Strategic Management Journal, 1990, 3.
  27. Schmidt D.R.,Fowler K.L., Post-acquisition financial performance and executive compensation, Strategic Management Journal, 1990, 7.
  28. Balkin D.B.,Gomez-Mejia L.R., Matching compensation and organizational strategies, Strategic Management Journal, 1990, Vol.11.
  29. Redwood A., Human resources management in the 1990s, Business Horizons, 1990, January-February.
  30. Miljus R.C.,Moore W.M., Economic reform and workplace conflict resolution in China, The Columbia Journal of World Business, 1990, 4.
  31. Doyle F.P., People-Power : The global human ressource challenge for the '90s, The Columbia Journal of World Business, 1990, 1-2.
  32. Cespedes F.V., A Preface to Payment: Designing a Sales Compensation Plan, Sloan Management Review, 1990, Fall.
  33. Murphy T., Pay for performance - an instrument of strategy, Long Range Planning, 1989, 4.
  34. Schuster M., Gain sharing : do it right the first time, Sloan Management Review, 1987, Winter.
  35. Shea G.P.,Guzzo R.A., Group effectiveness : What really means ?, Sloan Management Review, 1987, Spring.
  36. Bernardin H.J.,Beatty R.W., Can subordinate appraisals enhance managerial productivity ?, Sloan Management Review, 1987, Summer.
  37. Kerr S., On the folly of rewarding A, while hoping for B, Academy of Management Journal, 1975, 18.

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