Press Releases

For all press release inquiries, see contact information.


e n g l i s h

June 20, 1997:
EFI to Conduct Demonstration of Fiery Technology for Digital Black & White Copiers
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


June 17, 1997:
Konica to Preview New Desktop Color Laser Printer with Next Generation Fiery Print Controller from EFI
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


May 7, 1997:
EFI Announces New Production Color Server for Canon CLC 1000
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


May 6, 1997:
EFI Announces Advanced Fiery Production Color Server for Xerox DocuColor 70
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


May 6, 1997:
EFI and Océ Printing Systems USA to Demonstrate New Fiery Server for Océ's High-Speed Black and White Production Printing Systems

(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


May 6, 1997:
EFI Takes the Color Revolution to DocuWorld97

(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


April 23, 1997:
EFI Showcases New Products and Technologies at Seybold New York
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


April 22, 1997:
EFI Announces Support for Adobe PostScript 3
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


April 22, 1997:
EFI to Join Executive Board of Print on Demand Initiative (PODi)
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


April 10, 1997:
EFI Announces Record Revenue and Earnings for the First Quarter of 1997
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


March 13, 1997:
EFI Introduces Next Generation User Interface for Fiery Production Color Servers -- Cutting Edge Design Gives Users Greater Control Over Complex Jobs
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


March 13, 1997:
EFI Introduces Tools for Remote Printer Management Via the World Wide Web -- Fiery Web Tools Allow Users to Monitor and Control Printing on Fiery Driven Devices Using Any Java-Enabled Browser
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


March 13, 1997:
EFI Announces "Built for Business" Fiery Color Server with Breakthrough Price -- Entry-Level Fiery SI Optimized for Business Graphics
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
March 11, 1997:
Kinko's & EFI Sign Letter of Intent to Form Strategic Technology Alliance -- Kinko's Intends to Standardize on EFI's Fiery Product Family for its Stores Worldwide
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
January 23, 1997:
Electronics for Imaging Announces 2-for-1 Stock Split to Be Effective February 20, 1997
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
January 16, 1997:
Electronics for Imaging Announces Record Revenue and Earnings for Q4 and 1996
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
October 21, 1996:
Océ Printing Systems and Electronics for Imaging Announce Development of Ultra High-Speed Fiery for Océ's High-Performance Black & White Production Printers
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
October 14, 1996:
Electronics for Imaging and Pipeline Sign Licensing Agreement
October 10, 1996:
Electronics for Imaging, Inc. Announces Record Revenue and Earnings for Third Quarter of 1996
October 10, 1996:
Electronics for Imaging, Inc. Announces Record Revenue and Earnings for Third Quarter of 1996
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
September 27, 1996:
New Fiery XJ Booklet MakerTM Software Enables Fiery XJ Color Servers to Support Finished Booklet Printing for the On-Demand Market
September 11, 1996:
Embedded Fiery Controller to Provide Photographic Quality Printing Capability for New Ricoh Aficio 2000 Series Copiers
September 11, 1996:
Fiery XJ-W to Provide Network Connectivity, Adobe PostScript, High Quality Color for ENCAD NovaJet Pro and HP DesignJet 750C Printers
September 11, 1996:
New Fiery XJ+ Family Delivers Up to 45% Faster Document Processing at the Same Price Point as Previous Models
September 11, 1996:
EFIShips New Fiery Color Server for Production Color Systems
September 11, 1996:
EFIAnnounces New Fiery Color Server for Indigo E-Print 1000+ Digital Press
August 8, 1996:
EFI Announces Agreement with Foster City for New Corporate Headquarters
July 11, 1996:
EFI Announces Record Revenues and Earnings for the 2nd Quarter of 1996
June 18, 1996:
EFI to Supply Fiery XJe Controller for IBM Network Color Laser Printer
June 3, 1996:
EFI Wins Design Excellence Award for Fiery XJ Color Server

We regularly update our press release section, and we invite you to come back and check for late-breaking news.

f r a n ç a i s

13 Mars 1997:
Electronics for Imaging étend le leadership prix/performances de la gamme Fiery Color Server
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)
13 Mars 1997:
Electronics for Imaging lance la nouvelle interface utilisateur des Fiery Production Color Servers
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)
13 Mars 1997:
Electronics for Imaging lance des outils de gestion d'impression à distance via le Worldwide Web
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)
13 Mars 1997:
Electronics for Imaging lance le serveur couleur Fiery «conçu pour les entreprises» à un prix record
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)
30 Janvier 1997:
Electronics for Imaging, Inc. annonce un chiffre d'affaires et un bénéfice records pour le dernier trimestre et l'ensemble de l'année 1996.
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)
10 Décembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging nomme Cees Boshuizen au poste de vice-président des ventes européennes.
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)
11 Septembre 1996:
Le contrôleur Fiery XJe d'Electronics for Imaging pilote le premier système copieur/imprimante couleur numérique intégré (Ricoh Aficio série 2000)
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)
11 Septembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging introduit le serveur couleur Fiery sur le marché des traceurs jet d'encre grand format
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)
11 Septembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging définit un nouveau rapport prix/performances avec ses serveurs couleur les plus rapides du marché
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)
11 Septembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging commercialise un nouveau serveur couleur Fiery pour le système de production couleur numérique DocuColor 40 Xerox
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)
11 Septembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging annonce le nouveau serveur couleur Fiery pour la presse numérique Indigo E-Print 1000+
(Adobe Acrobat Reader nécessaire.)


d e u t s c h

27 Mai 1997:
Die Fiery Revolution auf der IMPRINTA
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
7 Mai 1997:
Electronics for Imaging präsentiert neuen Server für Produktionsumgebungen mit Canon CLC 1000
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
7 Mai 1997:
Electronics for Imaging präsentiert neuen Fiery Production Color Server für Xerox DocuColor 70
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
6 Mai 1997:
Electronics for Imaging präsentiert anläßlich der DocuWorld97 Gegenwart und Zukunft des digitalen Farbdrucks
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
23 April 1997:
Electronics for Imaging präsentiert neue Produkte und Technologien auf der Seybold Messe
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
10 April 1997:
Electronics for Imaging, Inc. meldet Rekordumsätze und -gewinne für das 1. Quartal 1997
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
16 Januar 1997:
Electronics for Imaging meldet Rekordumsätze und -gewinne für das 4. Quartal 1996
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
30 October 1996:
Electronics for Imaging integriert PowerPage PCL 5C Interpreter von Pipeline in Fiery XJe Controller
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig)
21 October 1996:
Océ Printing Systems und Electronics for Imaging geben Entwicklung eines neuen Fiery Servers für High-End-Schwarzweißdrucker für Produktionsumgebungen von Océ bekannt
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
10 October 1996:
Electronics for Imaging meldet Rekordumsätze und -gewinne für das 3. Quartal 1996
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
11 September 1996:
Fiery XJe Controller von Electronics for Imaging erstmals in digitalem Farbkopierer/Drucker (Ricoh Farbkopiererfamilie Aficio 2000)
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
11 September 1996:
Electronics for Imaging stellt neuen Fiery XJ+ für Indigo E-Print 1000+ Digital Press vor
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
11 September 1996:
Electronics for Imaging gibt Unterstützung für Adobe PDF-Drucktechnologie bekannt
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
11 September 1996:
Electronics for Imaging setzt neue Maßstäbe beim Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
11 September 1996:
Electronics for Imaging präsentiert neues Fiery Modell für Produktionssysteme
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)
11 September 1996:
Electronics for Imaging unterstützt Tintenstrahldrucker für Großformatausgaben
(Adobe Acrobat Reader notwendig.)


i t a l i a n o

13 Marzo 1997:
Electronics for Imaging amplia la linea di prodotti Fiery Color Server migliorando il rapporto Qualità/Prezzo
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario.)
13 Marzo 1997:
Electronics for Imaging presenta la prossima generazione un' interfaccia utente per i suoi Fiery Production Color Server
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario.)
13 Marzo 1997:
Electronics for Imaging lancia nuovi strumenti per la gestione a distanza di stampanti via Worldwide Web
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario.)
13 Marzo 1997:
Electronics For Imaging annuncia il «Built for Business» Fiery Color Server a un prezzo d'accesso
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario.)
21 Ottobre 1996:
Océ Printing Systems ed EFI - Electronics for Imaging - annunciano un accordo per lo sviluppo di un Server Fiery ultra veloce da applicare alle stampanti in bianco e nero Océ High Performance
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario.)
21 Ottobre 1996:
Controller Fiery XJe di Electronics for Imaging 7 anni a ritmi record
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario.)
11 Settembre 1996:
Controller Fiery XJe di Electronics for Imaging per gestire la prima fotocopiatrice/stampante laser a colori digitale integrata (Ricoh Aficio 2000)
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario.)
11 Settembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging lancia il noto Fiery Color Server sul mercato delle stampanti a getto d'inchiostro per grandi formati
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario)
11 Settembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging con i più veloci Color Server sul mercato determina un nuovo rapporto qualitá/prezzo
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario)
11 Settembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging lancia il nuovo Fiery Color Server per sistemi a colori per la produzione
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario)
11 Settembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging annuncia il nuovo Fiery Color Server per la macchina di stampa digitale Indigo E-Print 1000+
(Adobe Acrobat Reader necessario)


e s p a ñ o l

13 Marzo 1997:
Electronics for Imaging amplía el liderazgo en la relación precio/rendimiento de la línea de productos Fiery Color Server
(Se necesite Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
13 Marzo 1997:
Electronics for Imaging presenta la nueva generación de la interfaz de usario para los Fiery Production Color Servers
(Se necesite Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
13 Marzo 1997:
Electronics for Imaging presenta herramientas para gestión remota de impresoras vía la Worldwide Web
(Se necesite Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
13 Marzo 1997:
Electronics for Imaging anuncia el Fiery Color Server 'Creado para las empresas' con un precio sorprendente
(Se necesite Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
30 Enero 1997:
Electronics for Imaging anuncia ingresos y ganancias récord en el cuarto trimestre y en 1996
(Se necesite Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
10 Diciembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging nombra Vicepresidente de Ventas para Europa a Cees Boshuizen
(Se necesite Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
11 Septiembre 1996:
Electronics for Imaging lleva el reconocido Servidor de color Fiery al mercado de la inyección de tinta de amplio formato
(Se necesite Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


n e d e r l a n d s e

21 May 1997:
Electronics for Imaging zet nieuwe standaard voor hoogvolume kleurencopier
(Adobe Acrobat Reader benodigd.)
22 April 1997:
Electronics for Imaging behaalt recordwinst en omzet in eerste kwartaal 1997
(Adobe Acrobat Reader benodigd.)
13 Maart 1997:
Electronics for Imaging verruimt voorsprong in prijs/prestatieverhouding van Fiery Color Servers
(Adobe Acrobat Reader benodigd.)
13 Maart 1997:
Electronics for Imaging realiseert prijsdoorbraak met nieuwe Fiery Color Server voor zakelijk gebruik
(Adobe Acrobat Reader benodigd.)
13 Maart 1997:
Electronics for Imaging introduceert printer-management op afstand via World Wide Web
(Adobe Acrobat Reader benodigd.)
13 Maart 1997:
Electronics for Imaging introduceert nieuwe gebruikers interface voor hoogvolume Fiery Color Servers
(Adobe Acrobat Reader benodigd.)
6 December 1996:
Electronics for Imaging benoemt Cees Boshuizen tot vice-president Europa
(Adobe Acrobat Reader benodigd.)


s u o m e n k i e l i n e n

4 June 1997:
EFI perustaa Pohjoismaiden toimiston Tukholmaan
(Lukemiseen tarvitaan Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
23 May 1997:
EFI tukee Adobe PostScript 3 -standardia
(Lukemiseen tarvitaan Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
14 May 1997:
EFIltä uusi väripalvelin Canon CLC 1000 -värikopiokoneeseen/tulostimeen
(Lukemiseen tarvitaan Adobe Acrobat Reader.)


n o r s k

4 Juni 1997:
EFI etablerer Norden-kontor i Stockholm
(Adobe Acrobat Reader er påkrevet.)
23 May 1997:
EFI støtter Adobe PostScript 3
(Adobe Acrobat Reader er påkrevet.)


s v e n s k a

3 June 1997:
EFI etablerar Norden-kontor i Stockholm
(Adobe Acrobat Reader krävs.)
14 May 1997:
Ny EFI-färgserver till Canon CLC 1000
(Adobe Acrobat Reader krävs.)
12 May 1997:
EFI stödjer Adobe PostScript 3
(Adobe Acrobat Reader krävs.)

All content on this web site is Copyright © Electronics for Imaging, Inc. 1995-1997