1stgen.zip | Collection of ALL 1st Generation Viruses |
adams.zip | The adams family virii |
anarkick.zip | Anarkick Systems - a collection |
arcvcoll.zip | An ARCV virus collection (37) |
arcvupd3.zip | An ARCV collection. Update 3 |
arcvvirs.zip | ARCV's database of their own viruses. |
australi.zip | The complete Australian Parasite Virus Package |
betaboys.zip | BetaBoys - A collection <-Cicatrix-|09/95> |
beva.zip | collection of Beva viruses. |
bwupdate.zip | Biological Warfare - a collection <-Cicatrix-|04/95> Upd 1 |
conner-f.zip | The Conner Family -MuTaTiON INTERRUPT- Here are the Conner |
cryptco1.zip | The Crypt Collection #1 |
cryptkpr.zip | A Crypt Keeper virus collection |
danish_t.zip | The Complete Danish Tiny Virus Serie. |
dayz.zip | Dayz of futures past collection |
deathboy.zip | A Deathboy virus collection |
demyouth.zip | A Demoralized Youth virus collection |
evilavat.zip | An Evil Avatar Collection |
genvirs.zip | Collection of GENVIRUSes |
hungvirs.zip | Hungarian Virus Collection - From Europe |
hunvir.zip | Hungarian Virus Collection. |
imi-fam.zip | IMI Virus Family. |
imi10.zip | Collection of IMI 1.0b variants |
in-worm.zip | Source to the infamous Internet Worm... |
indian3.zip | Indian Collection |
ir.zip | Immortal Riot Virusses |
irupdate.zip | Immortal Riot Collection. Update 1 (includes MAG#6) |
ivp-coll.zip | IVP - a collection <-Cicatrix-|04/95> |
kohntark.zip | A Kohntark collection |
lavicoll.zip | LAVI - a collection <-Cicatrix-|04/95> |
locpries.zip | A Little Loc / Priest virus collection |
macrovir.zip | Macro Viruses - a collection of 6 viruses & 1 trojan |
mbfamily.zip | Mayberry Family |
memlapse.zip | A Memory Lapse Collection (Viruses) |
mlupdate.zip | A Memory Lapse virus collection. Update 1 |
mnemonix.zip | The Mnemonix Collection (Tools & Viruses) |
mxupdat5.zip | A MnemoniX collection. Update 5 |
mxupdate.zip | A Mnemonix Collection. Update 1 (7 new viruses) |
ncsa-exe.zip | David Stangs [NCSA] .Exe collection |
ncsacom1.zip | David Stangs [NCSA] .Com collection |
ncsacom2.zip | David Stangs [NCSA] .com collection |
nrlgcoll.zip | NRLG - a collection <-Cicatrix-|04/95> |
pmupdat4.zip | PolyMutaEncr - a collection of engines. Update 4 |
polymuta.zip | PolyMutaEncr - A collection of 30 polymorphic engines, |
qmisanth.zip | A "Q" the misanthrope collection |
revel_1.zip | Revel some virus group with souces to new viruses |
rockstdy.zip | A Rock Steady collection |
satanfam.zip | SATAN Virus Family. |
sbupdate.zip | A Stormbringer virus collection. Update 1 |
stormbrg.zip | A Stormbringer virus collection |
tdupdat2.err | |
tex-virs.zip | About 20 viruses in this ZIP. All are Jerusalem variants |
tridcoll.err | |
trident.zip | trident complete collection from trident upon closure of |
vdupdate.zip | A VLAD collection. Update 1 |
vgupdat3.zip | A Virogen collection. Update 3 |
virogen.zip | ûirogen, a collection of his viruses and tools |
vladcoll.zip | A VLAD virus collection |
yamcafee.zip | A Youths Against McAfee virus / tool collection |
yank-all.zip | All the YaNkee ViRii, Over 30 infact! |
ymupdate.zip | YAM -=A collection of their work and tools=- |