MiesiΩcznik PúACA
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Artyku│y angielskojΩzyczne
- Gratton L., Implementing strategic intent : human ressources processes as a force for change, Business Strategy Review, 1994, 1.
- Hunt J.W., The european consultant : What motivates and demotivates ?, Business Strategy Review, 1994, 1.
- Kennedy C., Re-engineering: The Human Costs and Benefits, Long Range Planning, 1994, October.
- Boyd B.K., Board control and CEO compensation, Strategic Management Journal, 1994, Vol.15.
- Stead B.A., Worksite health programs : A significant cost-cutting approach, Business Horizons, 1994, November-December.
- Pfeffer J., Competitive advantage through people, California Management Review, 1994, Winter.
- Schonberger R.J., Human resource management lessons from a decade of total quality management and reengineering, California Management Review, 1994, Summer.
- Cutcher-Gershenfeld J. et al., Japanese team-based work systems in North America : Explaining the diversity, California Management Review, 1994, Fall.
- Tampoe M., Motivating Knowledge Workers - The Challenge for the 1990s, Long Range Planning, 1993, 3.
- Kucher E.,Hilleke K., Value pricing through conjoint measurement : A practical approach, European Management Journal, 1993, 3.
- Hiltrop J-M., Strategic pressures driving European HRM, European Management Journal, 1993, 4.
- Puffer S., A riddle wrapped in an enigma : Demystifying russian managerial motivation, European Management Journal, 1993, 4.
- Tampoe M., Motivating knowledge workers - the challenge for the 1990s, Long Range Planning, 1993, 3.
- Rajagopalan N.,Finkelstein S., Effects of strategic orientation and environmental change on senior management reward systems, Strategic Management Journal, 1992, Summer.
- Fisher J.,Govindarajan V., Profit center manager compensation : An examination of market, political and human capital factors, Strategic Management Journal, 1992, Vol.13.
- Gomez-Mejia L.R., Structure and process of diversification, compensation strategy, and firm performance, Strategic Management Journal, 1992, Vol.13.
- Baird L.,Meshoulam I., Getting payoff from investment in human resource management, Business Horizons, 1992, January-February.
- Lewin D.,Mitchell D.J.B., Systems of employee voice : theoretical and empirical perspectives, California Management Review, 1992, Spring.
- McCabe D.M.,Lewin D., Employee voice : A human resource management perspective, California Management Review, 1992, Spring.
- Lambert R.A.,Larcker D.F.,Weigelt K., How sensitive is executive compensation to organizational size ?, Strategic Management Journal, 1991, 5.
- Sargent A., Giving workers the will to win, Works Management, 1991, March.
- Galbraith C.S.,Merrill G.B., The effect of compensation program and structure on SBU competitive strategy : A study of technology-intensive firms, Strategic Management Journal, 1991, Vol.12.
- Parker D.,Hartley K., Do changes in organizational status affect financial performance ?, Strategic Management Journal, 1991, Vol.12.
- Oswald S.,Scott C.,Woerner W., Strategic management of human resources : The American Steel and Wire Company, Business Horizons, 1991, May-June.
- Simintiras A.C.,Lancaster G.A., Salesforce Motivation: A state-of-the-art review, Management Decision, 1991, 4.
- Zajac E.J., CEO selection, succession, compensation and firm performance : A theoretical integration and empirical analysis, Strategic Management Journal, 1990, 3.
- Schmidt D.R.,Fowler K.L., Post-acquisition financial performance and executive compensation, Strategic Management Journal, 1990, 7.
- Balkin D.B.,Gomez-Mejia L.R., Matching compensation and organizational strategies, Strategic Management Journal, 1990, Vol.11.
- Redwood A., Human resources management in the 1990s, Business Horizons, 1990, January-February.
- Miljus R.C.,Moore W.M., Economic reform and workplace conflict resolution in China, The Columbia Journal of World Business, 1990, 4.
- Doyle F.P., People-Power : The global human ressource challenge for the '90s, The Columbia Journal of World Business, 1990, 1-2.
- Cespedes F.V., A Preface to Payment: Designing a Sales Compensation Plan, Sloan Management Review, 1990, Fall.
- Murphy T., Pay for performance - an instrument of strategy, Long Range Planning, 1989, 4.
- Schuster M., Gain sharing : do it right the first time, Sloan Management Review, 1987, Winter.
- Shea G.P.,Guzzo R.A., Group effectiveness : What really means ?, Sloan Management Review, 1987, Spring.
- Bernardin H.J.,Beatty R.W., Can subordinate appraisals enhance managerial productivity ?, Sloan Management Review, 1987, Summer.
- Kerr S., On the folly of rewarding A, while hoping for B, Academy of Management Journal, 1975, 18.
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