Conference Abstracts

Index of Conference Abstracts





Libraries Technical Overview

Design, functionality, and extensibility in the 1.0 Java API.

This talk overviews the functionality, design, and extensibility of the class packages in the 1.0 Java API: java.lang,, java.util,, java.awt, java.awt.image, java.awt.peer, and java.applet. In addition to surveying the packages, we discuss and exemplify pervasive design issues such as simplicity, architecture neutrality, and modularity. Extensibility is a special focus of the talk, in two ways: how the existing classes are extensible, and how the API will grow to accomodate fuller functionality in all areas.

(View the presentation slides.)

Platform Independence & Reusability

How the Java architecture makes platform independence possible.

A detailed tour through the aspects of the Java technologies that enable platform independence. This will include sections on the design of the Java language, the Java virtual machine, and the dynamic linking mechanism. The session will also cover how these design choices make reusable components a reality.

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Java Runtime Internals

Internals of the virtual machine, garbage collection, etc.

This talk discusses what the Java runtime system does "under the hood". Among the topics we will discuss are: the Java interpreter, the byte codes, the garbage collector, the security manager and the verifier, the threads implementation, and where the Java implementation is going. Come to this talk if you're interested in a technical, backstage look at Java technology.

(View the presentation slides.)

Future Java Technologies

A preview of upcoming Java technologies on the horizon and beyond.

This session will give an overview of all of the many projects underway that extend the Java technologies. Most of these projects are covered in detail in other talks: this is the roadmap that covers them all at a high level and links them together.

Servers & Server Extensions

Introducing JavaSoft's server framework and servlet API, our HTTP server, and how to extend the server with servlets.

This session will introduce JavaSoft's server framework and how to extend the HTTP server using the generic servlet API. Part of the session will be a tutorial that will take you through steps involved in writing a network server using this generic framework. We will also cover the design of the HTTP server and HTTP servlets, and various ways in which the HTTP server can be extended.

(View the presentation slides.)

Database Access

JavaSoft's technology for intranet and internet database applications.

A key component for the use of the Java language on corporate intranets is database connectivity. JavaSoft recently developed a solution for this problem based on a SQL API called JDBC. JavaSoft has also laid the groundwork for Java-based object databases and higher-level relational APIs and tools. In this talk we will summarize different kinds of databases and database APIs, and JavaSoft's plans in each area.

(View the presentation slides.)

Database Connectivity

Short talks from various JavaSoft partners who provide complementary Java database connectivity solutions.

RICK CATTELL, JavaSoft (moderator)
ROGER SIPPL, Visigenic Software
JOHN GOODSON, Intersolv Software
MARK SANDEEN, Object Design

(View the presentation slides.)

Cryptography & Security

JavaSoft's security strategy: signed applets, untrusted applets, mobile applications, and beyond.

In this presentation, we will introduce all the new security features in Java v1.1. and how to use them in real-world applications and applets. New features will include the security API and library, digitally signed classes and the new security manager. We will also show you how to implement server-side security for real-world applications, including access authorization, SSL and customized security managers.

(View the presentation slides.)

JDBC: Java Database Connection

How to use the JDBC API to connect to relational databases.

JDBC is a Java API that has been designed by JavaSoft in conjunction with the leading database and database connectivity vendors in order to allow Java-powered programs access to relational databases. This talk will describe the goals and motivation of the JDBC API and describe the key classes that constitute the API. We will also walk though some simple JDBC examples and describe JDBC implementation status.

(View the presentation slides.)

Media Class Libraries

The classes being defined by Sun and other partners for richer 2D and 3D graphics, imaging, audio & video.

This session provides an overview and demonstration of a new suite of media-oriented open interfaces defined by Sun in conjunction with several partners. These APIs offer applet and application developers a simple, high level means for incorporating a variety of rich media types into their designs. They provide enhanced capabilities in the areas of 2D graphics and imaging, 3D graphics, audio, video, telephony, collaboration, and other media. Furthermore, they provide a dynamic and highly extensible framework into which a wide range of specific media technologies (e.g., media delivery network protocols, media format handlers, etc.) can be embedded.

(View the presentation slides.)

Remote Objects

Introducing JavaSoft's remote method invocation and distributed object technologies.

The benefits of using the Java language for developing applications can be increased by distributing the computation across the network. The distributed object systems developed by JavaSoft leverage these benefits in two ways. First, we support integration with the distributed object model defined by OMG and CORBA. Second, the remote method invocation system supports distributed objects as a simple and natural extension to the Java language's object model.

(View the presentation slides.)

Electronic Commerce

Introducing Sun's Java-based framework for electronic commerce.

This talk presents Sun's Java-based framework for electronic commerce, which will allow Java applets and applications to safely cause transactions to occur in the financial world, and how this framework could be used to implement a "virtual wallet." Just like a real wallet, a virtual wallet could organize all of a user's credit cards, electronic checks and electronic cash as well as organizing receipts, coupons and other electronic identification. By leveraging the Java language's capabilities to download code, a virtual wallet could also be able to add in new payment mechanisms.

Embedded and Small Systems

Java implementations for systems with limited hardware resources and software support.

Java-powered programs typically run in environments that include full-featured operating systems running on full-featured workstations or personal computers. But the Java language doesn't inherently require a large amount of software and hardware resources. This talk will provide answers to questions such as: What are the minimal software and hardware features required to run Java-powered programs?

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Advanced Tutorial: Real-World Applets

Tips and tricks for developing small, fast commercial-quality applets.

This tutorial describes techniques the author has used to build applets that have been deployed on popular commercial sites. Topics covered will include incremental loading, parameter parsing, double-buffering, advanced animations, platform-dependent issues, Netscape frames, applet protection, client-server communication, and external windows. The tutorial is designed for programmers familiar with the Java language; it is technical with many code samples. However, it is not necessary to be proficient in the particular classes discussed.

(View the presentation slides.)

Advanced Tutorial: Network-Based Applications

How to use the Java networking classes, including TCP sockets, datagrams, multicast etc.

This tutorial primarily focuses on how to write client-server network applications in the Java language. It will introduce the basic networking classes including sockets, datagrams and URLs. The tutorial will also cover more advanced topics like how to write a multicast-based application. It will also illustrate, through examples, extending network applications through the use of pluggable protocol handlers.

(View the presentation slides.)

Human Interface Design

Designing human interfaces that make use of applets on web pages.

HTML and Java-powered applets open a world of opportunities for human interface design. We will explore some of these opportunities using the HotJava(TM) Browser as an example. The examples will include the use of applets for layout, animation, and sound. We will also discuss how designing human interfaces with HTML and Java-powered applets differs from more common approaches used in today's monolithic applications and offer some pointers on which approaches work best.

(View the presentation slides.)

Authoring & Scripting

A panel discussion on scripting languages such as JavaScript(TM), and tools for authoring Java-powered apps.

RAWN SHAH, RTD Systems & Networking, Inc. (Moderator)
BRENDAN EICH, Netscape Communications, Inc.
BC KRISHNA, FutureTense, Inc.
FRANK GALDES, Kinetix, Inc.
This panel is an overview of current Java-based technologies which allow end-users and programmers alike means of developing applications through visual development environments. These tools allow rapid application or applet development using sets of predefined components or tools. Now instead of days and weeks of direct development, programmers can spend minutes or hours to bring a project to a completion. A general overview of authoring tools will be followed by brief presentations of projects by the members of the panel.

(View the presentation slides.)

Advanced Tutorial: Abstract Window Toolkit

How to take full advantage of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) to develop robust Java-based GUIs.

Instructs attendees how to utilize the AWT class library to create robust and attractive user interfaces for Java-powered applets and applications. Explains the peer architecture and how it affects using the AWT; teaches how to use the layout managers to create complex user interface structures; explains the process of creating completely new Java-powered components using subclassing techniques. Presents the foundation of the graphics rendering model, including the architecture of the image code with details about how the ImageProducer & Consumer objects interact and how to take best advantage of them. Attendees will get a preview of the new media-oriented APIs being defined by Sun and other partners which will open the door to device-independent, high-quality 2D rendering.

(View part one and part two of the presentation slides.)

Designing Real-Time Interactive Services

NOVA SPIVACK co-founder, EarthWeb
ALEX CHAFFEE The Dalang of Gamelan
This talk will focus on challenges and solutions encountered while implementing commercial-grade functionality for use on multiple platforms by large audiences, and will discuss case studies from work developing Java-powered internet services. The Java language can provide much more than flying logos---we will explore the inner workings of applets and applications which provide new levels of real-time social interaction and information within Web services.

(View the presentation slides.)

Private Label Browsers

How to turn the HotJava browser into your own custom Web browser.

The HotJava browser is designed to be highly customizable, allowing users to configure it to suit a variety of purposes -- without programming or source code. We will show examples of how the HotJava browser can be customized for a company's private Intranet, and how individual users can make it their own "private" browser.

(View the presentation slides.)

Designing Your Own Class Libraries

How to build your own class libraries for the Java language.

KARL JACOB, Dimension X
This session will discuss techniques we have used to build 2-D and 3-D multimedia toolkits and class libraries written in the Java language. We will explore the use of packages and scoping rules, class design using native extensions, and problems and solutions associated with delivering Java-powered applications.

Advanced Tutorial: Multithreaded Applications

(View the presentation slides.)

How to use the power of multi-threading in your Java-powered applications.

TOM BALL, JavaSoft
For both beginning and seasoned developers, the Java language's integrated support for multithreading can be challenging. Multithreaded design can significantly improve both performance and reliability, but many developers are unsure how it can best be used in "real-world" applications. This talk focuses on practical ways to utilize multithreading in your projects, while avoiding the pitfalls many developers encounter when first working with it.

(View the presentation slides.)

Designing with 3D

Adding a new dimension to the Java programming language.

KARL JACOB, DimensionX
LARRY MCDUNNA, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Several groups are extending the Java language to support 3D graphics. We will outline some of the issues involved with implementing Java-powered 3D graphics. Panelists will discuss and demonstrate how they have addressed these issues and how you can add a new dimension to your Java-powered applications.

(View the presentation slides.)

Distributed Computation & Persistence

Introducing JavaSoft's technology for persistent objects and distributed computation.

Traditionally persistence and distributed computation have been provided by separate facilities. This talk will discuss a different approach that unifies these two facilities in a widely distributed system (like the internet) using shared repositories that contain sequences of objects. By using this approach, both persistence and distributed computation can be supported using a single type of object with a simple interface. We will talk about how to design programs using this approach, and show how the resulting programs are simpler and more reliable than those with equivalent functionality based on more traditional approaches.

(View the presentation slides.)

Multiuser Environments

Social-oriented online systems: Tools for communication.

DOUGLAS CROCKFORD, Electric Communities
The development of social spaces presents some significant design challenges, both at the technological and inter-personal level. This session includes advice on the construction of reliable systems for collaborative computing, on-line recreation, and information marketplaces.

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JavaSoft Business Roadmap

An overview of JavaSoft's business and technical strategies.

The Java technology has attained widespread use through its inclusion in web browsers. But there is more to the strategy than interactive web pages. This talk will discuss the vision for the JavaSoft business discussing life above and below the platform, and the opportunities for JavaSoft and our partners.

(View the presentation slides.)

Industry Outlook (Markets Intro)

Key market segments and opportunities for Java-powered applications.

This sessopm will review the impact Java has had on the software industry, the dynamics that led us, and some of the future challenges. In addition, a discussion regarding key market segments and opportunities for Java-powered applications will be addressed.

(View the presentation slides.)

Database Systems and Tools

Short talks from various JavaSoft partners who provide Java database systems and tools. RICK CATTELL, JavaSoft (moderator);
TOM MILLER, Informix

(View the presentation slides.)

The Internet Server

Market opportunities for Java-powered servers and servlets.

HONG Q. BUI, JavaSoft
This talk will present the features, strategy and opportunities of our Java-powered HTTP server and how it fits into JavaSoft's overall strategy. Why another internet server? Part of that answer lies with what you can do to extend it. What are others doing with this technology already? Who are our partners? What market opportunities are provided? How can you take advantage of this technology for your own benefit? How does this product relate to the HotJava browser, and the overall client-server paradigm? What are the advantages of our server over the competition? Come find out the answers to these questions and more.

(View the presentation slides.)

Markets: Intranet/Enterprise

How Java technology is changing corporate development for the enterprise.

ERIC SMITH, JavaSoft (moderator)
HAL STERN, Sun Microsystems
JEFF SCHERB, Dun and Bradstreet Software
The availability of the Java language provides corporate developers with a new money-saving approach to providing on-line services and information within corporate intranets. We will discuss how the Intranet is being utilized to capture worldwide corporate knowledge, the expected business value and payback of Java-based extensions to enterprise transaction systems, and the lessons we have learned about building enterprise application functionality with the Java language.

(View the presentation slides.)

The Internet Players

Who's who in the wild and crazy world of the Internet.

RUTH HENNIGAR, Onlive! Technologies
JOHN DOERR, Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield & Byers
In this confusing and fast moving world of the web every day new players are emerging. Companies are partnering in ways that even months ago were unimaginable. Industries are overlapping, corporate charters are changing and IPOs happen every day. So, how can you tell who's who? Who are the movers and shakers? Spend an hour with some of the people who are closest to the industry and get a sense of the game, the teams and the players in the Internet.

The Internet Desktop

How Java technology and the Internet are redefining the desktop.

With the advent of the personal computer, we saw the creation of the desktop metaphor and an emphasis on usability to enhance individual productivity. With the proliferation of the World Wide Web, increasingly the network is the file server. How is a net-aware desktop different from the current desktop metaphor? Can we fulfill hypertext inventor Doug Englebart's vision of networked computers augmenting human enterprise? What lies beyond using the network simply as a file server? In this talk, I will address how emerging Internet standards, including the Java language, can change the way we work and work together on the networked "desktop."

(View the presentation slides.)

Java Compatibility

What it means to be Java Compatible(TM): conformance tests and other issues.

What does "Java-Compatible" really mean? How do we determine if a Java implementation conforms to the specifications? This talk covers several aspects of compatibility testing, including why compatibility is important, which testing approaches we are using at JavaSoft, and some interesting issues in determining compatibility (such as applet vs standalone application support).

(View the presentation slides.)

Markets: Finance

Leading Financial Service developers discuss issues related to using Java technology in the Finance community.

FRANK GRECO, Crossroads Technologies (moderator)
MARK CATES, First Union Corp.
This panel of leading financial service developers and customers will discuss their project plans and issues in the development and deployment of Java-based technology in insurance, brokerage, banking and capital markets.

(View the presentation slides.)

Java-Based Appliances

Internet appliances and embedded systems incorporating Java technology.

The Internet's exponentially growing content and the growing body of Java-powered applications are making network computers an attractive idea. At the same time, the simplicity of the Java language makes possible the development of small memory implementations of the Java Virtual Machine. As well as driving the development of Java-based network appliances such as Internet computers, this confluence of forces is leading to a wide range of embedded systems including, for example, PDAs, printers, car navigation systems, and even cellular telephones that are Java-enabled appliances. This talk will describe how Java-based technology is beginning to play a role in this world of small devices and where these developments may lead.

(View the presentation slides.)

Revolutionizing Software Distribution

Exploring new strategies for distributing software over the Internet.

TIM LINDHOLM, JavaSoft (moderator)
JIM STAFFORD, Softbank Expos
The Java language has taken the computing industry by storm, gaining mindshare in an unprecedented speed and changing the directions of whole corporations. But little waving figures on web pages offer more promise than substance. Java-based technology also supports fundamental changes to the ways that software can be designed, packaged, and distributed. This panel draws from the community of developers to consider some of the directions in which Java-based technology is steering the future of the software industry.

(View the presentation slides.)

Markets: Internet Commerce

Issues of international trade over the Internet, such as taxation, digital cash, encryption and security.

Join us in discussions with industry luminaries who will address some of the largest issues posing barries to profitable online commerce over the internet, including secure transations, international commerce, digital cash, public/private encryption.

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Adobe and the Internet

How Adobe technologies complement the Java programming environment.

PAUL HOLLAND, Adobe Systems
This is an overview of Adobe's enhanced imaging model for 2D graphics and type for the Java language. We will discuss a set of classes which will extend the current AWT package. These classes provide a powerful set of tools for representing today's visually rich information. We will also present the model an application uses to interact with these new classes for drawing to screen, printing, and saving to various file formats, and will demonstrate server applications of this technology.

Rapid Application Development

Learn how Borland eases your development from prototype to production.

WILLIAM DUNLAP, Borland Borland's Latte Rapid Application
Development tool provides the performance, re-use, and scalabilty required to create business-critical cross platform applications. Build robust Java-powered applications using Latte's unique component architecture and visual development tools. This talk details the Latte environment and component model and also presents a database connectivity solution using JDBC and Borland's InterBase database server.

(View the presentation slides.)

Platform Independent Programming on the Intranet

How enterprise-wide solutions protect your investment and allow for platform freedom.

IAN BRACKENBURY, Chief Scientist, IBM UK Labs
In a world where end users have a choice of desktop systems, it can be difficult to coordinate enterprise-wide software solutions without employing large programming and support staffs. To alleviate this problem, IBM is committed to deploying Java-based technology through its product range, blazing the trail for new network-centric computing applications and maximizing existing databases and systems. Java-based technology makes this possible because it allows a single application to run on all desktops, regardless of the operating system. IBM has already produced Java-based implementations for AIX and OS/2 platforms, and has plans for VisualAge development tools, OS/400 and MVS implementations, and JDBC access to DB2 databases and gateways for electronic commerce.

Component Software Architecture

How Java-based component software will address the needs of developers today.

This session will offer some perspective for developers currently asking "Do I need Java?" In corporate environments, users and developers require distributed applications. While Java technology has promising potential, it is still an unproven commodity. For corporate developers and VARs, the reality gap partially lies in the fact that today, it does not come with class facilities that leverage truly functional application developments. Dr. Tomabechi will describe an amalgamated development environment approach that incorporates the future benefits of a cross-platform Java-based architecture and today's power of component software architecture.

(View the presentation slides.)

Macintosh Development

Tools How to use the CodeWarrior development tools for the Java programming language.

GREG GALANOS, Metrowerks inc.
CLINTON POPETZ, Metrowerks inc.
MIKE LOCKWOOD, Metrowerks inc.
Metrowerks has just introduced its suite of programming tools for the Java language. AWT and the Java VM have both been re-implemented on top of PowerPlant, the CodeWarrior C++ framework. Support for the Java language has been implemented in Metrowerks CodeWarrior debuggers. This talk will cover Metrowerks' plans as well as implementation details of the AWT to PowerPlant mapping mechanism and a complete overview of source-level debugging of Java-powered applets and droplets.

(View the presentation slides.)

Java-Based Devices from Mitsubishi Electric

This talk will include a discussion about the microcontroller M32R/D and other Java-based devices from Mitsubishi.

ERIC NGUYEN, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
YUICHI NAKO, Mistubishi Electric Corporation
MAMORU SAKAMOTO, Mistubishi Electric Corporation
Until now, end-user consumer computer applications required multiple chips: CPU, memory and other logic functions to store and handle locally-resident application software. In this talk, Mitsubishi focuses on broadening the cost-effective application space for developers by providing a radically improved hardware platform. This platform includes a high level of integration with 2M bytes of DRAM and the Java programming language embedded on a low-power, 32-bit microcontroller.

(View the presentation slides.)

Introduction to the JavaScript Language

Using the JavaScript Language for both client and server application development.

ECKART WALTHER, Netscape Communications Corp.
Interested in learning more about the JavaScript language, Netscape's Java-based scripting language for developing client and Internet applications? Its constructs for database connectivity provide a high degree of independence from a specific database vendor for Netscape Livewire Pro applications, allowing the applications to be portable across major database systems. It alsi allows developers to use an object-based language for enhancing HTML development efforts. This talk will focus on the JavaScript language as it allows developers to enhance both client and server Internet applications. Real world examples will demonstrate how you can embed statements directly in an HTML page and create robust server-side connectivity to major database systems.

(View the presentation slides.)

Beyond Browsers

Opportunities for Java-powered applications in the NetWare environment

DREW MAJOR, Novell Inc.
Novell's support of Java-powered applications executing on NetWare servers and clients presents a significant new opportunity to developers (NetWare's installed base is over 40 million clients). Topic will include NetWare support and mapping of standard class libraries, cooperative efforts with Sun to define new class libraries in the non-browser and server spaces, and new value Novell brings to the Java environment from NetWare services and infrastructure.

(View the presentation slides.)

Building Hypermedia Applications with VRML 2.0

Learn how the Cosmo software environment enables developers to create a new class of 3D and multimedia applications.

ANDY PALAY, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
JIM HELMAN, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
The Java language and VRML are great technologies --but only through their integration will innovative and compelling applications get produced. This session will cover the tools and technologies necessary for developing a new class of applications. Included in the discussion is Silicon Graphics' visual development environment, Cosmo Code(TM), as well as the new 3D graphics API that supports VRML 2.0.

PicoJava(tm): A Hardware Implementation of the Java Virtual Machine

MARC TREMBLAY, Sun Microelectronics
The proliferation of Java technology in the embedded market, where the right combination of performance and required memory footprint is critical, offers designers the opportunity to develop processors better tailored to executing Java-powered applets. PicoJava, a hardware implementation of the Java Virtual Machine, executes bytecodes directly therefore eliminating the need for an interpreter or a JIT compiler.

(View the presentation slides; see also the slides on New Mobile Applications.)

The Evolution of Web Servers in the Java Environment

Dennis Tsu, Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation
What types of hardware are coming down the pike that will be suitable for the developer working with Java technology? What trends and changes will the industry undergo in the future? Dennis Tsu, Director of Internet Product Marketing at SMCC, will share Sun's vision of a world full of technology advances promising to keep developers competitive and on the cutting edge.

Java WorkShop and Beyond: Building Internet and Intranet Applications

(View the presentation slides.)

JOE KELLER, Director, Developer Products
Java turns the Web into a client/server application platform and distribution channel for both Internet and intranet developers. Client/server development now means software development, content creation, and even Web publishing in a Java world. In this session, SunSoft provides an overview of new ground-breaking tools such as Java WorkShop and Joe for building, extending and deploying client/server applications for the Web.

(View the presentation slides.)

Next Generation Development Tools

This session will provide an overview of Symantec's upcoming Java-based development tools for the internet/intranet and database connectivity.

MANSOUR SAFAI, General Manager, Internet Development Tools
Discover how advancements in development tools technologies can help you become more productive and create better code faster than ever before. This session will show you where the cutting edge of Java-based technology is headed and how development tools of the near future will enhance and simplify access to those new technologies for developers at all skill levels. Symantec will provide a demonstration and discussion of the latest generation of tools currently available for applet and application development and execution, and will also reveal a glimpse of what the future holds.

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Session Schedule